Prerequisites: Thief Lv. 5, Archer Lv. 4, Geomancer Lv. 2
Can equip: Knives, Ninja Blades, Flails, Hats, Clothing
Stats: HP: 70% | MP: 50% | SP: 120% | PA: 122% | MA: 75%
C-EV: 30 | Move: 4 | Jump: 4
Innate: Dual-Wield
Ability: Throw
✨PvP Patch Changes:
HP: 80% | PA: 125%
Can equip: Ninja Blades, Flails, Hats, Clothing (knives removed)

Action (Throw)
Throw either shurikens, bombs, knives, swords, flails, katanas, ninja blades, axes, polearms, poles, knight’s swords, or books at the target and deal physical damage. Consumes the item from inventory. Each weapon type must be acquired separately as an ability through JP to use it as a thrown item.
Throw’s Range = Character’s Move.
Additional notes:
– Throw acquires the element of the thrown weapon (if any) and deals more or less damage based on the target’s elemental resistance/weakness.
– Weapons that do randomized damage (axes, bags, flails) do fixed damage when being thrown.
– Cannot be reflected, but can be evaded and its hit rate reduced by Shirahadori.
– A thrown item can be caught via Sticky Fingers.
– Attack Boost and Vehemence do not apply to Throw. Throw’s damage is mitigated by protect status and Defense Boost.
– Multiplayer-only weapons cannot be thrown since they are only obtainable in those modes and not through the in-game outfitter. This affects the following weapons: Orochi, Moonsilk Blade, Francisca, Vesper, Nirvana, Gae Bolg, Chaosbringer, Arondight, Balmung, Onion Sword.
Damage = [Speed * thrownWeaponPower]
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Throw is only focused on shuriken and bomb-type weapons. Additionally, these items have had significant WP increases and most now have a 50% chance to inflict a status effect. To read more, go to Throw Consumables.
Throw is no longer evadable by default and can only have its hit rate reduced by Shirahadori or Sticky Fingers.
Vanish (Trigger: Physical Attack) – Applies invisible status on self after taking physical damage, causing your attacks to ignore evasion, and causing the AI to ignore the character in solo play. Invisible status ends once the character has done an action or has taken damage.
Reflexes (Always Active) – Doubles your physical and magic evasion rates from all sources.
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Vanish – functions the same except the AI can now target invisible units instead of ignoring them but at a lesser chance to do so.
Reflexes – Now increases your physical and magic evasion rates by 25% instead of 50%.
Dual Wield – Equip two one-handed weapons at once.
Waterwalking – You can move on top of water as if it was normal ground.