PvP Patch v4.4 Update

A new competitive season, Academy, Sanctioned Events, and a new game update to coincide with today’s Season 2 launch, and this update focuses on some improvements and fixes after feedback and requests from players.

To download this update, head over to Downloads.

Bug Fixes

  • Protect/Defense Boost – Set the damage reduction percentage from 34 to 33% resulting in less physical damage loss once these mitigation values are applied as intended
    When doing calculator math side-by-side some damage values appear lower than in-game but usually it’s a marginal 1-3 point difference due to rounding. However, for most physical attacks/abilities this resulted in abnormal damage loss (like 20-40+) causing select physical damage to deal even less damage than intended (such as Holy Sword, Darkness, and weapon attacks).Shell/Arcane Defense was unaffected. Thank you for bringing this to my attention @WngMan.

Text Updates

  • Removed the “%” from calcs on Steal Equipment abilities as it is purely SP + PWR chance and not a percentage of your SP
  • Updated Bad Breath’s chance from 19 to 25% per each status rolled
  • Updated Crushing Blow’s Stop infliction chance from 19 to 25% (erroneously reported before but uses the Holy Sword 100% into 25% separate status infliction)
  • Updated Purification’s Help removal that it includes Oil (this was missing from a past changelog)
  • Updated Nether Mantra’s calcs
  • Updated Take Aim’s Help and calls


  • Cleric/Alma
    • Added Rods as available equipment
      Along with the White Mage change, as a “White Mage” style job, Alma too now has access to Rods on her main job.
  • White Mage
    • Added Rods as available equipment
      At request, White Mages have access to Rods which notably means they can build towards Faith away from Luminous Robe and can reliably cast at Atheist via Crown Scepter.
  • Monk
    • Increased Move from 3 to 4
    • Decreased Shockwave’s Range from 6 to 5 to compensate for the trade-off
      It was hard to justify increasing Monk’s Move when they have access to a 6-range ability. So after testing a means to give them more mobility, the goal was to take 1 Range for 1 Move which ultimately makes playing Melee-Monk more playable and still allows for ranging with Shockwave albeit having to be a tad closer than before.

Action Abilities

  • Nether Mantra (Marach)
    • Increased the PWR of all abilities from 0 to 2
    • Abilities can no longer target Marach
      Though Marach’s abilities have a 2 – 5 hit window, with the average Faith being 60, his abilities still struggle to deal good mitigated damage in various cases. I am returning some PWR to them to help damage output.
  • Sky Mantra (Rapha)
    • Abilities can no longer target Rapha
    • Heaven’s Wrath – Decreased maxHP damage from 50 to 40%
      Since this ability strips a target of vital defensive buffs and does a hefty amount of damage, it will deal slightly less, especially for the window of opportunity it creates with follow-up damage.
  • Black Magicks
    • Death – Decreased Tick from 5 to 4
      With this ability having a base low accuracy, the Speed can be slightly faster and this also aids undead teams that may rely on it as an on-demand revive.
    • Flare – No longer evadable (but still reflectable)
      Flare is being treated in a similar fashion as Holy/Unholy Darkness where it can no longer be evaded but is equally deflectable.
  • Iaido
    • Chirijiraden – Decreased PWR from 18 to 17 (approx. 20 less damage)
      PWR decreased to bring it slightly closer to Muramasa at 15 PWR while still retaining the “most-powerful” Iaido cast.

Equipment – Weapons

  • Knight’s Swords
    • Caladbolg – This item grants +1 MA and +1 SP instead of +1 PA/MA
      The Speed addition at the cost of PA is to better serve as a new option for Knights to build into Speed and push towards elemental damage.

Academy Program

Academy is a new, guided approach to helping newcomers to Final Fantasy Tactics or story-experienced players learn the important steps to fast-track their success in Tactics League PvP.

Headed, in part, by Tactics League member, Mistral, who now goes by The Countess, This program is split into five courses, ranging from basic teambuilding and getting familiar with unique characters and generic jobs, to testing your new team into Practice Mode, refining the team some more to improve it, and eventually working your way into setting up ZeroTier and having your first Melee, which is the PvP mode.

Academy is a Tactics League Discord-exclusive program as it is also entwined with various channels and links to help you throughout your curriculum.

If you have ever been interested in trying out our PvP offerings, join the Tactics League Discord, experience Academy, and be the next competitive challenger!

PvP Patch v4.1 Update

This incremental update combines bug fixes, text corrections, a buff to Monk, ability balancing, and a few new changes ahead of the 3rd competition.

