PvP Patch v4.0 Beta – Overview

Greetings and cheers! It has been an exciting time here at Tactics League; we just completed our first-ever cup, and back in October 2023, our first-ever tournament. With it, a growing community has reached new landmarks in competition, and people are eager to come check out what Tactics PvP is all about.

Now the future of the Tactics League’s PvP Patch is almost here! Today, I want to share a high-level overview of what to expect in the upcoming version 4.0 beta update. This isn’t everything, but you will see more focused articles about certain changes to follow as well leading up to the public beta release.

🤩 Meet Our New Uniques: Alma and Valmafra

  • This hefty update adds both Alma Beoulve and Valmafra Lenande to the uniques roster, replacing Ovelia and Balthier respectively!
  • Alma – A glorified Cleric, uses her supportive Holy Magicks to provide powerful status effects to allies and additionally has access to some high-level White Magicks as well. With her base 87 Faith and innate Arcane Defense, Defense Boost, and Charm immunity, Alma is ready to provide aid and comfort on the battlefield.
  • Vamlafra – A Witch of the Coven, has learned the trades of White, Black, Time, Mystic Arts, and Ja-Magicks and is likened to that of both a Red Mage and Elementalist. With her Magicks using a blend of all 5 skill sets, she can cast damaging magicks quickly thanks to her innate Swiftness.
  • Both of these new characters will be available in both Standard and Rendezvous formats.

⏫ Quality of Life Updates and Practice Mode

  • The Starter format (the competitive/slot 3 save) has been renamed to Standard to follow other naming conventions used in other competitive games and to set the tone that this is the main competitive format; it is still the Esports-driven format you have come to expect!
  • Araguay Woods is the new home of Practice Mode – where all 8 encounters (depending on how you enter Araguay Woods) are a team of 5 led by a unique character each, tailored similarly to popular and niche setups from Standard. This is the perfect place to practice and test your new squad offline before venturing out into Melee! You might even come across a rare 5 unique character team encounter…
  • You can now rename your unique characters at the Warriors Guild!
  • Iaido and Unholy Sacrifice now properly show their damage/status in the damage preview.
  • Night-time conditions no longer penalizes Bows and Crossbow attacks.
  • Improved AI behaviors, such as better decision-making with casting Protect/Shell.

💤 Status Effect Updates

  • Protect & Shell:
    • All equipment that provides Equip: Protect/Shell now all provide Initial: Protect/Shell, meaning that gear provides Protect/Shell in a duration the same way Kiyomori or Barrier does.
    • This also means that gear-sourced Protect/Shell is now interactable with abilities or attacks; such as War Cry, Harmony, and Giant’s Axe.
    • The duration of Protect/Shell has been increased.
    • Protect/Shell now persists while KO’d so you can return to the fight with it intact (but they are still on a duration).
  • Veil (formerly Invulnerable) – Renamed to fit the theme better and it now has a status pop-up when it has expired from Steadfast Ring (rejoice!)
  • Invisible – Doubles your evasion rates while active (until you take an action or get hit) and NPCs can now target you but at a lower priority to do so.
  • Atheist, Sleep, and Charm have had their status durations reduced to lessen the duration they have over a single game, but are still impactful and worthwhile to inflict.

👥 Base Stats and Gender Equality Updates

  • The base HP, MP, PA, and MA of all generic squires in all Tactics League formats have been increased to improve their stat spread transition to other jobs.
  • Almost all generic jobs have also received a slight increase in their MA/PA, resulting in better viability of male magical or female physical setups with the total stat spread being no more than 2 points between either gender; you can play any job on any gender and they all can now perform well!

🧙‍♂️ Jobs Updates

  • Many jobs received a slight boost in their PA/MA multipliers to better offset the disparity between male magical and female physical setups. Note that while these are stat increases, these don’t “add” any further power to any job.
  • Chemist received a hefty boost to their HP and now innately increase Potions and Ethers HP/MP restore by an additional 50.
  • Summoner received a boost to their maximum MP and now boasts the highest MP out of all caster jobs.
  • Sage’s base Speed has been increased from 10 to 11.
  • Mimes can now equip a limited set of gear and gain a new functionality in “copy weapon,” allowing them to slot the previous acting ally’s weapon temporarily; there’s a lot more potential and tricks with Mimes!
  • Dark Knight now has innate Lifefont instead of Immune: Faith to reduce highly situational passives.

