PvP Patch v5 Focused: Campaign

Today, we go over how the fifth and final version of the PvP Patch will finally support the Campaign so you can embark on a single-player adventure with one of the greatest stories in video game history and suit up afterward to take on some of Tactics League’s best players in competitive PvP. Let’s go over these changes below.

Party Roster Expansion

Though this was first mentioned in the v5 Focused series, the roster expansion is a very important detail for those looking to progress the story once more or for the first time. The expansion unlocks the four reserved Guest slots to be fully usable, expanding the party limit from 24 to 28. Leveraging this also allows for more unique characters to join your party permanently in the story and for Tactics League PvP, but there are a few important notes to share:

  • Guest characters are fully deployable (for the first time) in both story and random encounters. Note that because of this, you can have duplicate Guest characters in a mission, such as two Delitas in the Chapter 1 fight in Garland. If you want to keep things true to form, avoid deploying these Guests where they normally would already spawn.
  • Guest characters are also fully dismissable now so keep cautious of this and always remember to save in between battles.
  • NPC-controlled mission-based Guest characters do update their stats, gear, and abilities if they already exist in your party.

Progress Faster with Always-On EXP and JP Boost

Everyone loves being able to build their party and further explore the creative offerings of Final Fantasy Tactics, and version 5 is supporting that by ensuring that the EXP and JP Boost support abilities are always enabled – you won’t need to slot these abilities to quickly start watching your units grow in levels and unlock abilities faster.

Additionally, the Bard and Dancer jobs both now support spillover JP whereas they originally did not and Onion Knight Base and Master versions can now accrue EXP and JP as well; all a part of making sure you can progress in the way you choose to.

Warriors’ Guild Changes and Zodiac Signs

A few changes also went into the Warriors’ Guild unit recruitment. Such as:

  • New hires are always 60 Bravery and 60 Faith to conform to the Tactics League Standard format.
  • Female-generated Squires will start with an Oak Staff instead of a Dagger since their Magick scales better with this starting weapon.
  • New hires always have the Serpentarius Zodiac Sign.
  • The hiring cost is now a flat 1,500 gil instead of being 1,000 gil + equipment price.

There may be additional changes to follow with the Warriors’ Guild in a later update during beta.

Additionally, the Zodiac Compatibility system is fully disabled. This change is to follow suit with the Serpentarius-neutral sign that is already used in Tactics League game formats to set expectations early that this system no longer plays a role in this mod. Units with different signs that you come across in the Campaign did not have their signs changed.

Errands Unit Customization

Ever deployed a unit on an Errand and maybe forgotten to remove gear from them beforehand? Or do you want to deck them out in the latest fashions while they are away? Or even change their job or abilities while unavailable? Now you can with this quality of life change! The picture below is a screenshot of being able to use the Outfitters on “unavailable” units deployed on an Errand.

Encounter Updates and Monster Improvements

One of the main goals of the Campaign is to set some expectations heading into Melee. Additionally, one area that I felt needed improvement was monsters and monster abilities. The following changes have been made to story and random encounters in general:

  • All non-unique units are set to 60 Bravery and 60 Faith, including monsters.
  • Monsters in story-based encounters and Midlight’s Deep now use Party Level +2 level scaling unless they were already assigned a higher value by default; this is to improve their combativeness while not hopefully making them overbearing for most players.
  • Many monster abilities have been improved, notably in their PWR (which dictates its base damage/healing or chance); you should see more non-attack-like monster abilities happen due to this change and monsters are a bit more challenging, especially in mid-to-end game encounters!

One of the bigger goals was to avoid changing encounters from their original design; besides the NPCs now having access to stronger gear and abilities due to the PvP Patch, the majority of fights are familiar as intended. However, with access to new stuff, some battles may require a bit more strategy and careful planning as some can be quite surprising to handle if you are not prepared, such as Argath’s battle at Fort Ziekden.

With Aerith joining the Tactics League roster in Standard, a change was made to Cloud’s Sal Ghidos event that now has her staying instead of fleeing and fighting alongside Cloud and friends. Aerith will now also join your party roster alongside Cloud after a successful finish now scaled with your party level instead of the original Level 1 join-in!