Note: If you already have the previous v4.0 save data, you can simply apply this patch to your unmodified ISO to be up to date. The included save data is still the 4.0 version. To download the official version 4.1 PvP Patch and save data, visit Downloads.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue where Mimes could illegally retain gear provided by a prior Equip X ability after job change

Text Updates

  • Sky Mantra – Removed the “Chance” text from all abilities as the chance for these abilities is 100% when their conditions are met.
  • Death Strike – Significantly updated the Help menu to include applicable abilities and the game’s global critical damage (which is not affected by Death Strike)
  • Thief’s Gloves – Updated the Help menu that this item only affects Steal Equipment abilities
  • Chaos Blade, Climhazzard, Blade Beam, Vengeance – Updated the calcs for each to show missingHP instead of currentHP (which sounds more appropriate)


  • Monk – Increased HPM from 135 to 145% (approx. +29 HP)
    Okay, Monk bulk has been a topic here and there so I compared them to other similar physical jobs. Without access to Hats, they are marginally behind, and with 3 Move, they “may” have a tougher time engaging (may is loose here because they have a 6-range ability). So without buffing their mobility or giving them Hat access, they will get 10% more starting HP to work with which puts them less on the squishy side, and a bit more flexibility in Clothing options and secondary jobs and are comparable to other similar jobs in terms of bulk.

Action Abilities

  • Spellblade (Beowulf)
    • Syphon – This ability no longer has an MP cost
      An oversight that was not adjusted when the MP changes were made with Mystic Arts’ Empowerment.
  • Magicks (Valmafra)
    • Divine Ultima:
      • Changed calculations from [(MA * PWR) * (fa/100) * (tFa/100)] to [MA * PWR], making this ability now faithless like Ramza & Luso’s Ultima
      • Decreased PWR from 60 to 28
      • Decreased Tick from 6 to 4
      • No longer affects allies
      • There have been various changes with Divine Ultima throughout the beta period and it seems to still be a bit behind on viability. So I reset the drawing board while aiming purely for “viability and user-friendly” on her signature skill. Ultimately, the design is to keep it from being drone-casted, but also remove the risk that Val could harm nearby allies (a key difference from Ramza/Luso’s), while having better timing on being able to hit targets regardless of Faith/Atheism. These are the last changes to Divine Ultima. 
  • Items
    • Remedy – Added Removes: Berserk as an additional source to do so
  • Martial Arts
    • Fixed the critical chance for abilities that use [(PA + PWR) / 2 * PA] from 4 to 10% (which was originally erroneously stated but is now properly set) and abilities that use this formula respect the global critical strike code
      After some discoveries, damaging Martial Arts and Spin Punch was not respecting the global crit chance because they use their own separate roll, so this has been fixed so that you always get at least 10% crit chance with it and it properly scales up with Death Strike.
  • Aim
    • Beso Toxico – Decreased PWR from 70 to 60 (now % = PA + 60)
      PWR decreased since it inherits weapon range.
    • Break Aim – You can no longer Move once you start charging (similarly to Take Aim)
      This change provides better consistency in how these both operate.
    • Aim Vitals – Decreased PWR from 50 to 40 (now % = PA + 40)
      Though there are accessible ways to check Doom status, the PWR of Aim Vitals is being brought down slightly to curb some of its spamming potential and that it inherits weapon range.
  • Summon
    • Salamander – Increased PWR from 36 to 38 (avg. 410 w/ Faith, or 246 w/o Faith)
      After comparing Salamander to Leviathan as Tier 3 spells, Salamander will have a bit more PWR whereas Leviathan has better AoE. This also affects the Dragon Whisker polearm.
  • Speechcraft
    • Condemn – Decreased PWR from 60 to 50 (now % = MA + 50)
      Alongside the Aim Vitals nerf, Condemn is also getting a slight PWR reduction though it should be a bit more potent with it having range limitations.
  • Throw
    • Shuriken – Decreased WP from 18 to 17 (now 17 * 17)
      Though Shuriken is a flexible option to entice slower jobs with a reliable, ranged attack, the margin for Shuriken vs. Fuma/Yagyu is too close between the two. Since Throw is primarily about Speed, this nerf is to keep Shuriken as a reliable chip/finisher ability, but also widen the gap for Fuma/Yagyu to be more prominent. 
  • Dance
    • Mincing Minuet – Decreased PWR from 100 to 80 (now PA + 80 or (PA * 4) + 80 w/ Performing Arts)
      To reduce the oppression capabilities this ability can cause with its faster ticks, the PWR is being scaled back to bring it more in line with Life’s Anthem and to reduce total damage done when it can hit near back-to-back.
  • Ja-Magicks
    • Gravija – Decreased PWR from 160 to 130 (avg. 53% w/o Faith, or 89% with Faith)
      With Gravija having the ability to set any unit’s HP down to 1 in an AoE, its PWR is being lowered to introduce a fail window, though on Sage it still has good odds.

