Delita Heiral
85 Bravery / 40 Faith
Stats: HP: 130% | MP: 100% | SP: 110% | PA: 120% | MA: 105%
C-EV: 10% | Move: 4 | Jump: 3
Job: Holy Knight
Job can equip: Swords, Knives, Flails, Shields, Helms, Armor, Clothing, Robes
Innate: Toad, Vampire, Chicken, Doom, and Charm immunities
Ability: Holy Sword
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Job can equip: Swords, Knight’s Swords, Flails, Shields, Helms, Armor, Robes
Innate: Doom immunity

Abilities (Holy Sword)
Holy Sword abilities require a Sword, Knight’s Sword, or Fell Sword to be equipped.
Holy Sword abilities take the element of the sword or are non-elemental if none and have a 100% hit rate and a 25% chance to apply their secondary status effect.
Ability | PWR | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
Judgment Blade | 2 | Now | 2 Range, 2x0 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Stop status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Cleansing Strike | 3 | Now | 3 Range x 2 vert, 1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Doom status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Northswain's Strike | 2 | Now | 3 Range x 1 vert, 1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict KO status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Hallowed Bolt | 4 | Now | 3 Range, 2x1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Silence status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Divine Ruination | 5 | Now | 4 Directional, 5x2 | Deals physical damage in a line with a chance to inflict Confuse status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Chant | N/A | Now | 1 Range x 3 vert, 1 | Sacrifice HP to restore 40% of the caster’s max HP to the target. The caster loses 20% of their max HP afterwards. | restoreHP = casterMaxHP * 2/5 damageCaster = casterMaxHP / 5 |
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Holy Sword functions the same as vanilla, with the exception that the bonus PWR for all abilities was removed as they were tied to JP progression, and are instead based on their status or AoE capabilities.
Ability | PWR | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
Judgment Blade | 0 | Now | 2 Range, 2x0 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Stop status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Cleansing Strike | 0 | Now | 3 Range x 2 vert, 1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Doom status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Northswain's Strike | 0 | Now | 3 Range x 1 vert, 1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict KO status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Hallowed Bolt | 0 | Now | 3 Range, 2x1 | Deals physical damage with a chance to inflict Silence status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Divine Ruination | 0 | Now | 4 Directional, 5x2 | Deals physical damage in a line with a chance to inflict Confuse status. | PA * (WP + PWR) |
Chant | N/A | Now | 1 Range x 3 vert, 1 | Sacrifice HP to restore 40% of the caster’s max HP to the target. The caster loses 20% of their max HP afterwards. | restoreHP = casterMaxHP * 2/5 damageCaster = casterMaxHP / 5 |