Tactics League-Exclusive Abilities and Equipment Balancing

Efforts were made to all Tactics League-exclusive abilities to now have a JP cost associated with them to ensure they are a part of the campaign progression and some equipment balancing was made to reduce getting your hands on powerful gear early game, such as moving the updated Knives, such as Blind Knife or Tiptaptwo later into Chapter 1 instead of being a part of the starting Chapter 1 inventory. Keep in mind, that with some changes, the “balancing act” isn’t perfect, but suitable for those wanting to go from start to finish with the PvP Patch in Campaign.


Though the PvP Patch was originally multiplayer-focused only, community feedback and requests stoked a change in heart with version 5 to ensure that those who wanted to enjoy this mod in a single-player setting could now from start to finish, with bigger hopes that you can become better accustomed to changes and more ready to enter the true endgame: PvP.

PvP Patch v5 Focused: Limit Level System

Version 5 introduces a new and familiar mechanic that will affect Aerith (now playable in both campaign and Tactics PvP) and Cloud – the Limit Level System from the original Final Fantasy VII.

For anyone who has played Final Fantasy VII (if you haven’t by now what are you waiting for!) this system should feel and act quite at home while making some minor adjustments to fit for Final Fantasy Tactics and PvP balance and fairness. First, Let’s review how this system works and how it will impact both Aerith and Cloud in version 5.

Limit Level System Functionality

Cloud and Aerith both have “Limit” skillsets that correspond closely to their behavior in FFVII. This also means that Cloud (who we are already familiar with) had most of his abilities adjusted to mimic his FFVII counterparts in various ways where possible while ensuring there was still a physical and magick side of him that could be explored during teambuilding. We will go into more about that later when we go over the ability changes. For now, let’s go more into detail on how this system translates over to Tactics:

  • Cloud and Aerith’s “Limit” is initially unusable at battle start. Abilities unlock based on the percentage of HP damage taken from only enemy attacks. Steps were added to ensure that team damage cannot influence your Limit Level. This does mean that Cloud and Aerith are both more reliant on their secondary skillset and weapon attacks initially as well, but their “counter” options vastly grow stronger and stronger the higher their Limit Level reaches up to a maximum of 4.
  • Limit Levels are separated by: Level 1 = 20%, Level 2 = 30%, Level 3 = 40%, Level 4 = 60% HP damage taken
  • Limit is no longer blocked by Silence status.
  • Limit no longer costs MP (since there is an HP damage requirement).
  • Damaging Limits cannot target/hit allies.
  • Recoil damage and Poison status do not increase your Limit Level.
  • Mana Shield works with incrementing Limit Level as the HP to MP conversion is still considered HP damage.
  • Reaction abilities, such as Soulbind or Counter, can increase your Limit Level.
  • Once a Limit ability is used, your Limit Level will reset to zero as it did in FFVII; you will need to make choices on whether to “save up” or use lower levels (which are still of great benefit).
  • If a Limit ability has zero targets hit/affected, it will not reset your Limit Level.
  • If Cloud or Aerith is KO’ed, your Limit Level will be reduced by 1 (instead of being reset as it did in FFVII) so that you still have the option to utilize them as long as you were at least Limit Level 2.

Cloud – Limit Abilities

As mentioned earlier, Cloud’s Limit abilities are much closer to their FFVII counterparts instead of oddly being only MA-based abilities like they were in the original FFT. With the Soldier job having innate Doublehand, this plays a bigger role and Cloud can reach further damage potential when speccing him for physical damage. For those that enjoyed a magick-based Cloud, you will find some of his abilities a bit more limited than they were in v4, but more lethal due to the buffs pertaining to Limit Level. Let’s go over his reworked skillset:

  • Braver (Lv. 1)
    • An “attack-like” ability that deals 10% more physical damage with your [weapon] to one target, can now Cast or Inflict: [weapon], evadable, and can critically strike. This ability will strike twice if dual-wielding.
  • Cross Slash (Lv. 1)
    • Deals cross-shape AoE physical damage based on your [weapon] + 1 PWR, 25% chance to Inflict: Stop, can critically strike.
  • Blade Beam (Lv. 2)
    • Deals 3-range conal AoE physical damage based on your [weapon], uses Abyssal Blade row scaling (but does not recoil), and can critically strike.
  • Climhazzard (Lv. 2)
    • Deals 70% of the target’s max. HP in single target damage, ignoring mitigation. This ability no longer triggers Magick Counter.
  • Meteorain (Lv. 3)
    • Now 18 PWR instead of 14 and is still AoE magic damage (with the same range/vert.).
  • Finishing Touch (Lv. 3)
    • Inflicts all of: KO, Stone, and Stop (in that order) instead of randomly one of the three, and is still single target.
  • Omnislash (Lv. 4)
    • An “attack-like” ability that strikes with your [weapon] at 75% of its normal damage, but Omnislash now hits 5 times randomly within the AoE (and no longer hits allies). Can now Cast or Inflict: [weapon] and can critically strike. This ability will strike 10 times if dual-wielding.
  • Cherry Blossom (Lv. 4)
    • Now 20 PWR instead of 16 and has a 25% chance to Inflict: Poison, Immobilize, or Blind per target hit (still tri-elemental).

As you have probably noticed, most Limit abilities are now influenced by your equipped weapon this time around (as most Limit abilities were enhanced “Attack” in FFVII) and Doublehand, Attack Boost, and even Brawler, affect them too so there is a plethora of ways to build Cloud and ultimately, he is even more lethal than in v4, albeit he will now need to be “pushed to his limit.”

Aerith – Limit Abilities

As Aerith is a support-type unique character, most of her skillset is centered around supporting her allies to victory, but don’t sleep on her abilities as they can quickly turn the tides of battle!

  • Healing Wind (Lv. 1)
    • Restores HP to allies in an Iaido ranged-AoE. Heals undead instead of damaging them.
  • Seal Evil (Lv. 1)
    • 3 range, single target, 100% Inflicts: Silence and Stop.
  • Breath of the Earth (Lv. 2)
    • Iaido-ranged, removes all negative effects from allies.
  • Fury Brand (Lv. 2)
    • Iaido-ranged, increases allies’ Power and Magick by 2.
  • Planet Protector (Lv. 3)
    • Single ally, Bestows: Protect, Shell, and Veil.
  • Pulse of Life (Lv. 3)
    • Iaido-ranged, ally revive at % = PA + 70. Restores 50% HP on success per target.
  • Great Gospel (Lv. 4)
    • Iaido-ranged, fully restores HP and MP, and Bestows: Protect, Shell to allies.

Though the majority of Aerith’s skillset is support-based, her stats on her Ancient job allow her to dive into either physical or magick abilities or attacks, as well as having innate Halves: All Elements, so not only is she tanky-capable, but also offensive too!

With these changes, I am hoping not only for further creativity especially for Cloud, but also your opponent will need to be cautious about how they play against either Cloud or Aerith as pushing their Limit at the wrong time could be disastrous for them!

PvP Patch v5 Focused: Dragon Tech, Blue Magicks, and Perform

Today’s article focuses on some new and exciting changes coming to Dragoon, Mime, and a new accessory called the Garment Ring. Let’s dive into how each impacts the following jobs and playability!

Dragoon’s New Skillset, Dragon Tech

Dragoons get a new, shiny set of abilities to play with in version 5, giving them more tools to combat with instead of strictly just Jump and Attack, while also adding Jump as a tertiary action command so it isn’t out of the equation. The new Dragon Tech skillset is inspired by the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance series of Dragoon jobs, giving them more options and creativity to build both for magic and physical specs.

Here’s a rundown of how each new ability operates (note that these breath changes also affect Reis’s Dragon skillset as well):

  • Ice Breath – Deals 2-line ice magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Immobilize
  • Fire Breath – Deals 2-line fire magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Poison
  • Thunder Breath – Deals 2-line lightning magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Blind
  • Luna – Self, 100% Berserk
  • Lancet – 2 Range, 33% HP Absorption
  • Tail Sweep – 2 Range Conal, Deals physical damage with a chance to critically strike

As mentioned earlier, not only does Dragoon gain a new skillset that isn’t strictly just “Jump” but it also adds Jump back in as a tertiary as their signature and most damaging skill. Jump will also be affected by your Jump stat in the future, so you can invest in more damage (and more pain) by building towards the Jump stat as well!

Dragoons got a flexibility buff in version 5, and I can’t wait to see what creative builds you take with them!