✨ Abilities Updates

  • Meliadoul’s Unyielding Blade has been renamed to Unyielding Strike and now works with any weapon!
  • All 8-range abilities have been reduced to 6-range: Dispose, Shockwave, and Kiku-ichimonji. This change is to promote engagement.
  • New Ja-Magicks and further additions to Wind, Water, and Earth abilities: Aeroja, Waterja, and Quake!
  • Ninja’s Throw is no longer evadable and the quantity of shuriken-type items have been reduced in Standard.
  • Fixed the unarmed attack calculation and buffed the damage potential via Brawler.
  • New Reaction/Support/Movement abilities: CT Boost, Critical: Flee, Replenish, Monkey Grip, Nimble, and Dexterity!
  • Shirahadori has returned but has been reworked – it no longer affects normal attacks, but it now sets the hit rate of unevadable physical abilities to 60%.
  • MANY improvements to underutilized abilities, such as Magick Counter now being able to trigger off of unique magic abilities, Bravery Boost and Faith Boost being guaranteed to trigger, and Lifefont and Manafont now being stackable.

🗡️ Equipment Updates

  • A plethora of new weapons have been added: Apocalypse, Caladbolg, Tiny Bee, Zanmato, Kunai, Thief’s Knife, Zephyr Pole, Crown Scepter, Nirvana, and Flametongue!
  • Many existing weapons have received updates to improve their viability, such as Nagnarok functioning like Ribbon but with positive status immunities included, or all Poles now scaling with the greater of your PA or MA * WeaponPower.
  • Ringmail (clothing) and Peytral (heavy armor) are new additions that provide Initial: Protect/Shell as options; this greatly expands on gear-sourced selections, especially for jobs that need it!
  • New additional gear as well, such as Chaos Helm and Cursed Garb.
  • All “Boosts” or “Halves” element equipment that previously affected Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Wind now affect all elements, except Holy and Dark.
  • New accessories to deck out your team, such as the guaranteed weapon cast/status effect with Chantage, increase your Bravery over time with the Bravely Armlet, and some evasiveness while gaining +1 Speed with the Elven Cloak. Also, look out for several reworked or improvements to existing accessories.

📝Addressing Community Feedback

  • This update’s long-term goals are: to further expand theorycrafting, improve game or match resolution in competitions, and improve many underutilized abilities/jobs/gear.
  • The Protect/Shell changes are from feedback about the typical desire to need always gear-slot Protect/Shell. The <Initial> change, increased uptime, and persistence on death are all about improving these vital buffs as a whole. Additionally, Ringmail and Peytral (alongside Lordly Robe) provide all jobs access to gear-sourced Protect/Shell so you can further your theorycrafting without making sacrifices.
  • Addressing revivals or chain-resurrection: The potency of Ramza’s Encourage, Martial Art’s Revive, and Summon’s Faerie have all seen a slight reduction to create a margin of error to reduce chain-resurrection and to demote the push for draw games. Phoenix Down has also been reduced to 3 in Standard, but now restores 20% of your maxHP to compensate. Reraise’s spell speed has been reduced slightly to incentive pushing towards bestowing the reraise status but with more counter-plays.
  • Bardsong’s Life Anthem has received a slight potency reduction to reduce total healing done in situations where you get back-to-back casts.
  • Forbidden Dance and Nameless Song’s hit rate increased significantly, though Forbidden Dance is slower now but more consistent. Nameless is also more consistent, but Protect or Shell has been re-added to reduce the opportunity for constant Reraise or Haste rolls.
  • With changes to incentivize weapon attacking and the reworked Chantage accessory, evasiveness will play a more important role in the future.

2024 Starter – Winter Cup #1 Competition – Results

Another competition is in the history books as our first-ever cup, a single-elimination style competition was a success!

