PvP Patch v5 Beta Changelog
Version 5 is now available to download in Downloads!
PvP Patch version 5.0 beta is the final series of updates for Tactics League. With a culmination of community-requested features, feedback, suggestions, and more, version 5 expands on version 4 still with many similarities, but with vast new ways to play. Version 5 work started in early September 2024 and has been rigorously worked on just about daily from that time until now.
I personally want to thank Tzepish for being there with me on this massive modding project since v3 into v5. As one of the best, if not THE best PSP ASM modder, he has been a true friend and ally in helping to make this product possible for all to enjoy for years to come <3.
Index of Contents
- Quality of Life
- New Characters: Ashley Riot, Aerith, Elidibus, Balthier
- Jobs
- Monsters
- Action Abilities
- Reaction/Support/Movement Abilities
- Practice Mode
- Competitive All-Stars (4v4 format)
- Competitive Standard
- Rendezvous
Quality of Life
- Party Roster Expansion!
- The party roster has been expanded from 24 to 28 using the built-in Guest slots, allowing the 4 additional unique characters to join (or rejoin) the fight!
- Note: Because this feature uses the 4 reserved Guest slots, if you play Campaign, you can have duplicate unique characters deployed (one under your control and the other Guest-controlled, like 2 Delitas) so keep this in mind and potentially avoid deploying Guest units (to preserve the intended units in play)
- Customized Options
- NEW Battle Palette!
- You can now customize your team’s generic unit sprite color during battle
- This change does not impact unique characters
- This option can be found in Options > Battle Palettes. Note that changing the option mid-battle does not change palettes on the fly but rather for the next encounter
- Palette changes update uniquely per player for all multiplayer modes
- Replaced the Cursor Repeat Rate for this option and forced set it to “Normal”
- NEW Battle Palette!
- Ability Names and Quotes (formerly Display Ability Names)
- Updated to support the disabling of Spell Quotes for both single and multiplayer modes (per client).
- Updated to support the disabling of Spell Quotes for both single and multiplayer modes (per client).
- Display EXP/JP Setting OFF now disables Enemy Team’s +EXP/JP Display and Job Level Celebration – To speed up gameplay marginally, these stat awards are now disabled for the enemy team as the usual goal is to end up executing them anyway 😉
- Spell Quotes Integration (disabled in the original The War of the Lions)
- All units have a 35% chance when casting an ability to briefly message prompt a quote prior to casting it. The message prompt is fairly quick to keep it from being invasive but to also add a bit of “flavor” in mid-battle
- Invisible, chicken, or toad-status units or Mimes cannot quote
- Some generic abilities, such as Steal and Speechcraft, do not have quotes set
- Status Effects
- NEW Curse Status:
- Decreases your damage done by 33% and reduces your healing received by 33% while affected
Note: the damage reduction affects abilities with special or percentage HP damage like Vengeance or Chaos Blade. Death, Bio, and Self-Destruct are excluded. The healing portion does lower the healing from Elixir or other similar sources. - Does not have a status tick and is permanent until either removed via Holy Water or Esuna (this status persists while KO’d)
- Denoted by the new 👻 status bubble
- Abilities that can inflict Curse status:
- Curse (hit% based, Black Magicks, replaced Poison)
- Ama-no-Murakamo (19%, Iaido)
- Unholy Darkness (19%, Mystic Arts)
- Accursed Umbra (100%, Break Arts)
- Decreases your damage done by 33% and reduces your healing received by 33% while affected
- Float – This status effect now adds 4 Height based on your current Height (denoted by “h” in the upper left) instead of adding 2
- Vampire
- No longer has a status bubble (shifted over to Curse) but still retains the purple-greyish tint
- The infliction chance for Vampire status to “spread to others” is 25% instead of 100%
- Reflect
- Now has a status bubble (shifted over from Poison)
- Now has a status bubble (shifted over from Poison)
- Poison
- No longer has a status bubble but still retains the green tint
- No longer has a status bubble but still retains the green tint
- Veil
- Now has a yellow-ish tint and you appear invisible-like while affected
- Now has a yellow-ish tint and you appear invisible-like while affected
- NEW Curse Status:
- Soundtrack
- Replaced Remnants with Battle on the Bridge
- Replaced Remnants with Battle on the Bridge
- Limit Level System (affects Cloud and Aerith)
- The Limit skillset now unlocks abilities based on the percentage of damage taken to closely simulate how Limit Breaks worked in Final Fantasy VII and abilities are no longer fully accessible at battle start and only once applicable characters have reached their required damage threshold
- With this new Limit Level System, the following changes affect previous Limit abilities:
- Abilities are no longer blocked by Silence status
- Abilities no longer cost MP
- Damaging Limit abilities do not target/hit allies
- Limit Levels are separated into 4 levels like they were in FF7
- Your Limit Level only increments after taking HP damage from enemies and excludes allies or self, including Poison and recoil. Mana Shield triggers with or without damage overflow will trigger Limit Level increase (because the incoming damage is still HP converted to MP)
- Reactive damage from the enemy, such as Soulbind or Counter, counts toward Limit Level
- Once a Limit ability is used, your Limit “resets” back to 0 to simulate how Limit Breaks worked in FF7. Note that if your Limit has zero targets hit, it will not be reset
- Your Limit Level is reduced by 1 if KO’d (instead of being reset like in FF7)
- Melee Mode
- The 15-minute clock option is now 12 minutes and is the new normal time setting for future Tactics League PvP formats
- Increased the Reset Timer (when your time reaches zero) from 15 seconds to 20 seconds
- Campaign/Story Mode
- Active EXP and JP Boost
- These previously inaccessible support abilities are now active 100% of the time without slotting them so that if you attempt a play through the campaign you can progress and unlock 50% faster
- Bard and Dancer now share spillover JP on their job
- Onion Knight Base and Master versions can now accrue EXP/JP instead of being disallowed (credit to Tzepish for both of these additions)
- Warriors’ Guild
- Newly hired units now have 60 Bravery & Faith and are Serpentarius Zodiac Sign
- Female-generated units now start with Oak Staff instead of Dagger (since they have better MA to scale with damage)
- Hire Squire – Combined the Male Soldier and Female Soldier options which randomizes the choices for either gender instead of having separate options
- Hire Monster – Replaced “Female Soldier” option allowing you to randomly generate a monster skill-capable Monster. This feature was added not only to improve the Warriors Guild but also to provide accessibility to gaining monsters in your party due to the removal of Traitor status accessibility. This feature also finally allows for monsters in Standard!
- Hiring a Squire or a Monster costs 3000 Gil each
- Active EXP and JP Boost
- Zodiac System – The Zodiac Compatibility System is now disabled
- This system though an integral part of the vanilla experience, is turned off due to the PVP Patch setting all compatibilities to Neutral (due to Serpentarius sign) and to set better expectations for those progressing the story into PvP later.
- This system though an integral part of the vanilla experience, is turned off due to the PVP Patch setting all compatibilities to Neutral (due to Serpentarius sign) and to set better expectations for those progressing the story into PvP later.
- Errands Unit Customization – Units deployed on an Errand can now have their job, abilities, and equipment changed, and are accessible at the Outfitters while deployed
- Exclusive Ability JP Progression – Previously, Tactics League-exclusive additions were free in JP cost, however, with some balancing being done to the story side, JP costs have been added to aid in the overall progression of campaign. Please read the entire attached text file for all JP changes:
- Equipment & Item Balancing – Like the exclusive abilities, some equipment needs to be balanced to improve the campaign experience without impacting multiplayer. Some “campaign-only” gear also received slight stat buffs for better progression and some Gil price adjustments. Please read the entire attached text file for all equipment and item changes.
- Ramza in New Game purposely starts with Escort Guard; this is to give him extra protection in consideration that some damage is higher due to equipment/ability changes
- Note that to balance some PvP situations, especially in All-Stars, some “boss” characters have had their job status immunities removed and some campaign fights may have them slotting Ribbon in the Accessory slot to provide those immunities again to mimic the original intention of having those immunities
- Ramza in New Game purposely starts with Escort Guard; this is to give him extra protection in consideration that some damage is higher due to equipment/ability changes
- NPCs/Encounters/Events
- Adjusted the Bravery and Faith of all non-unique NPC encounters to 60/60
- Monster Level Scaling Updates:
- Monsters in Story-based encounters will now use Party Level +2 instead of Party Level – Random
- Monsters in Midlight’s Deep will now use Party Level +2 scaling (unless they were otherwise assigned to a higher value) instead of Party Level – Random These changes along with ability effectiveness updates are to improve their overall combat effectiveness.