Become a Blue Mage (sort of) with Blue Magicks

With version 5, Mimes got a change to their Mimic skillset (which was technically just a dummied skillset by default) which allows them to finally learn select monster abilities in battle akin to how Blue Mages work in other Final Fantasy titles. With this change, Mimes can now use their exclusive skillset, Blue Magicks, to wield a variety of utility and damage options in addition to still being able to mimicry. Mimes did receive a bit of stat reductions to compensate for this change as this allows them to use functions outside of Attack on their turn. Other non-Mime jobs can use Blue Magicks, but you will need to slot the updated Beastmaster support ability to do so (this is also for balance purposes).

With 14 new abilities in their skillset, Mimes and Blue Magicks in general, is a contender option for flexibility and having a toolbox of plays when you need it most. Part of the changes going into it is that these abilities felt good to use, but also aren’t as powerful by default as is the nature of Blue Magicks in other games. Let’s do a quick brief on what each does:

  • Cat Scratch – 1 Range, physical damage with 100% knockback based on position
  • Choco Pellets – 4 Range, physical damage with a chance to critically strike
  • Choco Esuna – 1 AoE, Removes: Stone, Blind, Silence, Poison, Stop, Immobilize, Disable
  • Goblin Punch – 1 Range, deals damage based on your missing HP
  • Dread Gaze – 3 Range, reduces target’s Bravery by 20
  • Spark – Iaido-Range, deals fire magic damage to all targets, including yourself
  • Vampire – 1 Range, deals 33% max. HP absorption with a 25% chance to Inflict: Vampire
  • Mind Blast – 3 Range, chance to Inflict: Confuse or Berserk (at 25% chance each)
  • Ice Anima – 4 Range, deals ice magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Slow
  • Earthsplitter – Iaido-Range, deals earth magic damage
  • Goo – 1 Range, Inflicts: Immobilize, Slow, or Stop randomly (at 25% chance each)
  • Heave – 1 Range, inflicts physical damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: KO
  • Magick Nymph – Self, 1 AoE, restores MP to all nearby targets (excludes yourself)
  • Tri-Breath – 3-Directional, deals 2-range damage based on 40% of the target’s max. HP per target

As you can see, Blue Magicks is loaded with a plethora of options, but it can only be accessed by either playing Mime directly or slotting the Beastmaster support ability which then unlocks it for slotting as a secondary command. Since Luso is considered a Blue Mage under his Game Hunter job, he will have Beastmaster innately, allowing you to slot Blue Magicks as a secondary if you choose to do so automatically while still keeping your Support slot open.

In the campaign, slotting Beastmaster (which is learnable on Squire) allows you to start mastering select monster abilities guaranteed as long as you were hit or affected, so this is a great way to start your Blue Magicks journey even in the beginning and it now extends the hidden ability unlock range from 1 to 3 tiles!

You can Bardsong or Dance with the Garment Ring

The Garment Ring is a new accessory joining the Tactics League inventory in v5 which allows you to access the unique, Perform command while slotted. Perform includes all of Bardsong and Dance abilities so you can finally do Bardsong on a female unit, or Dance on a male, whichever suits your needs!

This limited-item ring inspired by Final Fantasy X-2 gives its user the power to utilize both skillsets all in one, allowing you to have greater flexibility for situations. With greater power, you still should consider Performing Arts support ability to enhance your effectiveness with Bardsong and Dance, but even with select abilities, you can get away with a decent time performing your way to victory. Perform is considered a quaternary command, so you can still use both your primary, secondary, and tertiary (if slotted) alongside it. And yes, even Onion Knight can perform too!


Dragoons have more to do than just jump and poke, Mimes can use an array of abilities on their turn, and the Garment Ring allows you to perform however you choose. Version 5 is aimed to be a wild ride for sure!

PvP Patch v5 Focused: Uniques, New and Familiar

The fifth and final iteration of the Tactics League PvP Patch will soon enter public beta, and with it comes a massive amount of new updates, changes, and quality of life for what will be the end of the series of updates.

In the first Focused article, we will explore a significant change coming with version 5: the Party Roster Expansion (which utilizes the previous 4 reserved Guest slots for the story) allowing for four additional unique characters to join the Standard and Rendezvous roster! Let’s go more into an overview of what makes each of these units special and how you will be able to wield them each in competitive PvP.