R/S/M Abilities

  • Equip Bludgeon – Now includes Books
    Though Books are used as ranged weapons, they do make the case for a good thumping beside one’s skull 🙂

Equipment – Weapons

  • Books
    • Veil of Wiyu – Decreased WP from 20 to 18
    • Omnilex, Papyrus Codex, and Battle Folio:
      • Reverted weapon calculations from [magick gun] to [(PA + MA) / 2 * WP]. Notably, these weapon attacks are evadable once again
      • These books are no longer elemental and no longer Boost their respective element
      • These books are no longer dual wieldable
      • Reverted the flavor text to vanilla 
      • Set the following WP:
        • Battle Folio – 12 WP
        • Omnilex – 10 WP
        • Papyrus Codex – 10 WP
      • 100% Casts the following Faith-based ability on successful weapon attack hit:
        • Battle Folio – Thundaga (35 PWR, magic evadable)
        • Papyrus Codex – Unholy Darkness (40 PWR, unevadable)
        • Omnilex – Flareja (38 PWR, unevadable)
        • Note: Abilities cast this way are still single target even if the base ability is AoE
          Though the concept of Books being treated as magick guns was cool, there was some clunkiness to using them in dual wield and they were rarely used, so I wanted to find a unique niche for Books that also fit their “theme” of being able to cast a spell when they hit. The initial damage is meant to be chip and the follow-up Cast can have high damage potential. Now get to studying!
  • Flails
    • All Flails now ignore the target’s physical damage mitigation (Protect, Defense Boost, Resilient) in addition to being unevadable
    • Reworked WP Standardization to 13, with Scorpion Tail being the strongest option (still WP * WP):
      • Scorpion Tail – From 16 to 14
      • Vesper – From 14 to 13
      • Morning Star – From 15 to 13
      • Flame Mace – From 15 to 13
    • Flame Mace (previously Chaos Mace):
      • Reverted to its original version
      • Casts: Firaga instead of Fira (magic evadable)
      • Removed +1 PA/+1 MA
      • Fire element
        Flails could use some love in the limited accessibility they have so they are now like axes, but do not scale with PA, but are also unevadable.  
  • Knight’s Swords
    • Chaos Blade:
      • Re-added Equip: Regen
      • Increased WP from 20 to 22
        Though the Chaos Blade has a niche, its niche relies on certain variables for it to shine. The buffs to it are to give its bearer passive healing over time and is now the strongest Knight’s Sword WP-wise which can be more considerable for certain abilities though keep in mind this sword still does [targetMaxHP - targetMissingHP] damage with its attacks.
  • Ninja Blades
    • Orochi – Removed Dark element (it is supposed to be non-elemental)
      Whoops, but no one caught on 😉
  • Rods
    • Dragon Rod:
      • Decreased WP from 14 to 12 (Rod WP standardization)
      • Removed +1 MA
      • Now Dark Element
      • Now has a 50% chance to uniquely Cast: Dark Whisper (originally from Tiamat monsters)
      • Updated the item’s palette
      • Notes regarding the Dark Whisper ability:
        • Calc: (MA + 4) / 2 * MA
        • Magic Damage, Dark Element
        • 25% chance each to Inflict: Stop, Sleep (Note: Chantage does not increase the status chance of ability-sourced inflictions)
          After the plethora of weapon changes, Dragon Rod ultimately fell behind in terms of where it fits in usability. These changes give it a unique feel, a new Dark elemental weapon, and a unique cast to fit the name and theme.
  • Swords
    • Nagnarok – Decreased Block from 20 to 10
      The Block reduction is to normalize Nagnarok alongside other Swords especially with it being a powerful item and normally equippable with Shields.
    • Coral Sword – This weapon uses a 9 PWR version of Quicksand instead of the default 6 PWR Geomancy
      Besides this item seeing low playability, the Cast on Quicksand needs a bit of a PWR buff when comparing what jobs can equip Swords and their average starting MA.

Save Data v4.0 Official Update

Spanning almost 5 months, the Tactics League’s fourth version of the PvP Patch, which changes and updates the game for the competitive Melee and Rendezvous environment, has finally reached its official launch today and is the last major update for the 2024 year. Version 4 was by far the biggest patchwork put into our mod and it opens up many new avenues of play, creativity, and challenges for the competitive scene. Let’s review the last of the changes coming with this update.

If you are curious about ALL of the changes that have gone into version 4, make sure to read up on the https://tacticsleague.com/ruleset/pvp-patch-changelog/ as this contains all changes from the original War of the Lions to the updates with the PvP Patch.

To download the all-in-one package that includes the PPF file and save data, please visit Downloads. To learn more about how to apply the PPF patch, visit Tutorials.