- Sal Ghidos Event (Aerith/Cloud interaction):
- Adjusted the event dialog so that Cloud no longer tells Aerith to “Run.” Aerith stays for the encounter as a Guest
- Added Ama-no-Murakamo katana to Cloud instead of being unarmed; he still plays defensively based on the mission objective
- Aerith is equipped with Musk Pole, Gold Hairpin, White Robe, and Battle Cloak instead of random equipment since she now stays in battle
- Aerith can now join the party along with Cloud after victory
- Updated some select gear for the enemy team
- Systems/Gameplay
- Effects and Double Damage pop-ups have been fixed involving Bow and Crossbow abilities
- Effects and Double Damage pop-ups have been fixed involving Bow and Crossbow abilities
- Systems/User Interface
- The Move/Jump UI correctly updates if a Movement ability has +Move/Jump values
- The Move/Jump UI correctly updates if a Movement ability has +Move/Jump values
- AI Behaviors
- AI can now use abilities that Bestow: Regen at any time instead of waiting until below 50% or less HP
- AI can now use abilities that Bestow: Regen at any time instead of waiting until below 50% or less HP
- Text Updates
- All mentions of “Physical Attack” or “Magick Attack” have been updated to either “Power” or “Magick” instead including in certain help menus
- “Attack” on all weapons has been updated to “WP” to reduce confusion in calculations or other abilities
- Tactics League Save Data “Ramza” names have been updated to match their format instead, such as S-Ramza being named Standard; you can always use the Warriors Guild naming feature to update it to your preference
- Updated Help menus for all campaign-only equipment and Monster Abilities including calcs
New Characters
- Ashley Riot/Riskbreaker (NEW, from Vagrant Story – Sprite Credit: Valkirst (FFHacktics))
- Base: 368 HP, 88 MP, 14 PA, 14 MA, 12 SP
- 4 Move, 4 Jump, 12% C-EV
- 77 Bravery, 62 Faith
- Innate: Reequip
- Can equip: Knives, Swords, Knight’s Swords, Fell Swords, Axes, Flails, Crossbows, Staves, Polearms, Shields, Hats, Clothing, Robes
- Break Arts skillset includes: Focus, Salve, Stone, Throw Dagger, and Chant
- Break Art abilities recoil HP as a cost, are unevadable, and are limited specifically based on the equipped weapon(s). Break Arts deal damage to enemies and allies in the target area:
- Shadoweave (Knives)
- Dark + Weapon element
- 2 Range, 2 Vert., Single Target
- Physical damage
- PA * (WP + 4)
- 100% Inflicts: Stop
- 40% Recoil
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori
- Vile Scar (Swords)
- Weapon element
- 3 Range, 2 Vert., 1 AoE
- Physical damage
- PA * (WP + 3)
- 25% for each Inflicts: Poison, Slow
- 40% Recoil
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori
- Advent Sign (Knights Swords)
- Holy + Weapon element
- 3 Range, 1 Vert., 1 AoE
- Physical damage
- PA * (WP + 3)
- 60% Recoil
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori
- Sunder (Fell Swords)
- Weapon element
- 2 Range, 0 Vert., Single Target
- Casts: Crush Armor (100%)
- PA * (WP + 4)
- 60% Recoil
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori
- Accursed Umbra (Axes)
- Weapon element
- 3 Range, 2 Vert., Single Target
- Physical damage
- PA * (WP + 1), Ignores Mitigation
- 40% Recoil
- 100% Inflicts: Curse
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori
- Gravis Aether (Staves)
- Earth element
- 3 Range, 2 Vert., 1 AoE
- Magic damage
- (PA + 18) / 2 × MA
- 19% Inflicts: KO
- 40% Recoil
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath
- Ignis Wheel (Flails)
- Fire element
- Self, 2 AoE, 3 Vert.
- Magic damage
- MA * 18
- 19% Inflicts: Oil
- 40% Recoil
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath, Magick Counter
- Scythe Wind (Polearms)
- Wind + Weapon element
- Conal, 3 Range, 2 Vert
- Physical damage
- PA * (WP + 2)
- 19% Inflicts: Immobilize
- 60% Recoil
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori
- Sanctus Flare (Crossbows)
- Water, Holy element
- Weapon Range
- Magic damage
- (PA + 18) / 2 * MA
- 19% Inflicts: Blind, Silence
- 40% Recoil
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath
- Retribution (Unarmed)
- Dark element
- 3 Range, 1 Vert., Single Target
- Physical damage
- (PA + 18) / 2 * PA
- 19% Inflicts: Doom
- 40% Recoil
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori
- Shadoweave (Knives)
- Elidibus/Serpentarius (NEW, secret boss from Midlight’s Deep)
- Base: 706 HP, 167 MP, 19 PA, 20 MA, 12 SP
- 4 Move, 4 Jump, 25% C-EV
- 70 Bravery, 70 Faith
- Innate: Bonecrusher, Instant Cast, Manafont, Dexterity (removed cannot enter water)
- Initial: Protect, Shell
- Immune: all except for Protect, Shell, Oil, Reflect
- Negates: Ice, Wind
- Abilities (The Dark):
- Snakecharm
- 2 Range, 2 Vert., Single Target
- 20 MP Cost
(PA + 29) / 2 * PA, unevadable
- Can trigger Shirahadori, Nature’s Wrath, Counter-Reactions
- Poisonous Frog
- 3 Range, 1Vert., 1 AoE
- 40 MP Cost
% = MA + 30, unevadable
- Inflicts: Poison, Toad
- Can trigger Magick Counter
- Midgardsomr (Summon)
- Blizzaga (Black Magicks)
- Zodiark
- This is a 46 PWR version instead of Summon’s 60 PWR one
- This ability retains the properties of Summon’s Zodiark, with the exception that it cannot be mimicked due to Instant Cast
- Vengeance
- 4 Range
- 0 MP Cost
- Deals damage equal to 80% of your missing HP
- Snakecharm
- Aerith/Ancient (NEW)
- Base: 306 HP, 199 MP, 14 PA, 18 MA, 12 SP
- 4 Move, 3 Jump, 14% C-EV
- 65 Bravery, 71 Faith
- Innate: Halves all elements
- Can equip: Rods, Staves, Poles, Hats, Robes, Clothing
- Abilities (Limit):
- Healing Wind (20%):
- Restores HP (including undead)
- Self, 2 AoE, 3 Vert allies
14 * MA
- Affected by Arcane Strength/Vehemence
- Seal Evil (20% HP):
- 3 Range, 1 Vert., Single enemy
- Inflicts: Silence, Stop
Hit = 100%
- Breath of the Earth (30% HP):
- Self, 2 AoE, 3 Vert allies
- Removes: Stone, Blind, Confuse, Silence, Oil, Undead, Berserk, Toad, Poison, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Immobilize, Disable, Doom, Slow, Vampire, Curse
Hit = 100%
- Fury Brand (30% HP):
- Self, 2 AoE, 3 Vert allies
- Increase allies’ Power and Magick by 2
- Planet Protector (40% HP):
- 3 Range, 2 Vert, single ally
- Effect: Protect, Shell, Veil (100%)
- Pulse of Life (40% HP):
- Self, 2 AoE, 3 Vert allies
- Revives KO’d allies at 50% max.HP
Hit% = 70 + PA
- Affected by Brawler/Attack Boost/Vehemence
- Great Gospel (60% HP):
- Self, 2 AoE, 5 Vert allies
- Fully restores nearby allies’ HP and MP and Bestows: Protect, Shell (including undead)
- Healing Wind (20%):
- Balthier/Sky Pirate (RETURNING)
- Base: 339 HP, 91 MP, 16 PA, 11 MA, 13 SP
- 4 Move, 4 Jump, 25% C-EV
- 78 Bravery, 60 Faith
- Added “Steal Equipment deals unarmed damage” innately (only on Sky Pirate)
- Abilities (Piracy):
- Barrage – Re-added back into Piracy with new means to balance it:
- Can only strike twice with your [weapon] at 40% reduced damage (instead of 50%) and not four times (you can get four successive strikes if dual-wielding)
- 60 MP cost added for additional counterplay
- Attacks are evadable subject to the weapon type
- Golem cannot block this special attack
- Element (Elem.) of Treachery:
- 4 Range, 1 AoE, 2 Vert.