Ashley Riot (from Vagrant Story)

One of the more talked about characters from different (but similar) video game universes in the Tactics League Discord, Ashley will finally make his debut in version 5. As a Riskbreaker, you will utilize his Break Arts to dispatch highly damaging situations at the cost of your HP (similarly to how Dark Knight’s Abyssal Blade and Unholy Sacrifice work).

Each weapon has an associated Break Art that the Riskbreaker job can equip, and thankfully, Ashley joins the fight with innate Reequip and a plethora of accessible weapons to make changes on the fly for the battles ahead. Ashley can equip: Swords, Knight’s Swords, Fell Swords, Crossbows, Staves, Flails, Axes, Knives, Polearms, Shields, Robes, Clothing, and Hats.

If you are familiar with Vagrant Story, Ashley’s Break Arts should feel at home. Abilities like Vile Scar (Swords), Shadoweave (Knives), and Advent Sign (Knight’s Swords) are at your disposal but you will need to carefully juggle Ashley’s HP as each one taxes him depending on their overall power. There are 11 Break Arts to use with them being weapon-specific, so building into him requires consideration as well. The Break Arts skillset includes some of the Fundaments abilities from Squire, such as Focus, Stone, Salve, and Throw Dagger, but Frenzy and Taunt are excluded.

Scythe Wind (requires Polearm) – Deals devastating conal Wind damage (and can even mix with your weapon’s element) in the area for 60% of your max. HP.

A shout-out to Valkirst from FFHacktics for the awesome-looking sprite and portrait, Tactics style!

Aerith Gainsborough (from the Cloud event in Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy VII)

The lovely flower girl you come across during the event sequences with Cloud in the story is finally becoming a fully playable character in the PvP Patch. She joins the roster not only as a support character but also with a unique Quality of Life change coming that not only affects Aerith but also Cloud: the Limit Level System.

Without going off track entirely for this article, essentially Aerith and Cloud’s skillset behavior closely resembles the one in FFVII, taking enemy damage results in increased Limit Level, unlocking stronger abilities as you continue to do so, which can change the tides of battle quickly. We will dive more into that and Cloud’s changes in a specific article, but for now, note that that change is coming and I carefully wanted to make sure it is as rewarding as it is thoughtful and fun tactfully.

Now let’s take a closer look at our lovely lady who has the power to convene with the planet itself:

Aerith’s job, Ancient, grants her Innate: Halves: All Elements, and as you can see from her stat sheet, she can be theory-crafted in various ways fairly easily. Her Limit abilities closely resemble that of the Final Fantasy VII (not the remake versions) ones giving her an array of commands to aid her team to victory. These abilities require incoming enemy HP damage (no team cheesing sorry :p) to gain access to them and Limit is initially locked until you have taken at least 20% for Level 1. Let’s take a look at a few:

Fury Brand (Limit Level 2 – Take 30% HP Damage or more to unlock)

Planet Protector (Limit Level 3 – Take 40% HP Damage or more to unlock)

As mentioned earlier, we will dive directly into the Limit Level System – QoL update in its separate article, including changes to Cloud, coming with PvP Patch v5.

Elidibus, Serpentarius Lucavi (secret boss from Midlight’s Deep)

Though this probably ruined the secret (sorry if it did!), Elidibus is joining the Tactics League roster as the second monster alongside Construct 8. As a boss and Lucavi, I wanted to make sure he stood out on his own, especially against the coveted Construct 8 to not only make him a threat but to fit the title of “secret boss.” If you are familiar with Elidibus, then you will be quite familiar with him in this rendition, balanced for PvP playability but he is nothing to scoff at. Let’s take a closer look:

As a monster, you cannot equip or change his job or abilities, but he is loaded with innate abilities to offset these limits. Elidibus’s innate abilities are Bonecrusher, Instant Cast, Manafont, and Dexterity. Yes, he does have Instant Cast which makes all abilities in his kit be, well, immediate! He also has an array of status and elemental innates or immunities, listed in the second picture.

The Dark skillset is quite familiar if you have experienced against it before, bringing about devastating Toad and Poison status in Poisonous Frog, a lowered PWR version of Zodiark (which also cannot be uniquely mimicked for balance purposes), a hard-hitting 2-range attack in Snakecharm, and the life-ending Vengeance to net killing blows based on your damage taken.