To watch (or rewatch) the tournament in its entirety with chapters to jump to specific matches:

WngMan and YoshnJa had a post-event interview talking about February 11, 2024’s event, which can be found here:

The 2024 Starter – Winter Cup #1 Champion, WngMan

WngMan has successfully fought to maintain his champion title, though it wasn’t a breeze; Pista, the 2nd runner up, took a win during their 3-game series with their first game and it really set a shocker throughout. WngMan was met with a tough opponent, one who was his first time competing in a Tactics League competition!

Pista’s team had an overall successful run through the event, and he proved that faith-based magicks are definitely viable in the metagame. Using the zoning potential of Summons and Time Magicks, Pista was a force to be reckoned with, lowering his opposition’s mobility options by controlling sections of each map he played on and enabling his power stacked Agrias to move in and sweep for the finish.

Jokerfisch, a returning player from the 2023 Opener, performed very well with his new team; definitely pushing more aggression against his opponent and even ran an interesting set up on his main unique, Cloud, which was equipped with the Steadfast Ring, an accessory that gives its bearer a short period of invulnerability, allowing Cloud to be able to engage with his arsenal of AoE attacks in Limit when he was able to do so early without fear of retaliation initially.

We also had a new competitor finished 4th, Mistral! Mistral led her female-only team (with a Bard included but he was dubbed “Fayt(Girl)” so that counts :p) to the semifinals where she put up a gracious fight against Pista for the chance to take on WngMan directly. Though she was bested this time, I am positive she will be coming back in full force for the next competition.

Dr. Jay, known for his innovation and antics with team compositions, brought a new team into the competition led by a 20-Speed Mustadio, which was capable of casting turn-one Hasteja due to blistering high speed and Swiftness, enabling his team to get the leg-up on his foe. Though he was bested by Jokerfisch in Round 1, he put up a fight that pushed to Game 3, though ultimately finishing in 5th. He truly is one of the best theorycrafters in our community and I can’t wait to see what else he has cooking in the future.

Rumer, another returning player from the 2023 Opener, brought a team that followed inspiration from the Golden Sun series, led by Meliadoul. His first match was against WngMan, so he had a tough ladder to climb automatically. Though he didn’t succeed in stopping WngMan’s winning streak, I love the fact that a thematic-esque team put up a fight especially in their first game which you can find here: https://youtu.be/GEYg79T42KI

Lastly, for our 7th and 8th ranked competitors; Space Monkey and Hew, both came into the event as first-timers with ambition to perform well and get a first-time experience in Tactics PvP competition. Space Monkey has taken a lot of effort to ask questions, reiterate, and improve as a whole to do his best within the days leading up to the event. Hew is also new to the Tactics League Discord, but he has shown some very interesting builds before and even during the event. I would definitely keep my eyes on them in the future.

Results and Registered Team Rosters

With our second ever-event and our first-ever single elimination cup completed, it is once again proven that people enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics and even more so, a fierce, live competition. We also had a phenomenal uptick in viewership, both on Twitch and the Discord’s streaming channel, and we are just getting started!

While the event is over, the match data and team rosters are now publicly available to view on both Google Sheets and PDF format which can be found below:
2024 Starter – Winter Cup #1 Competition Data – Google Sheets

2024 Starter – Winter Cup #1 Competition

It’s time for another competition!

The upcoming event will be our first-ever cup, focused on faster runtime by being single-elimination and with less Competitor Point distribution.

This Starter format-focused event is scheduled for February 11, 2024, with check-in starting at noon EST and kick-off starting at 12:30 PM EST. This tournament will be live-streamed via the Tactics League Discord and the Tactics League Twitch channel.

The 1st and 2nd place winners of the event will be invited to participate in a future Update 4 Exhibition (date is TBD) that will give them early access to PvP Patch version 4 beta while showcasing the match on the Tactics League’s Discord and Twitch channels. Keep an eye out for when this event will happen!

For more information, please check out our recently added Events page and the 2024 Starter – Winter Cup #1 page.

2023 Opener Competition – Results

What a special previous Sunday we had! After talks and hopeful planning for years, we have finally completed the first-ever Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions live PvP tournament!
Let’s go over some of the finer details of the competition.

