PvP Patch v5 Focused: Dragon Tech, Blue Magicks, and Perform
Today’s article focuses on some new and exciting changes coming to Dragoon, Mime, and a new accessory called the Garment Ring. Let’s dive into how each impacts the following jobs and playability!
Dragoon’s New Skillset, Dragon Tech
Dragoons get a new, shiny set of abilities to play with in version 5, giving them more tools to combat with instead of strictly just Jump and Attack, while also adding Jump as a tertiary action command so it isn’t out of the equation. The new Dragon Tech skillset is inspired by the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance series of Dragoon jobs, giving them more options and creativity to build both for magic and physical specs.

Here’s a rundown of how each new ability operates (note that these breath changes also affect Reis’s Dragon skillset as well):
- Ice Breath – Deals 2-line ice magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Immobilize
- Fire Breath – Deals 2-line fire magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Poison
- Thunder Breath – Deals 2-line lightning magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Blind
- Luna – Self, 100% Berserk
- Lancet – 2 Range, 33% HP Absorption
- Tail Sweep – 2 Range Conal, Deals physical damage with a chance to critically strike
As mentioned earlier, not only does Dragoon gain a new skillset that isn’t strictly just “Jump” but it also adds Jump back in as a tertiary as their signature and most damaging skill. Jump will also be affected by your Jump stat in the future, so you can invest in more damage (and more pain) by building towards the Jump stat as well!

Dragoons got a flexibility buff in version 5, and I can’t wait to see what creative builds you take with them!
Become a Blue Mage (sort of) with Blue Magicks
With version 5, Mimes got a change to their Mimic skillset (which was technically just a dummied skillset by default) which allows them to finally learn select monster abilities in battle akin to how Blue Mages work in other Final Fantasy titles. With this change, Mimes can now use their exclusive skillset, Blue Magicks, to wield a variety of utility and damage options in addition to still being able to mimicry. Mimes did receive a bit of stat reductions to compensate for this change as this allows them to use functions outside of Attack on their turn. Other non-Mime jobs can use Blue Magicks, but you will need to slot the updated Beastmaster support ability to do so (this is also for balance purposes).

With 14 new abilities in their skillset, Mimes and Blue Magicks in general, is a contender option for flexibility and having a toolbox of plays when you need it most. Part of the changes going into it is that these abilities felt good to use, but also aren’t as powerful by default as is the nature of Blue Magicks in other games. Let’s do a quick brief on what each does:
- Cat Scratch – 1 Range, physical damage with 100% knockback based on position
- Choco Pellets – 4 Range, physical damage with a chance to critically strike
- Choco Esuna – 1 AoE, Removes: Stone, Blind, Silence, Poison, Stop, Immobilize, Disable
- Goblin Punch – 1 Range, deals damage based on your missing HP
- Dread Gaze – 3 Range, reduces target’s Bravery by 20
- Spark – Iaido-Range, deals fire magic damage to all targets, including yourself
- Vampire – 1 Range, deals 33% max. HP absorption with a 25% chance to Inflict: Vampire
- Mind Blast – 3 Range, chance to Inflict: Confuse or Berserk (at 25% chance each)
- Ice Anima – 4 Range, deals ice magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Slow
- Earthsplitter – Iaido-Range, deals earth magic damage
- Goo – 1 Range, Inflicts: Immobilize, Slow, or Stop randomly (at 25% chance each)
- Heave – 1 Range, inflicts physical damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: KO
- Magick Nymph – Self, 1 AoE, restores MP to all nearby targets (excludes yourself)
- Tri-Breath – 3-Directional, deals 2-range damage based on 40% of the target’s max. HP per target
As you can see, Blue Magicks is loaded with a plethora of options, but it can only be accessed by either playing Mime directly or slotting the Beastmaster support ability which then unlocks it for slotting as a secondary command. Since Luso is considered a Blue Mage under his Game Hunter job, he will have Beastmaster innately, allowing you to slot Blue Magicks as a secondary if you choose to do so automatically while still keeping your Support slot open.
In the campaign, slotting Beastmaster (which is learnable on Squire) allows you to start mastering select monster abilities guaranteed as long as you were hit or affected, so this is a great way to start your Blue Magicks journey even in the beginning and it now extends the hidden ability unlock range from 1 to 3 tiles!

You can Bardsong or Dance with the Garment Ring
The Garment Ring is a new accessory joining the Tactics League inventory in v5 which allows you to access the unique, Perform command while slotted. Perform includes all of Bardsong and Dance abilities so you can finally do Bardsong on a female unit, or Dance on a male, whichever suits your needs!

This limited-item ring inspired by Final Fantasy X-2 gives its user the power to utilize both skillsets all in one, allowing you to have greater flexibility for situations. With greater power, you still should consider Performing Arts support ability to enhance your effectiveness with Bardsong and Dance, but even with select abilities, you can get away with a decent time performing your way to victory. Perform is considered a quaternary command, so you can still use both your primary, secondary, and tertiary (if slotted) alongside it. And yes, even Onion Knight can perform too!

Dragoons have more to do than just jump and poke, Mimes can use an array of abilities on their turn, and the Garment Ring allows you to perform however you choose. Version 5 is aimed to be a wild ride for sure!