- 40 MP
random 1…20 * PA
- Can 100% knockback if only 1 target was hit
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Shirahadori, and Nature’s Wrath
- Fires of War:
- Fire element, Weapon Range
- 20 MP
(PA + 12) / 2 * PA
- Can critically strike
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Shirahadori, and Nature’s Wrath
- Tides of Fate:
- Water element
- Conal, 3 Range, 3 Vert.
- 20 MP
MA * 15
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath and Magick Counter
- Plunder Heart:
- Re-added back into Piracy after being set to new ability standards
- 2 Range
- Inflicts: Charm (genderless)
Hit% = MA + 30
- Added Steal Limelight, which is a new Thief ability, to Piracy (read the Action Ability section below for more info)
- Replaced previous Plunder abilities with the Steal version (from Thief) instead to make space for ability slots and since these abilities operated closely to Steal anyways.
- Barrage – Re-added back into Piracy with new means to balance it:
As part of efforts to ensure all unique characters have an innate ability to reinforce their primary job, select uniques have gained the following as well as some generic job changes:
- Heretic/Ramza (Ch. 2 and Ch.3 variants)
- Added Monkey Grip (support) innately
- Added Monkey Grip (support) innately
- Divine Knight/Meliadoul
- Added Pierce (support) innately
- Added Pierce (support) innately
- Templar/Beowulf
- Added Tactical Shift (movement) innately
- Added Tactical Shift (movement) innately
- Construct 8
- Replaced innate Ignore Weather with Fly (movement). This notably enables its jet-pack on move and allows it to not be “boxed in”
- Replaced innate Ignore Weather with Fly (movement). This notably enables its jet-pack on move and allows it to not be “boxed in”
- Game Hunter/Luso
- Added Beastmaster (support) innately, granting you access to Blue Magicks if slotted as a secondary ability
- Added Beastmaster (support) innately, granting you access to Blue Magicks if slotted as a secondary ability
- Holy Knight/Delita
- Decreased PAM from 120 to 110% (still base 16 PA on job). His base Power was increased so this allows for better job transitioning without giving him more Power on Holy Knight directly
- Decreased PAM from 120 to 110% (still base 16 PA on job). His base Power was increased so this allows for better job transitioning without giving him more Power on Holy Knight directly
- Astrologer/Orran
- Added Arcane Defense innately
- Added Arcane Defense innately
- Sword Saint/Orlandeau
- Decreased HPM from 160 to 140%
- Decreased MPM from 120 to 100%
- Added “Swordplay works with sword-types, katanas, and ninja blades” innately
- Byblos/Byblos
- Now has Innate: Soulbind, Dexterity, Arcane Defense, Defense Boost
- Immune: Vampire, Curse, Doom
- Removed Weakness: Fire
- Byblos can now enter water tiles
- Byblos’s skillset is now: Chant, Manaburn, Vengeance, Maim
- Generic Caster Job HPM, MPM, and PAM Adjustments:
- White Mage – 228 HP ➡ 256 HP / 121 MP ➡ 111 MP / 11 PA ➡ 13 PA
- Black Mage – 213 HP ➡ 242 HP / 121 MP ➡ 111 MP / 10 PA ➡ 12 PA
- Time Mage – 213 HP ➡ 242 HP / 121 MP ➡ 111 MP / 6 PA ➡ 11 PA
- Summoner – 228 HP ➡ 256 HP / 172 MP ➡ 151 MP / 7 PA ➡ 12 PA
- Mystic – 242 HP ➡ 256 HP / 111 MP ➡ 106 MP / 10 PA ➡ 13 PA
- Sage – 256 HP ➡ 285 HP / 121 MP ➡ 111 MP / 13 PA ➡ 14 PA
- Knight
- Decreased HPM from 120 to 112% (approx. -11 HP on generic male)
- Decreased PAM from 120 to 115% (no change to generics, affects uniques – approx. -2 PA)
- Decreased MAM from 100 to 96% (no change to generics, affects uniques – approx. -2 MA)
- White Mage
- Added Flails as available equipment
- Added Flails as available equipment
- Thief
- Increased HPM from 100 to 105% (approx. +14 HP)
- Increased PAM from 100 to 110% (+1 PA to both genders)
- Decreased SPM from 120 to 119% (no change to chars)
- Dragoon
- Decreased PAM from 135 to 125 (-1 PA generics, approx. -1 or -2 PA uniques)
- Increased MAM from 80 to 96% (+2 MA to both genders)
- Ninja
- Re-added Knives as available equipment (due to changes listed in Equipment – Weapons below)
- Increased HPM from 80 to 90% (approx. +28 HP)
- Decreased SPM from 120 to 119% (no change to chars)
- Added Waterwalking (movement) innately
- Samurai
- Increased PAM from 128 to 132% (female +1 PA)
- Added Swim (movement) innately
- Bard
- Increased PAM from 95 to 100% (+1 PA)
- Increased PAM from 95 to 100% (+1 PA)
- Dancer
- Increased MAM from 95 to 105% (+1 MA)
- Increased MAM from 95 to 105% (+1 MA)
- Mime
- Decreased PAM and MAM from 120% to 110%
- Decreased Move from 5 to 4
- Decreased C-EV from 25 to 10%
- Now Requires Lv. 3 of Squire, Chemist, Summoner, Thief, Orator, Geomancer, and Dragoon instead of variable job level requirements
- Mimes may now use their Blue Magicks skillset on their turn (instead of only Attack)
- Dark Knight
- No longer requires 20+ kills
- Now unlocks with Lv. 5 Black Mage and Lv. Samurai
- Onion Knight (Base)
- Set HPM, MPM, PAM, MAM to 100%
- Increased Move and Jump from 3/3 to 5/4 to match Onion Knight (master)
Because v5 introduces random monster generation via the Warriors’ Guild, the standard 48 monsters have had stat and ability adjustments for both Campaign and future use in Standard.
To temper expectations, Monsters can fit within Standard, but are costly to do so and demand expectations to work. You are most cases, typically better to continue to run generic humans, but some monsters can bring a bit of interesting tidbits to your team as long as you take care of them.