Mentioning the MP costs in his skillset, you will need to carefully play around his limited MP pool as though he has Manafont, he will only recover so much per move so you will need to build in proportion to how effective you want Elidibus to be.

I can’t wait to see some crafty plays and AoE annihilation once the v5 Beta starts!

The Leading Man Permanently Returns, Balthier (from Final Fantasy Tactics: the War of the Lions and Final Fantasy XII)

Oh man, Balthier has had the most ins and outs in the Tactics League roster than any other character in history. With the struggles between the original Barrage, trying to find ways to adjust his stat spread and ultimately having low playability, to giving up his spot for another unique, Balthier has once stolen the show and then not so much after. But with version 5, I have taken the time to hone in on various feedback and pain points that players have had with him in the past and he can finally return to competitive play as the Sky Pirate we all love. And he is still menacing as ever (and don’t sleep on him)!

Balthier doesn’t return with Safeguard innately like he originally had, but rather, he now has Mug: dealing unarmed damage with successful Steal Equipment abilities. With Thief’s Gloves and even his initial or increased Bravery, not only can you rob someone of their precious gear, but they take a hefty amount of damage while doing so (and it can crit too)!

First, let’s address one of his signature issues from the past: Barrage. It is finally back, but it is now: a 2-hit instead of a 4-hit, it costs 60 MP as a means to check it directly, it is evadable (based on the weapon type), and it hits for 60% of the total power a normal attack would have done. Now don’t let that fool you, with the right setups and plays, Barrage can still cripple and down targets, especially with weapons having an initial 50% chance to activate their ability cast and even more so when you add the reworked Chantage (100% chance instead).

Second, the FFXII Quickenings that were added to replace Barrage, Leg Shot, Arm Shot, and Seal Evil in version 3 are coming back for version 5 too. With it, an array of options you can build Balthier for. Slotting Brawler lets Elements of Treachery and Fires of War damage propel to greater heights. But you can also build Balthier as a magic-spec with a reworked Tides of Fate and crush the opposition with conal water damage.

Third, the Plunder abilities have been replaced by the Steal Equipment ones (Thief’s versions) to make room for many new abilities that you will come across in later articles. With recent updates to Steal and as a “master thief” these mesh well with Balthier as a whole and allow him to play his job rightfully so.

I am glad he is finally able to come back, especially in the final series of updates, and I cannot wait to see the shenanigans he can do in the hands of our best players!


The Party Roster Expansion opens up new and exciting leaders to your future version 5 teams. This is just the beginning of what is in store for the ending series of updates. There is even more to explore, but we will save that for a future article. Stay tuned for more version 5 news to come!

PvP Patch v4.0 Focused: Practice Mode and Quality of Life Updates

The 4th version of the PvP Patch has a ton of new features and enhancements that ultimately strive to improve your Final Fantasy Tactics multiplayer and single-player experience. This focused article and future ones will hone in on certain major changes so that you can be better informed before the massive changelog is released on patch day.

Practice Mode

The new Practice Mode feature is a rewrite of all the random encounters in Araguay Woods to serve as the best place to practice your new team against NPC teams that are built in mind of the Standard format (previously known as Starter). You can encounter 8 different teams, each led by a unique character that follows the same ruleset convention used in Standard – these fights are a challenge and can down your team if you aren’t careful!

Let’s take a look at each enemy team and how you can encounter them:

  • West (from Dorter)
    • Rapha – Chemist, Archer, Thief, Geomancer
    • Delita – Dragoon, Onion Knight, Chemist, Archer
    • Agrias – Time Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Summoner
    • Mustadio – Dark Knight, Samurai, White Mage, Mime
  • East (from Fort Besselat)
    • Construct 8 – Bard, Dancer, Dragoon, Monk
    • Cloud – Geomancer, Squire, Archer, Black Mage
    • Valmafra – Orator, Dark Knight, Mystic, Thief
    • Meliadoul – Archer, Geomancer, Ninja, Bard
  • Special Encounter (regardless of direction)
    • Alma, Marach, Reis, Beowulf, and Luso
Araguay Woods is the new home of Practice Mode, 8 different, guaranteed encounters based on Standard

Quality of Life Updates

There are several new additions to the game systems and combat improvements to help with the general “feel” and interaction of Final Fantasy Tactics. A huge shout-out to Tzepish for many of these new changes being integrated into the PvP Patch! Let’s take a deeper dive into each key change:

Unique Characters can now be Renamed at the Warrior’s Guild

In PvP Patch version 3, the feature of being able to rename your generic characters, Ramza, and Construct 8 was well received and added an extra uniqueness to your team. This is being expanded in version 4, where you can now rename any character, including unique characters. Let your imagination run wild, but keep in mind to not be offensive!

