PvP Patch v5.1 Beta Update
This incremental update addresses most bugs reported with v5.0, removes the bonus +HP gear damage from Crush Helm/Armor, and some monster buffs.
If you are already on version 5, you DO NOT need to update your save data.
Make sure to patch using an unmodified, USA-region backup of your FFT WotL ISO!
To download this update, please visit Download.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Invisible status not applying doubled evasion rates
- Fixed Silence status prohibiting Iaido
- Fixed Purification cleansing Curse status (only Esuna and Holy Water are able)
- Removed % text from Steal Helm
- Corrected Ultima’s Speed text
- [Campaign] Fixed Mustadio and others wanting to join the party while your party is full, giving you a join request instead of outright not prompting the opportunity to dismiss units instead to make room
Learn on Hit Functionality
- Learn on hit now ignores your status except if considered KO’d to make for an easier time triggering learn prompts, from abilities like Mind Blast
Note: the “Learn?” prompt doesn’t display if under a disabling status (such as Vampire or Confuse) but the ability is still being automatically learned in Blue Magicks - “Learn (ability)?” prompt should always display regardless if Battle Prompt is ON or OFF
- Crush Helm/Crush Armor – Removed the equipment +HP damage difference when targeting helms or armor for this update
When this was changed, this was primarily to buff Meli from feedback in v4 on her damage performance. However, Meli also isn’t the only one with access to these skills or the ability to Cast them (like Orlandeau or Ashley) so for this iteration, this change is being removed to tone down on the overperformance of using these skills with these units combined in All-Stars. I’ll reassess if it is worth re-adding in a later update.
- Thief’s Cap – Increased +HP from 60 to 70
- Acacia Hat – Increased +HP from 50 to 60
Monsters and Monster Abilities
Goblin family
- Black Goblin:
- Increased HPM from 86 to 94%
- Replaced Counter with First Strike
- Gobbledygook – Replaced Counter with Fury
Bird family
- Beak – Increased Vert. from 0 to 2
- Jura Aevis – Increased HPM from 90 to 114%
- Steelhawk:
- Increased HPM from 85 to 94%
- Replaced Innate: Pierce with Attack Boost
Monster abilities don’t get blocked by Golem so this is to give them a bit more usable innate, buffing Talon Dive specifically.
Ghost family
- Replaced Counter with Shirahadori for each monster
- Ghoul – Increased PAM from 90 to 110%
- Ghast – Increased PAM from 93 to 103%
Dryad family
- Dryad:
- Increased MPM from 160 to 200%
- Increased SPM from 120 to 135%
- Replaced Counter with Mana Shield
- Elder Treant – Replaced Innate: Counter with Resilience
- Leaf Rain – Increased Vert. from 1 to 2
- Guardian Nymph and Shell Nymph – These abilities now hits the caster as well
Squid family
- Mindflayer:
- Increased HPM from 105 to 124%
- Skill Drain (formerly Level Drain):
- No longer lowers the target’s Level by 1 and instead lowers the target’s PA/MA/SP by 2.
- Deals PA * (MA / 2) damage on success.
- Decreased PWR from 60 to 45, using MA + 45
- This ability is unevadable
- Squidkraken – Increased HPM from 115 to 131%
Swine family
- Snort and Toot – Increased Range from 1 to 2
- Pig:
- Increased HPM from 110 to 120%
- Added Snort as a 2nd ability
- Replaced Counter with CT Boost
- Swine – Increased PAM from 80 to 120%
Ahriman family
- Beam – Increased -PA/MA from 2 to 3