Attached is a text file that denotes all monster-specific job and ability changes that will impact all modes of play:
Action Abilities
- Elemental Abilities – Distinction Improvements
- Abilities like Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, lower level Summons, or Reis’s Breath (except Holy) ultimately were the same in version 4. Hence, this update addresses abilities in the same classification to make them stand out more and to impose a 19% status “theme” for specific elements. Note that if an ability already had a status infliction set or if there were other distinct means like increased AoE or PWR, then this update does not change them, but rather gives each a secondary effect to those that do not so that they are more distinct while housing the same base PWR:
- Fire – Poison (Black Magicks, Ifrit, Fire Breath, Tri-Flame)
- Ice – Immobilize (Black Magicks, Shiva, Ice Breath)
- Lightning – Blind (Black Magicks, Ramuh, Thunder Breath, Tri-Thunder)
- Holy – Removes: Reraise, Regen, Haste (Holy (White Magicks))
- Wind – Confuse (Tornado from Windslash Bow)
- Dark – Curse (Unholy Darkness)
- Maim (Ramza/Byblos) – This ability has a 35% chance to remove positive statuses on hit
- Abilities like Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, lower level Summons, or Reis’s Breath (except Holy) ultimately were the same in version 4. Hence, this update addresses abilities in the same classification to make them stand out more and to impose a 19% status “theme” for specific elements. Note that if an ability already had a status infliction set or if there were other distinct means like increased AoE or PWR, then this update does not change them, but rather gives each a secondary effect to those that do not so that they are more distinct while housing the same base PWR:
- Ultima (Ramza/Luso) – Decreased Tick from 4 to 3
- Holy Magicks (Alma)
- Dispelna – Additionally Removes: Undead, Slow, Vampire, Curse
- Dispelna – Additionally Removes: Undead, Slow, Vampire, Curse
- Holy Sword (Delita, Agrias)
- Abilities now calculate using your
instead of[PA * WP]
. This virtually keeps the damage calc unchanged since sword-type weapons still use PA * WP, but it will scale differently if use any other weapon in your main hand
- Abilities now calculate using your
- Aimed Shot (Mustadio)
- Seal Evil – Reverted PWR From 80 to 70 (
% = SP + 70
) - Disassemble:
- Decreased PWR from 80 to 70 (
% = MA + 70
) - Now deals
PA * (MA / 2)
damage in addition to removing stat bonuses if successful. This damage can critically strike. - Note: This ability remains unevadable
- Decreased PWR from 80 to 70 (
- Seal Evil – Reverted PWR From 80 to 70 (
- Unyielding Strike (Meliadoul)
- Crush Helm/Armor now deal their damage post-equipment removal instead of before it, ensuring the proper amount of expected damage is dealt after the max.HP adjustment
- NEW Crush Shield – 30 MP cost, 3 Range, 100% Destroy the target’s equipped Shield
- Dragon (Reis)
- Increased the PWR of Ice/Fire/Thunder Breath from 14 to 15
- Increased the PWR of Ice/Fire/Thunder Breath from 14 to 15
- Spellblade (Beowulf)
- Spellblade is now faithless, allowing abilities to be usable regardless of Beowulf or the target being affected by Faith or Atheism.
- Spellblade abilities are still magic evadable for counter-play and still require a sword-type weapon to be cast
- All Spellblade abilities, except for Syphon, cost 20 MP as added counter-play
- Reworked the PWR of all abilities (except Vengeance) to compensate for the switch to [
% = MA + PWR
] formula (with an exception to Syphon and Drain):- Blind – 80
- Faith & Doubt – 70
- Zombie – 65
- Silence – 80
- Berserk – 60
- Chicken – 55
- Confuse – 55
- Dispel – 80
- Disable – 50
- Sleep – 60
- Break – 45
- Syphon & Drain (Spellblade):
- Both now drain MP/HP at 70% of the damage dealt using [
(Weapon’s) * .70
] for MP/HP absorption instead of 33% of the target’s max.HP and are no longer evadable (damage is still mitigated) - Because [Weapon] influences these abilities, they can scale higher with PA and WP (since all swords calculate with these stats)
- These abilities are considered physical damage and can now trigger Counter-Reactions, Shirahadori, and Nature’s Wrath
- This change also means these abilities no longer deal %HP damage and are modifiable with Attack Boost, Vehemence, Defense Boost, and Protect as a means to give more build variety within Spellblade
- Both now drain MP/HP at 70% of the damage dealt using [
- Limit (Cloud)
- Reworked Limit abilities to adhere to the new Limit Level System, making them more accurate to their Final Fantasy VII counterparts (as plausible as possible) as well as providing avenues for both physical and magic variants instead of all being strictly magic-based:
- Braver (20% HP)
- Does 10% more damage with your [weapon] (affected by modifiers). This ability can strike twice if dual-wielding
- Calc:
(Weapon’s) * 1.10
- 2 Range, Single Target
- Physical, evadable attack
- Increased Vert. from 0 to 1
- Can critically strike and can Cast/Inflict your weapon
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions and Nature’s Wrath and no longer triggers Magick Counter
- Note: If your Cast ability triggers, the initial Braver animation and damage pop-up will not show, but the damage is still being inflicted – the game prioritizes the last animation over anything else
- Cross Slash (20% HP)
- Calc: (Weapon Type) + 1 PWR
Weapon Type means it uses the weapon’s default formula and not one that is listed on it if it is considered “special.” For example, Chaos Blade in this case will use[PA * WP]
since that is Knight’s Swords default formula. - Physical, unevadable attack
- 25% chance to Inflict: Stop
- Increased Vert. from 0 to 1
- Can critically strike
- Can trigger Shirahadori, Counter-Reactions, and Nature’s Wrath and no longer triggers Magick Counter
- Calc: (Weapon Type) + 1 PWR
- Blade Beam (30% HP)
- Calc: Abyssal Blade (Note: this does not inflict recoil unlike Abyssal Blade)
- Front Row –
(Weapon Type) + 2 PWR
- Second Row –
(Weapon Type) + 1 PWR
- Third Row –
(Weapon Type) / 2
- Front Row –
- Physical, unevadable attack
- Can critically strike
- Can trigger Shirahadori, Counter-Reactions, and Nature’s Wrath and no longer triggers Magick Counter
- Calc: Abyssal Blade (Note: this does not inflict recoil unlike Abyssal Blade)
- Climhazzard (30% HP)
- Increased Vert. from 0 to 2
- Ignores mitigation, damages at 70% of the target’s max.HP
- No longer triggers Magick Counter (can only trigger HP loss reactions)
- Meteorain (40% HP)
- Increased PWR from 14 to 18
- This ability still retains its original AoE
- Finishing Touch (40% HP)
- Now Inflicts all 3 of KO, Stone, and Stop statuses at 100% instead of randomly one (KO takes priority)
- Increased Vert from 0 to 1
- This ability is still Single Target
- Omnislash (60% HP)
- Does 25% less damage with your [weapon] (affected by modifiers) and hits 5 times randomly within the 1 radius AoE. This ability will strike 10 times if dual-wielding
- Physical, unevadable attack
- Can critically strike and can Cast/Inflict your weapon
- Increased Vert. from 1 to 2
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions and Nature’s Wrath and no longer triggers Magick Counter
- Note: If your Cast ability triggers, the initial Omnislash animation and damage pop-up will not show, but the damage is still being inflicted – the game prioritizes the last animation over anything else
- Cherry Blossom (60% HP)
- Increased PWR from 16 to 20
- Increased Vert. from 1 to 3
- Inflicts: Poison, Blind, or Immobilize (25% chance for each)
- This ability is still Fire/Lightning/Ice elemental and retains its AoE
- Braver (20% HP)
- Reworked Limit abilities to adhere to the new Limit Level System, making them more accurate to their Final Fantasy VII counterparts (as plausible as possible) as well as providing avenues for both physical and magic variants instead of all being strictly magic-based:
- Huntcraft (Luso)
- Replaced Earthsplitter with Choco Meteor:
- 5 Range, single target
- Calc:
MA * 15
- Can trigger Magick Counter
- Replaced Earthsplitter with Choco Meteor:
- Magicks (Valmafra, credit to @therumer for this addition)
- NEW Manaburn (replaces Gravity):
- 4 Range, Single Target
- Uses your current MP as a cost; does damage based on current MP and consumes your current MP in full afterward
- Ignores mitigation
- Calc:
Damage = currentMP
- Astrology (Orran, Campaign/All-Stars)
- Replaced Astrology skillset with Arithmeticks
- Arithmeticks cannot be cast while Silenced (new feature from vanilla)
- Arithmeticks no longer ignore Reflect (new feature from vanilla)
- Arithmeticks has the following targeting parameters:
- CT
- Height
- Arithmeticks contains the following abilities:
- [White Magicks] Cure
- [Black Magicks] Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Scathe
- [Time Magicks] Gravity, Reflect
- [Mystic Arts] Umbra
- Swordplay (Orlandeau, Campaign/All-Stars)
- Made adjustments to this skillset so that Swordplay is no longer a full collection of other sword skills (which is one of the core reasons Orlandeau overshadows others) and only contains the following:
- [Holy Sword] Judgment Blade, Cleansing Strike, Hallowed Bolt
- [Unyielding Strike] Crush Helm, Crush Accessory
- [Fell Sword/Darkness] Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike
- Made adjustments to this skillset so that Swordplay is no longer a full collection of other sword skills (which is one of the core reasons Orlandeau overshadows others) and only contains the following:
- Items
- Holy Water – Additionally Removes: Curse
- Holy Water – Additionally Removes: Curse
- Arts of War
- Rend Stat abilities, except Rend MP, now deal
PA * (WP / 2)
damage in addition to removing stat bonuses if successful. This damage can critically strike. This additionally includes Lunar Harp, even though it doesn’t cast a Rend Stat ability. - Mow Down – Updated the animation to use Reckless Charge
- Rend Stat abilities, except Rend MP, now deal
- Aim
- Take Aim:
- Fixed the issue with Take Aim not scaling correctly with Magick Guns
- Updated the Help menu to include that it can Cast/Inflict: your [weapon]
- Take Aim:
- White Magicks
- MP Cost Updates
- Cure – Increased MP cost from 6 to 16
- Cura – Increased MP cost from 10 to 24
- Curaga – Increased MP cost from 16 to 32
- Curaja – Increased MP cost from 20 to 48
- Raise – Increased MP from 10 to 24
- Arise – Increased MP cost from 20 to 40
- Reraise – Increased MP cost from 16 to 32
- Esuna – Additionally Removes: Curse
- MP Cost Updates
- Black Magicks
- Level 1 Ability Updates
- Increased the PWR of abilities from 18 to 25
- Increased the MP cost of abilities from 6 to 16
- Level 2 – 4 Ability Condensing and Skillset Reordering
- The -aga abilities are now treated as the -ara variants and the -aja are now treated as the -aga ones. This was to combine and condense space within Black Magicks, since Lv. 2 and 3 are notably the same in many ways outside of JP progression. This condensing of the mentioned abilities allows for a rework of the skillset to improve options for Black Magicks.
