Cidolfus Orlandeau
77 Bravery / 66 Faith
Stats: HP: 160% | MP: 120% | SP: 110% | PA: 122% | MA: 100%
C-EV: 20% | Move: 4 | Jump: 3
Job: Sword Saint
Job can equip: Katanas, Swords, Knight’s Swords, Ninja Blades, Shields, Helms, Hats, Clothing, Armor, Robes
Ability: Swordplay

Abilities (Swordplay)
Swordplay abilities require a Sword, Knight’s Sword, or Fell Sword to be equipped.
Swordplay Abilities takes the element of the sword or is non-elemental if none and have a 100% hit rate.
*The chance to apply a secondary status effect for these abilities are 25%.
Notes regarding Crush abilities:
“Crush” abilities function differently based on the target:
– If the target has Safeguard = Crush deals no damage and does not break the target.
– If the target’s gear can be broken = [damage = (PA * WeaponPower)]
– If the target is a monster or broken/unequipped = Crush deals more damage.
Ability | PWR | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
*Judgment Blade | 2 | Now | 2 Range, 2x0 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Stop status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
*Cleansing Strike | 3 | Now | 3 Range x 2 vert, 1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Doom status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
*Northswain's Strike | 2 | Now | 3 Range x 1 vert, 1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict KO status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
*Hallowed Bolt | 4 | Now | 3 Range, 2x1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Silence status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
*Divine Ruination | 5 | Now | 4 Directional, 5x2 | Deals physical damage in a line with a chance to inflict Confuse status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Crush Armor | 5 | Now | 3 Range, 1 | Deals physical damage and guaranteed to break the target’s armor. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Crush Helm | 4 | Now | 3 Range, 1 | Deals physical damage and guaranteed to break the target’s headgear. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Crush Weapon | 3 | Now | 3 Range, 1 | Deals physical damage and guaranteed to break the target’s weapon, Top-most first. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Crush Accessory | 2 | Now | 3 Range, 1 | Deals physical damage and guaranteed to break the target’s accessory. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Shadowblade | 0 | Now | 3 Range, 1 | Absorbs HP from the target. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Duskblade | 0 | Now | 3 Range, 1 | Absorbs MP from the target. | PA * (WP + PWR) |