To download the latest official save data and PvP Patch go here: Download

Game Settings For All Formats

Note: These settings are to be configured for each Tactics League-supported PvP format (All-Stars and Standard) by the host when starting a match.

Map Selection: Manual
Time Limit: 12 min
Action Limit: 40
Special Controls: Off
Trap Placement: None
Arithmeticks: Allow

Tiebreaker settings

In the event of a tie (defined by both teams having the same amount of units alive after the Action Limit has been reached), use the following settings for determining a tiebreaker in tournament play.

If there is a tie during a tiebreaker match, the last controlling player who executed an action that dealt HP damage greater than 0 to an opposing unit is determined the winner of the match. This excludes the activation of Reaction abilities.

Map Selection: Manual
Time Limit: 5 min
Action Limit: 20
Special Controls: Off
Trap Placement: None
Arithmeticks: Allow
Map: Golgollada Gallows

Map Pool for Standard

All maps, including both the host (blue) and guest (red) spawn points and spawn facing in our current map selection:

Small-sized Maps

Medium-sized Maps

Map Pool for All-Stars

All maps, including both the host (blue) and guest (red) spawn points and spawn facing in our current map selection:

Small-sized Maps

Medium-sized Maps