- Lv. 2 Abilities – Decreased Tick from 3 to 2
- Lv. 3 Abilities – Decreased Tick from 5 to 4
- The -aga abilities are now treated as the -ara variants and the -aja are now treated as the -aga ones. This was to combine and condense space within Black Magicks, since Lv. 2 and 3 are notably the same in many ways outside of JP progression. This condensing of the mentioned abilities allows for a rework of the skillset to improve options for Black Magicks.
- NEW Scathe (replaces Firaja)
- 6 Range, 3 Vert., 4-directional line (enemies)
- 1 Tick
- Calc: (MA * 26) * (Fa / 100) * (tFa / 100)
- 24 MP Cost
- Magic unevadable, but reflectable
- Can trigger Magick Counter and cannot be cast while silenced
- Note: Moving away from the target area while charging Scathe will cause it to be repositioned upon casting
- NEW Doomsday (replaces Blizzaja)
- 3 Range, 2 AoE, 3 Vert.
- 5 Tick
- Dark element
- Deals 40% max. HP damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Doom
- Calc: (MA + 180) * (Fa / 100) * (tFa / 100)
- Magic evadable and not-reflectable
- Can trigger Magick Counter and cannot be cast while silenced
- NEW Curse (replaces Thundaja):
- Inflicts: Curse status (33% reduced damage done and healing received)
- 4 Range, Instant, Single Target
- Calc: (MA + 170) * (Fa / 100) * (tFa / 100)
- 24 MP Cost
- Magic Evadable
- Can trigger Magick Counter and cannot be cast while silenced
- NEW Bio (Poison upgrade)
- 4 Range, 3 Vert. Single Target
- 3 Tick
- Inflicts: Poison (100%)
- Deals 50% max.HP damage, but will zero out if the target is Poison immune
- Calc: hit% = 100% if status-able (Sky Mantra formula)
- 60 MP Cost
- Magic unevadable, but reflectable
- Can trigger Magick Counter and cannot be cast while silenced
- Excludes caster and target’s Faith values at all times (can even be used against Atheist)
- Toad – Increased MP Cost from 12 to 20
- Death – Increased PWR from 100 to 110 (approx. 6% increased hit rate)
- Level 1 Ability Updates
- Martial Arts
- Pummel:
- This ability now calculates using [
(PA + PWR) / 2 * PA
] instead of [random = 1…20 * PA
] (still scales with Brawler) - Decreased PWR from 20 to 4 due to the calc change
- This ability no longer has 100% knockback when able (can still knockback on Bravery-based critical hits)
- This ability now deals 100% increased critical damage instead of the default 50%
- This ability now calculates using [
- Pummel:
- Mystic Arts
- MP Cost Updates
- Belief/Disbelief – Increased MP cost from 6 to 16
- MP Cost Updates
- Summon
- MP Cost Updates
- Moogle – Increased MP cost from 8 to 20
- Shiva/Ifrit/Ramuh/Titan – Increased MP cost from 24 to 30
- Titan:
- Increased PWR from 25 to 27
- Increased Tick from 2 to 3
- Bahamut – Decreased PWR from 40 to 38
- Cyclops – Decreased PWR from 44 to 40
- Odin – Increased PWR from 26 to 28
- Golem:
- Reverted Tick from 5 to 4
- Increased MP Cost from 70 to 99
- Midgardsomr:
- Increased PWR from 28 to 32
- Increased MP Cost from 32 to 40
- Removed Poison Infliction
- MP Cost Updates
- Steal
- NEW Steal Limelight
- Decreases the target’s CT by 20
- 2 Range, 2 Vert. (enemy)
- Flat 60% chance and is unaffected by modifiers
- Dragon Tech (NEW) and Jump (Dragoon)
- NEW Dragon Tech (skillset): Dragon Tech is a brand new skillset that Dragoons can access as a primary skill set, giving them new abilities and functionalities instead of purely relying on Jump. As a part of a new technical feature, Jump is now treated as a 3rd skillset so Dragoon still has access to it OR anytime you slot Dragon Tech as a secondary. Dragon Tech skillset contains the following abilities:
- Thunder/Fire/Ice Breath (from Reis) and are a full copy of these abilities including the changes listed above regarding ability distinction and PWR increase
- Luna – 100% Berserk status on self
- Lancet:
- 2 Range, 2 Vert.
- Absorbs 35% of the target’s max. HP
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions, Shirahadori, and Nature’s Wrath
- Tail Sweep:
- Conal 2 Range, 2 Vert.
- Non-elemental physical damage
- Calc: (PA + 10) / 2 * PA (Martial Arts formula)
- Physically evadable
- Can trigger Counter-Reactions and Nature’s Wrath
- Jump:
- Horizontal and Vertical Range Abilities are no longer “JP Progressed” and are automatically set as Horizontal 6, Vertical 8 by default
- Decreased the Polearm bonus from 50% to 25%
- Updated the calculations to include the Jump stat as a bonus when using the Jump command to the following:
- No Polearm –
WP * (PA + Jump)
- Polearm –
WP * (PA + Jump) * 1.25
- Unarmed –
PA * PA * (Jump * 4) + Bravery / 100
- No Polearm –
- Updated the Help menu for the Jump skillset with calculations and how to calculate Jump Speed
- NEW Dragon Tech (skillset): Dragon Tech is a brand new skillset that Dragoons can access as a primary skill set, giving them new abilities and functionalities instead of purely relying on Jump. As a part of a new technical feature, Jump is now treated as a 3rd skillset so Dragoon still has access to it OR anytime you slot Dragon Tech as a secondary. Dragon Tech skillset contains the following abilities:
- Iaido
- NEW Zanmato (Iaido ability, Advent of Might)
- Increases nearby allies’ Bravery by 4
- All Iaido abilities now by default have a 50% chance instead of 33% to break their applicable katana from the inventory. Note that a change to Safeguard now sets the break chance to 25% instead.
