**Tactics League - Campaign JP Progression Updates **Version: 5.0 Beta **Description: Details the JP adjustments of all Tactics League-exclusive and base game Ability JP Costs for campaign playthroughs **Note: JP Boost and EXP Boost are innately active 100% of the time so these abilities were removed [Fundaments/Unique skillsets] * Death Strike - 400 [Squire/Fundaments] * Throw Dagger - 30 > 60 * Frenzy - 600 * Taunt - 1000 [Chemist/Items] * Hermes Tonic - 120 > 400 * Phoenix Down - 90 > 50 to improve the AI purchasing * Reequip - 0 > 10, change made to signal this needs to be purchased instead of being at 0 and not necessarily auto-buyable [Knight/Arts of War] * Bulwark - 150 * Mow Down - 300 * War Cry - 200 * Saint Cross - 500 * Monkey Grip (support) - 700 * Tactical Shift (movement) - 200 [Archer/Aim] * Take Aim - 200 * Sonic Boom - 300 * Beso Toxico - 600 * Break Aim - 500 * Aim Vitals - 900 * Charge Weapon - 250 [Black Mage/Black Magicks] * Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga - 500 > 900 (due to being treated as their previous -aja version) * Scathe - 150 * Bio - 800 * Doomsday - 800 * Curse - 200 [Time Mage/Time Magicks] * Slow - 80 > 100 [Summoner/Summon] * Golem - 500 > 700 * Midgardsomr - 0 > 600 * Faerie - 400 > 600 * Critical: Flee (was Critical: Recover MP) removed and added to Steal [Thief/Steal] * Borrowed Time - 120 * Steal Limelight - 250 * Steal HP - 300 * Critical: Flee (reaction) - 400 [Dragoon/Dragon Tech] * Fire/Ice/Thunder Breath - 150 each * Luna - 250 * Lancet - 300 * Tail Sweep - 500 [Samurai/Iaido] * Zanmato - 400 * Shirahadori (reaction) - 700 > 1000 [Ninja/Throw] (Note that Throw is now ONLY Shuriken/Bomb but all items have received major buffs/reworks) * Shuriken - 300 * Bomb - 300 * Nimble (movement) - 250 [Sage/Ja-Magicks] * Toadja - 500 * Gravija - 700 * Flareja - 500 * Blindja - 200 * Confuseja - 300 * Sleepja - 300 * Aeroja - 700 * Waterja - 1200 * Quake - 1000 * CT Boost (reaction) - 400 * Dexterity (movement) - 500 [Bard/Dancer - R/S/M] Fury & Magick Boost - 500 Bravery Boost & Magick Boost - 300 Performing Arts - 800 Fly - 5000 > 3000 [Dark Knight - Action & R/S/M] Sanguine Sword and Infernal Strike - 500 > 100 each (because these abilities replace Shadowblade/Duskblade) HP Boost - 2000 > 1000