To watch (or rewatch) the tournament in its entirety with chapters to jump to specific matches:

The 2023 Opener Champion – WngMan

The predictions around the Tactics League Discord were indeed true; WngMan would make it to the end and claim Champion of the 2023 Opener. Having succeeded through the Winners bracket, WngMan would later face off against Jokerfisch who crawled through Losers originally for the Grand Finals where he struck a 2-0 victory against Joker.

However, Jokerfisch had a surprise ending too, claiming 2nd place, as the prediction would be that WngMan would face off against Dr. Jay in the Grand Finals, but Jokerfisch pushed through a three-game Winners Round 3 victory, causing an upset against the predicted final battle and went up against the ultimate challenge.

Dr. Jay, who claimed 3rd, pushed an inspiring new setup that revolved around using the Squire’s Reequip ability to change his Ramza’s (dubbed “Combat Mode”) gear to adjust to the situation at hand. His handy Thief, “Dayspring,” wielded her Durandal and played some very intriguing spellcaster plays that many would say are very “off-meta” or “not fit for the job,” but in the game of Final Fantasy, anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

Rumer, a recently joined member of the Tactics League Discord, finished 4th, eager to learn the ways of the PvP Patch and the evolving metagame, placed well for having just gotten involved with PvP.

And lastly, our friend and one of the server’s most senior members, Mikey from Tactics Live Tournament, took the 5th place spot. Though Mikey made quirks about finishing early, it wasn’t about the competitive push for 1st in the end, but just the fact that one of his YouTube channel’s goals of having a Final Fantasy Tactics tournament has finally reached fruition.

Results and Registered Team Rosters

As a momentous occasion to etch in video game history, the 2023 Opener proved that there is definitely an interest in Tactics PvP. People from all over different social networks, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, and other Discord servers, joined the event presentation and stream and witnessed history for the first time.

While the event is over, the match data and team rosters are now publicly available to view on both Google Sheets and PDF format which can be found below:

2023 Opener Tournament Data – Google Sheets

2023 Opener Competition

The day that many of us here at Tactics League have dreamed of is finally happening: a live PvP tournament! With the official v3.0 update now released, the next step in our Tactics journey is to host a live competition and start our first competitive season.

Our first event is scheduled for Sunday, October 8, 2023, with check-in starting at 12PM EST and kick-off starting at 12:30 PM EST. This tournament will be live-streamed both via the Tactics League Discord and the Tactics League Twitch channel.

Interested in trying your stakes at Tactics PvP and winning $100 USD in cash prizes including Competitor Points for future seeding? Join the Tactics League Discord for more information on how to get started, sign up, and prepare your roster for high-level competitive play!

For more information, please check out our recently added Events page and the 2023 Opener Competitions page.

Save Data v3.0 Official Update

As the fall season approaches, the work, playtesting, and iterating of the 3.0 Beta builds are complete and today we are releasing the official update that we have been testing over the course of the past few months.

As stated in the v3.0 beta update article, this update includes Tactics League’s first-ever software modifications for Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (PSP), focusing on improving both Melee and Rendezvous modes for a complete multiplayer experience.

Since much time has passed from v3.0 to v3.6 Beta, we won’t go over all that has been changed here but instead provide the changelog for what this official update brings. If you are curious about the work done, please head to the PvP Patch – Changelog.

To download the all-in-one package that includes the PPF file and save data, please visit Downloads. To learn more about how to apply the PPF patch, visit Tutorials.

Table of Contents

PvP Patch v3.0 Official Changelog

Our beta testing period is over, and with it comes a very jam-packed update. Not much has changed at the closure, but there is still a few tidying up to be done, and one quality change to make your battles even more intense!

Quality of Life Updates

  • Soundtrack
    • The random battles background music has been refreshed and will now randomly play one of the following nostalgic battle themes, fitting the theme of PvP much better than ever before. Note that this change also affects random encounters in the world:
      • Trisection
      • Back Fire
      • Decisive Battle
      • Antipyretic


  • Holy Knight (Agrias)
    • Reverted the temporary HP multiplier from 160 to 140% now that her base HP has been increased to better transition it between jobs
    • Reverted the temporary PA multiplier from 120 to 100% now that her base PA has been increased to better transition it between jobs
  • Samurai
    • Increased Move from 3 to 4
    • Increased HP multiplier from 85 to 100%
      A buff to Samurai to help it perform better; especially since they require to be up-close for both weapon attacks and Iaido. Samurai is now decently bulky with a higher base HP can be increased further with their access to heavy armor.