- HP Damaging Iaido abilities now use [
(MA + PWR) / 2 * PA
] instead of [MA * PWR
]. This DOES NOT affect Murasame/Osafune or support Iaido
Note: These abilities are still considered magic damage. - Reworked the PWR of all damaging Iaido abilities due to the calculation change and in consideration of one layer of magic damage mitigation:
- Ashura – from 10 to 14
- Kotetsu – from 12 to 16
- Ama-no-Murakamo – from 13 to 18
- Muramasa – from 15 to 18
- Kiku-ichimonji – from 14 to 16
- Chirijiraden – from 17 to 22
- Murasame – Increased PWR from 12 to 14 (still MA * 14)
- Osafune – Increased PWR from 14 to 16 (still MA * 16)
- Ama-no-Murakamo – This ability now Inflicts: Curse status 19% of the time instead of Undead
- NEW Zanmato (Iaido ability, Advent of Might)
- Bardsong
- All abilities’ Range have been reduced from 5 to 4
This change is to promote Bards having to engage closer to their team stack to retain crucial buffs and healing – this also may enforce “ball” grouping which can in turn lead to being AoE-countered. - Nameless Song:
- Removed Haste from eligible bestowals
- Decreased Tick from 6 to 4
- All abilities’ Range have been reduced from 5 to 4
- Dance
- Witch Hunt – Increased PWR from 50 to 70
- Witch Hunt – Increased PWR from 50 to 70
- NEW Blue Magicks (Mime or slotting Beastmaster support unlocks it as a secondary action)
Blue Magicks contains the following monster abilities – these abilities received buffs to get them into a competitive position. Still, the goal is that they are not “strong” unless invested into, as is the nature of Blue Magicks in other Final Fantasy titles, but rather giving a plethora of viable options. Note that these abilities ARE NOT mimicable and the monsters that have access to them have had PA/MA multiplier reductions to compensate for increased PWR/utility:- Cat Scratch (Physical)
- 1 Range, 2 Vert.
- Increased PWR from 8 to 15
- Calc:
random 1…15 * PA
- 100% knockback when physically able
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath, but does not trigger Counter-Reactions
- Physically evadable
- Choco Pellets (Physical)
- 4 Range
- Increased PWR from 0 to 8
- Calc:
(PA + 8) / 2 * PA
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath, but does not trigger Counter-Reactions
- Can critically strike
- Physically evadable
- Choco Esuna (Status)
- Self, 1 AoE, 2 Vert.
- Removes: Stone, Blind, Silence, Poison, Stop, Immobilize, Disable
- Calc:
% = MA + 75
- Goblin Punch (Physical)
- 1 Range, 1 Vert.
- Increased PWR from 35 to 75
- Calc: Damage =
CasterMaxHP - CasterMissingHP, Hit% = MA + 75
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath and Counter-Reactions
- Physically evadable
- Dread Gaze (Status)
- 3 Range, 1 Vert. (Direct)
- Increased -Bravery from 10 to 20
- Increased PWR from 40 to 60
- Calc:
% = MA + 60
- Can trigger Magick Counter
- Magic evadable
- Spark (Magical)
- Fire element
- Self, 2 AoE, 1 Vert.
- This ability also damages the caster
- Increased PWR from 2 to 14
- Calc:
MA * 14
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath and Magick Counter
- Unevadable
- Vampire (Physical/Status)
- 1 Range, 1 Vert.
- Absorbs 25% of the target’s Max. HP
- 25% Inflict: Vampire status (first and only accessible way to do so)
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath, Shirahadori, and Counter-Reactions
- Unevadable
- Mind Blast (Status)
- 3 Range, 1 Vert., Single Target
- Increased PWR from 35 to 60
- Randomly Inflicts: Confuse, Berserk (25% chance each)
- Calc:
% = MA + 60
- This ability does not have any reactive counters
- Ice Anima (Magical)
- 4 Range, Direct line of sight
- Increased PWR from 2 to 14 (matching Valmafra’s Anima abilities)
- 19% Inflict: Slow
- Calc: MA * 14
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath and Magick Counter
- Unevadable
- Earthsplitter (Magical)
- Earth element
- Self, 2 AoE, 1 Vert
- Calc:
MA * 15
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath and Magick Counter
- Goo (Status)
- 1 Range, 1 Vert.
- 25% chance each to Inflict: Blind, Immobilize, Slow, Stop
- Calc: Hit = 100% (each status rolls independently at 25% each)
- Unevadable
- This ability does not have any reactive counters
- Heave (Physical)
- 1 Range, 2 Vert.
- Increased PWR from 2 to 10
- 19% Inflicts: KO
- Calc:
(PA + 10) / 2 * PA
- Can trigger Nature’s Wrath and Counter-Reactions
- Physically evadable
- Tri-Breath (Magical)
- This ability hits in 3 out of the 4 selected AoE
- Decreased PWR from 120 to 70
- Decreased HP% damage from 50 to 40%
- Calc: 40% maxTargetHP,
% = 70 + MA
- Can trigger Magick Counter
- Magic evadable
- Magick Nymph (Status)
- Self, 1 AoE, 1 Vert.
- Increased PWR from 1 to 8
- Calc:
RestoreMP = MA * 8
- Cat Scratch (Physical)
- Darkness
- All abilities, except Unholy Sacrifice, now calculate using your [weapon] instead of [
]. This virtually keeps the damage calc unchanged since sword-type weapons still usePA * WP
, but it will scale differently if use any other weapon in your main hand - Abyssal Blade – Made the following adjustments to the 1st and 2nd row:
- 1st Row –
(Weapon’s) +2 PWR
instead ofPA * (WP + 1)
- 2nd Row –
(Weapon’s) +1 PWR
instead ofPA * (WP - 2)
- 3rd Row – unchanged
(Weapon’s) / 2
- 1st Row –
- All abilities, except Unholy Sacrifice, now calculate using your [weapon] instead of [
- Mastery Arts
- Onion Knight’s skillset is now accessible on all characters as a secondary action ability
- Mastery Arts is also now a viewable skillset in the Job Abilities menu
- Ability Cast and Miscellaneous
- Tornado (Windslash Bow) – Now uses
MA * 16
instead of 35 PWR Faith calcs
- Tornado (Windslash Bow) – Now uses
Reaction/Support/Movement Abilities
Reactions (1 highly reworked ability)
- Resilience (REWORKED, renamed from Resilient):
- Adds 8% damage reduction while slotted at all times, regardless of Bravery
- Now removes the physical damage penalty while you are charging (normalizes the damage instead of taking 1.5x more damage)
- Grants a 50% damage reduction instead of 8% while Charging only
- Note: Axes, Flails, Tasks skillset (Construct 8), and any other ability or attack flagged as “ignores mitigation” will have its damage reduced by Resilience
- CT Boost – Increased +CT from 9 to 12
- Critical: Restore (formerly Critical: Recover HP) – Fully restores HP and MP instead of only HP when entering Critical status
- Earplug – Additionally adds Charm and Confuse immunity while slotted
- Ward – Additionally adds Curse and Doom immunity while slotted
- First Strike:
- Now can react against incoming Steal abilities as long as they targeting within your weapon range (includes Steal Limelight)
- Updated the Help menu to clarify how this reaction works
Support (2 new options and 1 highly reworked ability)
- NEW Pierce:
- Normal attacks, magicks, Jump, and Throw all bypass Reflect status and Golem damage shield while slotted
- This ability is learnable via Dragon Tech (Dragoon) for 250 JP
- NEW Power Throw:
- Increases damage with Throw by 43%
- This ability is learnable via Throw (Ninja) for 300 JP
- REWORKED Beastmaster:
- This support ability now adds the NEW Blue Magicks to the secondary Action ability list while slotted (requiring you to slot it afterward) and additionally extends the monster hidden ability unlock range to the entire map as long as the unit is alive or not under a status effect that would disable your ability to react (KO, sleep, disable, stone, vampire, chicken, toad, confuse, berserk, stop, veil, jumping mid-air via Jump)
- This skillset is assigned to Mime, however, for balance purposes, it is ONLY accessible via slotting Beastmaster support ability and Mime cannot utilize it; this is so learn on hit can function and prevent strengthening Mime as a job. The skillset is viewable via the Job Ability List to be able to use Help (however, in non-Tactics League save data, these will be hidden until learned on hit)
- For campaign, the abilities in this skillset can only be learned from being hit by them at a 100% chance to do so while Beastmaster is slotted OR if you are currently a Mime. Learning certain abilities may be harder or require specific strategies to obtain
- This support ability now adds the NEW Blue Magicks to the secondary Action ability list while slotted (requiring you to slot it afterward) and additionally extends the monster hidden ability unlock range to the entire map as long as the unit is alive or not under a status effect that would disable your ability to react (KO, sleep, disable, stone, vampire, chicken, toad, confuse, berserk, stop, veil, jumping mid-air via Jump)
- HP Boost – Increased the +HP bonus from 20 to 25%. Note that HP Boost only affects your base max.HP and not equipment
- Safeguard:
- This ability now reduces the break chance of katanas caused by Iaido to 25%
- Additionally lowers incoming PA/MA/SP reduction sources by 1 (for example, Rend Speed would be -1 Speed not -2)
- Concentration – This ability now increases the hit rate by 50% additively instead of multiplicatively, resulting in improved physical hit rates while slotted
- Beast Tongue:
- This passive is now only innate to Orator and has been removed from slottable abilities
- Updated Orator’s job description on what this ability does now that it can no longer be accessed via Help
- Equip Bludgeon – Now includes Knives
- Death Strike:
- Reworded the context that this ability adds 40% critical chance instead of “setting” it to 50% by default to improve messaging (this still makes the base crit 10% + 40%)
- Updated the Help menu to include new applicable abilities
- Note: If applicable attacks/abilities go past 50% chance, the forecasted damage will show the “critical damage” instead of non-critical due to it having a higher chance to do so, but non-critical damage is still possible
- Monkey Grip – This ability now fully functions with Reequip
- Poach – Re-added to Steal skillset for campaign purposes (Poacher’s Den) and updated its Help menu. This ability has no functionality in multiplayer.