Iaido Abilities and Unholy Sacrifice Now Display Their Damage and Status in the Damage Preview

One new addition is that Iaido’s damaging abilities and Darkness’s Unholy Sacrifice will now display their damage and status infliction instead of previously displaying a “00%” hit rate. Note that while this now does show the damage dealt, this value is based on the caster’s mitigation sources and modifiers and their status immunities, so this isn’t 100% reflective of what type of damage or status that can be dealt. As a reminder, always use the Help menu and the “Calc” field to properly figure out how much damage your unit can deal for accuracy.

Muramasa now has a 19% chance to inflict Confuse where it previously had a chance to inflict Doom.

Midlight’s Deep’s Maps Brightness Improved!

Yes, you can venture forth into the Midlight’s Deep maps (also known as Deep Dungeon from PSX FFT) against another player with some lighting! This is still a work in progress, and one of the hopeful goals in the future is to have the brightness at maximum or near it. For now, these maps are now playable in Melee mode. Note, that this change does not affect the campaign’s Midlight’s Deep maps – this solely affects Melee currently.

You can now see Midlight’s Deep’s multiplayer maps – though this is still a WIP

Campaign’s First Encounter, Orbonne Monastery – Improved

Though the Tactics League PvP Patch is designed in mind for multiplayer content, the enemies in the first story battle now have their equipment set to Random, meaning that the game will now decide the best options based on the gear’s “level.” This change was made because of feedback where people were interested in the PvP Patch but wanted to try it in the campaign, but came across the first battle’s enemies with endgame gear! As a reminder, this change is to help the prospect of playing with the PvP Patch in the story, but the patch is still not balanced for campaign, so progress at your own risk.

PvP Patch v4.0 Beta will be released on March 12, 2024. Be sure to join the Tactics League Discord for a heads start on the update and be a part of our growing community!

Tactics League – Rendezvous Addition and Challenges

As part of our community mission to provide a home for multiplayer Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, we wanted to include a save that hones in on some of the game’s toughest PvE battles that you can take on with a buddy online wherever you have an internet connection and ZeroTier/PPSSPP. This supported save is included with our latest v2.5 save data update which you can read more about here.


  • All 15 Rendezvous missions unlocked (game cleared)
  • This save is built similarly to how Starter is; the inventory is limited in quantity and characters have all jobs and abilities unlocked
  • Ramza is listed as R-Ramza so you can track multiple Rendezvous saves within the Tactics League save data if needed

📃Important Details

  • The PvP Patch must be disabled as this mode was designed with “vanilla” or original gameplay in mind
  • It is highly recommended to have an original version of your FFT WotL backup ready so you can play with original text/descriptions
  • Characters on the roster should not be modified, except via gear and abilities, and should retain their original Br/Fa values and stats
  • Any stat changes, including EXP/JP, while in Rendezvous are reset after the mission ends
  • Arithmeticks are disabled automatically in Rendezvous
  • Characters that “crystalize” are not permanently removed from the party roster
  • Multi-part missions, such as Brave Story, do not reset HP/MP, KO’d characters or status effects, inventory changes (such as katana breaks)

🏆Challenge and Scoring

You can always take on these missions with a friend casually, but why not add a little extra difficulty for added fun and strategy? The game’s Treasure Wheel dictates not only how many chests you get from completion but also your “Star Rating.” This Star Rating or the number of chests increases the fewer units you and your partner take on a mission together in addition to completion.

To go for a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐score:

  • Ideally, both players bring no more than 1 unit each. However, this may vary from mission to mission
  • Have zero party members KO’d by the time the mission ends (reviving does not penalize scoring)
  • KO as many enemy characters as possible

At a later date, we are working on featuring a competitive-style Rendezvous challenge for everyone in the Tactics League Discord to participate in, so make sure to start learning these missions and prep to show your PvE prowess. If you have not already joined our Discord hop in and find a partner!