Prerequisites: Squire Lv. 8, Chemist Lv. 8, Summoner Lv. 5, Geomancer Lv. 5, Orator Lv. 5, Dragoon Lv. 5
Can equip: N/A
Stats: HP: 140% | MP: 50% | SP: 120% | PA: 120% | MA: 115%
C-EV: 5 | Move: 4 | Jump: 4
Innate: Beastmaster, Concentration, Brawler
Ability: N/A

Mimes do not have abilities and cannot equip gear. Mimes will copy the ability or attack of the previously acted ally character as long as it is from a generic job as well as the ability or attack’s range, basing it on the Mime’s current facing and position.

Additional information:

– During a Mime’s turn, they can only perform a basic physical attack or move.

– A mimicked basic attack uses the ally’s weapon. They will only mimic the first hit from a dual wielded attack.

– Units can’t target a unit behind them (they will turn to face the target), so the Mimic target will always be in front of the Mime.

– They will not mimic unique character or monster abilities.

– If a Mime mimics Throw, it cannot be caught via Sticky Fingers since the item is technically not a part of your inventory.

– Reaction abilities cannot be mimed.

– Mime won’t mimic the action of a previous Mime.

– Mimicked ability’s range is relative to the mimicked unit’s position.

– A Mime cannot mimic if inflicted with KO, stone, sleep, stop, vampire, disable, toad, chicken, confuse, or berserk. If silenced, the Mime cannot mimic abilities that cannot be used while silenced.