- Reequip and Equip X abilities – Set the Chance to Learn to 0%. This is to reduce the AI from rolling these abilities which the AI normally doesn’t properly take advantage of, such as the AI never performs a Reequip or some Equip X abilities aren’t even being applied to equipment correctly. This change does remove the ability to learn these abilities from crystals.
Movement (3 new options)
- NEW Tactical Shift (by Tzepish) (Treasure Hunter upgrade) – Restores your Move command after defeating an enemy with a normal attack. (assigned to Arts of War skillset for 200 JP). Additionally, this ability still functions as Treasure Hunter in campaign only, improving your odds of finding items when moving to tiles, and scaling with lower Bravery.
- NEW Athleticks – For every 5 tiles moved at once, increase your PA and MA by 1 (assigned to Aim skillset for 400 JP).
- NEW Stealth (replaces Ninja’s Waterwalking) – Bestows: Invisible after moving 5 tiles at once (assigned to Throw skillset for 200 JP).
- Nimble:
- Now adds +1 Move while slotted
- Assigned to Geomancer instead of Ninja for 250 JP
- Removed Lavawalking entirely as this ability is outclassed by either Float status, Fly, or Levitate and is not usable on any available map in the map pool
Equipment – Weapons
- Axes
- NEW Earthbreaker:
- 17 WP
- Earth element
- Adds +2 MA
- Adds 10% Critical Chance (stackable with other +Critical Chance modifiers)
- Calc: MA * WP
- Bows
- Artemis Bow – Now adds +10% Critical Chance (stackable with other +Critical Chance modifiers)
- Arbalest – Now adds +1 PA/MA instead of only +1 MA
- Ice Bow:
- Now Casts: Blizzaga instead of 9 PWR Snowstorm
- Adds +1 PA
- Crossbows
- Knightslayer (credit to @sandcatankh for this addition):
- Now ignores the target’s physical damage mitigation
- Decreased WP from 22 to 17 to compensate for this change
- Boltsnipe/Glacial Bow/Flame Bow – Each casts their respective Lv. 2 instead of Lv. 3 Black Magick
- Knightslayer (credit to @sandcatankh for this addition):
- Fell Swords
- Deathbringer – Added Immune: Curse in addition to KO, Doom
- Deathbringer – Added Immune: Curse in addition to KO, Doom
- Flails
- Flame Mace – Now Casts: Fira instead of Firaga due to the Black Magicks’ buffs
- Flame Mace – Now Casts: Fira instead of Firaga due to the Black Magicks’ buffs
- Guns
- Decreased WP of all Magick Guns from 22 to 20 to compensate for the increased PWR of their applicable Black Magicks, which is still a net gain in Magick Gun damage output even with this reduction
- Ras Algethi (RETURNING):
- Increased WP from 12 to 15
- Adds 10% Critical Chance (stackable with other critical chance modifiers)
- Decreased WP of all Magick Guns from 22 to 20 to compensate for the increased PWR of their applicable Black Magicks, which is still a net gain in Magick Gun damage output even with this reduction
- Katanas
- Murasame:
- This Katana now heals on hit and no longer deals damage with attacks, similar to Healing Staff. Attacks this way ignore target’s mitigation and the attacker’s damage bonuses
- Now adds +1 PA and +1 Speed instead of +1 PA/MA
- Osafune – This Katana now Absorbs MP instead of normal HP damage with weapon attacks
- Ama-no-Murakamo – Added Immune: Curse in addition to Undead
- Murasame:
- Knight’s Swords
- Save the Queen – Now Holy element
- Save the Queen – Now Holy element
- Knives
- All status knives have a 50% chance to Inflict their status instead of 100%
- All knives are now dual wieldable
- All knives are no longer doublehand-able
- Set the WP standardization for status knives from 13 to 16 to match non-status knives due to this change
- Ninja Blades
- Increased WP standardization from 16 to 18
- Kunai – Increased WP from 14 to 16
- Poles
- Eight-Fluted Pole – Additionally Removes: Curse
- Gokuu Pole – Reverted to “No Damage” and is no longer evadable. Still retains its 100% Effect: Atheist
- Rods
- Increased WP standardization from 12 to 14, except Rod of Faith, which will remain at 8 WP
- Thunder/Fire/Ice Rod – Now each Casts their respective Lv. 2 spell instead of Lv. 3 due to the Black Magicks’ buffs and still retain their Boost: element
- Dragon Rod – Adds +1 PA and MA
- Stardust Rod – Now Casts: Graviga instead of Gravity
- Shields
- NEW Adamantoise Shield:
- Initial: Slow
- 0% Phy/Mag. Ev
- Reduces damage taken by 10% (this damage reduction IS NOT ignored by “ignores mitigation” sources)
- NEW Adamantoise Shield:
- Staves
- Increased WP standardization from 10 to 12
- Dreamwaker (RETURNING and REWORKED):
- Removed +4 MA from its original version
- 12 WP, 8 Block
- Uses Sky Mantra formula to Remove: Sleep and deal 70% max.HP damage in doing so
- Note: This does not trigger additional “Sleep” damage as this weapon uses a special formula and is not considered a physical strike
- Zeus Mace:
- This weapon now grants +3 PA and MA instead of +2 PA and +1 MA
- Now Forced Two-Handed
- Increased WP standardization from 10 to 12
- Swords
- NEW Excalipoor:
- 1 WP, 10 Block
- Initial: Slow
- Calc:
PA * (100 - Br) / 2
- Ignores mitigation and does not scale with damage modifiers
- Nagnarok – Added Immune: Curse
- Ultima Weapon – Increased WP from 18 to 19
- NEW Excalipoor:
- Onion Sword:
- This weapon can now be doublehanded (but still cannot be dual wield)
- Standardized Block from 15 to 10
Equipment – Gear
- Clothing
- Jujitsu Gi – Added Immune: Curse
- Jujitsu Gi – Added Immune: Curse
- Robes
- Samite Coat:
- Removed +1 MA
- Now adds +140 HP instead of 120
- Samite Coat:
- Hair Adornments
- NEW Extension:
- +50 HP and MP
- Increases your critical strike chance by 20% (and stackable with other critical chance modifiers)
- NEW Circlet:
- +100 HP and MP
- Initial: Protect, Shell and Equip: Regen
- Cachusha and Barette – Added Immune: Curse
- NEW Extension:
- Accessories
- NEW Pearl Rouge – +1 Speed, Equip: Regen, Immune: Silence, Stop, Boosts: Ice, Water, Negates: Fire, Holy, Halves: Earth
- NEW Garment Ring (replaces Septieme) – +1 Speed and adds the Perform command in battle, which includes all of Bardsong and Dance abilities
- Japa Mala – Re-added Immune: Vampire
- Germinas Boots – Grants +1 Move/+2 Jump and 8% A-EV instead of +1 Move/+1 Jump and 8% A-EV
- Spiked Boots:
- Removed +1 Move
- Now adds +4 Jump
- Vampire Cape – Added Immune: Vampire
- Diamond Bracelet:
- Removed Immune: Slow
- Added +1 Speed, in addition to +1 PA and MA
- Chantage – Updated this item’s graphic and palette since it is a perfume (and not use the lip rouge graphic it is set to)
- NEW Pearl Rouge – +1 Speed, Equip: Regen, Immune: Silence, Stop, Boosts: Ice, Water, Negates: Fire, Holy, Halves: Earth
Practice Mode
New patch, new challenging AI teams to get you ready for Standard! Teams have been updated to conform to new gear and abilities as well as some uniques being swapped in this go around for the new ones joining the crew.