  • Tasks (Construct 8)
    • Dispose and Pulverize – Increased the recoil damage from ¼ to ⅓
      Recoil damage increased to increase the penalty Construct 8 receives from using its primary damaging abilities.
  • Vengeance and Blade Beam (Beowulf/Cloud)
    • Increased the damage cap from 70 to 80% of your missing HP
      This should give these abilities more room but still restrict abuse where a player lowers their HP through team damage.
  • Time Magicks
    • Gravity – This ability is now single target and instant cast
      This gives Time Mages an instant damaging spell if necessary, still subject to evasion/reflect, but potentially devastating against high HP targets.
  • Bardsong
    • Nameless Song – Removed Bestows: Protect or Shell chance from this ability, improving the odds of Haste, Reraise, and Regen
      Since this ability doesn’t bestow both Protect and Shell together and this ability isn’t usually cast for these buffs that can be obtained via gear or Barrier/Kiyomori/Ward, this ability will no longer provide Protect or Shell improving its viability for the other buffs.

Equipment – Gear

  • Cursed Robe – Increased MP from 100 to 150
    Since Wizard’s Robe had an increase in overall bulk due to the recent MP buff, Cursed Robe also needs a bit more, but its bearers should consider Mana Shield since they gain 0 HP from this item.

Competitive Starter v4.0 (Slot 3)

  • All Characters
    • Learned Unholy Darkness (Mystic Arts)
  • Agrias
    • Increased HP from 401 to 481 (+20% HP)
    • Increased PA from 13 to 15
      These changes are to adjust her stats as it was previously stated in v3.5.1B. The end result is that Agrias has a net gain of HP and 2 more PA that will transition to other jobs rather than being forced on Holy Knight if desired.

Rendezvous 2.0 (Slot 2)

  • Luso – Set PA/MA to 15/15 to match Starter
  • All Competitive Starter changes, including Unholy Darkness, have been applied to this slot
  • Gear Restriction Update
    • NEW Banned – Invisibility Cloak
      Because the AI retains its vanilla functionality of not targeting invisible units, this item permanently removes such targeting allowing players to bypass aggression. Items that provide temporary/Initial: Invisible will remain as is since they wear off after action.

Generics Premade (Slot 1)

  • Inventory
    • Removed Faerie Harp as an equipment choice for Armiger since squires can no longer equip instruments
  • Replaced Movement abilities for most builds since Move/Jump +1 is no longer accessible. This will mostly improve mobility for most builds. This affects the following:
    • Ramza – Move +1 > Manafont
    • Delita – Move +1 > Lifefont
    • Balthier – Jump +1 > Fly
    • Beowulf – Move +1 > Lifefont
    • Shadow – Move +1 > Move +2
    • Hunter – Move +1 > Move +2
    • Parivir – Move +1 > Manafont
    • Armiger – Move +1 > Fly
    • Bouncer – Move +1 > Move +2
    • Sentinel – Move +1 > Move +2
    • Guardian – Move +1 > Move +2
    • Cleric – Move +1 > Manafont
    • Apothecary – Move +1 > Levitate
  • Ramza
    • Replaced Resilient (Parry) with Soulbind
  • Shadow (Damage)
    • Replaced Assassin’s Dagger with Chaos Mace since knives can no longer be dual-wield
    • Replaced Headgear with Green Beret
    • Reduced SP from 15 to 14
  • Lancer (Damage)
    • Reduced SP from 15 to 14
  • Sentinel (Tank)
    • Reduced MA from 20 to 12
  • Specter (Tank)
    • Replaced Sage’s Robe with Cursed Robe to give back his original undead theme
    • Reduced MA from 25 to 19
    • Added Delirium and Unholy Darkness
    • Added Venetian Shield since Mystics can now equip shields innately
  • Distractor (Support)
    • Replaced Parry with Reflexes
    • Reduced PA from 20 to 15