Do note that because the AI isn’t aware of limitations in place to the player (such as Break Arts being weapon specific or Limit being damage taken) you may see abilities that are normally not possible. Ultimately, use this mode as a test tool, but definitely make sure to battle in live PvP!
- Elidibus Team (West – was formerly Rapha Team)
- Team consists of: Elidibus, Orator, Dragoon, Ninja, and Mime
- Team consists of: Elidibus, Orator, Dragoon, Ninja, and Mime
- Ashley Team (West – was formerly Delita Team)
- Team consists of: Ashley, Samurai, Onion Knight, Squire, Chemist
- Team consists of: Ashley, Samurai, Onion Knight, Squire, Chemist
- Aerith Team (East – was formerly Valmafra Team)
- Team consists of: Aerith, Orator, Dark Knight, Mystic, Thief
- Team consists of: Aerith, Orator, Dark Knight, Mystic, Thief
- Special Encounter Team (5 uniques)
- Replaced Reis with Balthier
- Replaced Marach with Valmafra
- Luso – Replaced Aim with Blue Magicks
Competitive All-Stars (4v4)
This newly tailored format takes the old version of Uniques Premade and transforms it to a Standard-version of itself! Come enjoy Tactics in this uniques only format where the mightest heroes and villains from the Brave Story battle it out in this unique 4v4 format!
This new addition retires the Generics Premade format for one that will hopefully be more exciting and enjoyable – combining the freedom of Tactics theorycrafting with exciting, powerful battles.
Note: The inventory and restrictions imposed in Standard fully apply in Competitive All-Stars.
Unique Roster Lineup
- Since this format is strictly uniques and to take advantage of the Party Roster Expansion QoL, players will have access to the following 28 unique characters (by party roster row) and their innate (if it had not already existed or was introduced in the Jobs section):
- Ramza, Alma, Delita, Mustadio, Meliadoul
- Agrias, Beowulf, Marach, Rapha, Reis
- Cloud, Aerith, Construct 8, Luso, Valmafra
- Ashley, Balthier, Elidibus, Orran
- Orlandeau
- Can use katanas, ninja blades, and sword-types with sword skills
- Isilud
- Concentration
- Zalbaag
- Lifefont, Manafont
- Boco (Chocobo)
- Swim, Counter, and uniquely mountable
- Elmdore
- Safeguard
- Immune: KO, Undead, Stone, Vampire, Reraise, Invisible, Berserk, Chicken, Toad, Doom
- Celia
- Dual Wield, Death Strike
- Immune: KO, Stone, Chicken, Toad
- Equip: Knives and Ninja Blades
- Lettie
- Dual Wield, Death Strike,
- Immune: KO, Stone,, Chicken, Toad
- Equip: Knives and Katanas
- Byblos
- Soulbind, Dexterity, Arcane Defense, Defense Boost
- Vampire, Curse, Doom immunity
- Fire Weakness was removed
- Argath [Deathknight job]
- Equip: Undead, Monkey Grip
Note: To avoid complications in campaign, this Argath uses the Deathknight variant but there are some areas that show he is still a Squire, he is assigned to Deathknight appropriately
Note: Because of limited space in the unit storage, Celia and Lettie formation sprites use the Dancer sprite and appear as “Ch. 1 Ramza” in deployment. They will correctly load their battle sprite in battle.
- Equip: Undead, Monkey Grip
- Ability Changes and Balancing
Some abilities were changed or adjusted to cater to the PvP environment and for playability reasons. This lists what was changed and on which character/skillset:
- Blade of Ruin (Zalbaag)
- All abilities are now instant cast and still require a sword-type weapon to use
- Decreased Range from 4 to 3 and abilities still retain their 1 AoE
- Increased MP cost of all abilities from 20 to 40
- Abilities are now faithless and use PA + PWR for hit chance (base Rend formulas) with Magicksap using Rend MP’s calculation (MP% damage). Due to the change in Rend Stat abilities, Sap abilities, except Magicksap, can also deal
PA * (WP / 2)
damage on success- Speedsap – PA + 40
- Powersap – PA + 60
- Magicksap – PA + 50, 50% maxMP damage
- Mindsap – PA + 60
- Sword Spirit (Elmdore)
- This skillset’s functionality is entirely the same as Iaido for PvP. Note that because Elmdor has innate Safeguard on Ark Knight, katana break chance is at 25% by default.
- While Ark Knight, additionally add Vampire skillset (which only has the Vampire ability) as a tertiary action command (Note that you cannot add/override this tertiary slot with another skillset that would add another tertiary)
- Dark Arts (Isilud)
- Renamed from Arts of War to fit the theme of the Nightblade job better and add some uniqueness
- Includes Rend Stat abilities and Bulwark (Arts of War), Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike, and Abyssal Blade
- While Nightblade, additionally add Jump skillset as a tertiary action command (Note that you cannot add/override this tertiary slot with another skillset that would add another tertiary)
- Subdual Arts (Celia)
- Skillset was updated as: Conceal (NEW), Death, Curse, Ultima, Entice
- Conceal – 100% Self, Bestows: Invisible
- Subdual Arts (Lettie)
- Skillset was updated as: Conceal (NEW), Suffocate, Dark Whisper (Tiamat ability), Ultma, Entice
- Suffocate – uses
% = SP + 40
instead of 100% hit
- Fell Sword (Argath)
- Argath’s skillset includes Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike, Throw Dagger, Salve, Frenzy, and Taunt
- Note: that due to complications mentioned earlier, his learned skillset is set to Squire with Fundaments (from campaign). This is erroneous and he uses the above Fell Sword one in battle
- Blade of Ruin (Zalbaag)
Competitive Standard v6
- Ruleset Updates
- The 12 Minute Time Limit will now be enforced for all Tactics League PvP formats
- The Bonus Time was increased from 15 to 20 seconds to provide a bit more decision making time
- Unique Characters
- Alma – Increased base HP from 235 to 255 (+20 HP)
- Delita:
- He has ascended to the throne – updated his sprite and portrait to his king variant. Note that this is for cosmetic reasons and Holy Sword is unchanged
- Increased base HP from 386 to 406 (Holy Knight starts at 391 HP)
- Increased base PA from 16 to 181
- Reis – Decreased base HP from 711 to 661 (-50 HP)
- Valamfra – Decreased base SP from 12 to 11
- Alma – Increased base HP from 235 to 255 (+20 HP)
- Gear Restrictions List Update
- NEW [No Longer Limited] Onion Armor
- NEW [Limited] Air Knife, Ninja Gear, Gokuu Pole, Zeus Mace, Stardust Rod, Ras Algethi, Dreamwaker, Excalipoor, Pearl Rouge
- NEW [Semi-Limited] Moonsilk Blade
- NEW [Vaulted] Wind Rod
Rendezvous v4
Missions were not changed. However, due to supporting Campaign, and easing the requirement of Dark Knight but with their Fell Swords being gated behind mulitplayer modes, the scaling of most enemies are now set to Party Level instead of Lv. 99, with a few exceptions, especially in the later missions. Note that in order to preserve the intention of Tactics League – Rendezvous, the equipment is still specifically set instead of being randomized; missions are still ideal to be tackled with a partner.
The Rendezvous Leaderboard still requires you to use the “Rendezvous” (SLOT 2) save data in order to qualify for leaderboards.
The exceptions are:
- The Guarded Temple – Enemies are still Lv. 50
- Brave Story – Enemies are by default Lv. 80
- Brave Story, Part 3 – Sekhrets are still Lv. 50, the rest are Lv. 80
- Brave Story, Part 10 – Delita and Valmafra scale with Party Level, other enemies are Lv. 80