Table of Contents

PvP Patch v4.0 Official Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • “KO” status will now properly display in the preview when using Phoenix Down to revive a target
  • Defending perma-status has been resolved on Mime (the sprite was previously in perma-defending state via Bulwark, though they were not currently affected by Defending status)


  • Dragonkin/Reis
    • Added Clothing as available equipment
      The Dragonkin job has limited equipment due to the volume of stats Reis has while on her original job. However, this is being expanded a bit instead of just having only Minerva Bustier as an armor option.
  • Netherseer/Marach
    • Removed Staves from equipment
    • Added Rods, Knives, and Ninja Blades as available equipment
    • Added Death Strike innately
  • Skyseer/Rapha
    • Removed Books from equipment
    • Added Katanas, Rods, and Knives as available equipment
    • Increased Skyseer PAM from 100 to 130% (+3 PA)
    • Added +1 Move and Jump
    • Added Death Strike innately
      These changes to Marach and Rapha is to entice them to use their primary job more than to just job change them. Because there is flexibility in their skillsets, the idea is to delve more into their Assassin archetype and provide more options for build variety while using their main job. Note that Rapha’s PA increase is solely based on Skyseer and the bonus does not transition to other jobs.
  • Mime
    • Decreased HPM from 140 to 125% (approx. -43 HP)
    • Mimes can no longer mimic/cast MP-costing abilities for free and are subject to MP costs (will flag “❌MP” if insufficient)
    • Mimicked Throw or Items (if undead) now respects the target’s Sticky Fingers (removed Mime bypass check)
      The first HP reduction towards Mime’s bulk was small scale but also did not reach the goal at reducing their total bulkiness, so an additional reduction was made to ensure they are a bit easier to kill while still retaining some bulk necessary for robes.

      The removal of some of these vanilla functions is to balance some of Mime’s “free actions” and have them be more in-line like the other generic jobs instead of getting freebies just because it is a Mime.
  • Onion Knight
    • Increased Move from 4 to 5
      Looking in regard to the mobility of Mime and as a special job, Onion Knights will have increased Move to give them the ability to get into a fight quickly if melee, or faster engagement time if ranged.


  • Holy Magicks (Alma)
    • Aegis – Increased Tick from 2 to 3
      This slowdown on Aegis is to reduce the spamming potential of this ability to provide a bit more window of countering its charging. With Swiftness, it can still be cast quickly around 1-2 turns, but cast times in the current CT flow can cause Aegis to cast a little slower than it did before.
  • Dragon (Reis)
    • Holy Breath:
      • Reverted calculation from [MA * 14] to [(MA + 14) / 2 * MA]
      • Changed from Linear AoE (line) to 1-tile “t-shaped” AoE
      • This ability can hit 1 – 5 times randomly within the AoE (and is still magic evadable)
      • Changes are ultimately similar to Omnislash’s behavior except the number of hits is entirely random and function closer to the vanilla version of Holy Breath
        When the Breaths were changed to function the same way, Holy Breath ultimately lost its uniqueness as a skill. These changes brings back some of the randomness of how it originally operated but within a tighter AoE and 1 cast could only hit 1 time upwards to 5 hits.
  • Spellblade (Beowulf)
    • Zombie – Increased PWR from 100 to 130
    • Berserk – Increased PWR from 120 to 130
    • Confuse – Increased PWR from 130 to 155
    • Disable – Decreased PWR from 185 to 145
    • Break – Decreased PWR from 120 to 110
    • After re-assessing Spellblade, some abilities received a bump in PWR to be over the 50% hit chance without Faith status and Disable and Break received reductions to fall in-line better with the strengths of these statuses.
  • Magicks (Valmafra)
    • Added 3 new faithless abilities previously exclusive to monsters: Thunder Anima, Water Anima, and Wind Anima.
    • Important notes about Anima abilities:
      • Each ability is 14 PWR and calculates using [MA * 14]
      • 4 Range, single-target
      • No MP cost, unevadable, can trigger Magick Counter, direct line of sight, and can be cast while silenced
    • Thunder Anima – Lightning magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Blind
    • Water Anima – Water magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Doom
    • Wind Anima – Wind magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Confuse
    • Removed Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga
    • Added Death (Black Magicks), Empowerment, and Invigoration (Mystic Arts)
    • Rearranged instant-casting abilities to the top of the Magicks skillset
      Why were the anima abilities added? Based on feedback one of Valmafra’s biggest drawbacks is that her entire skillset is faith-based, and all have charge time excluding Gravity. Diving more into the Elementalist side of things, these new Anima abilities were added to give Val more flexibility with building her as you can purely build for MA now and disregard faith entirely if you choose to OR continue to build more into faith for devastating AoE potential.

      The Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga removal is because these abilities are ultimately redundant in scope especially with the changes to Boost/Halve gear.
  • Aim
    • Take Aim:
      • This ability now increases the bonus damage dealt by 33% instead of 5 PWR. This is initially slightly less damage (approx. 1-2% less), but now scales higher with damage modifiers
      • Doublehand now works with Take Aim
        The addition of Doublehand now means that Take Aim is as close to vanilla’s Aim+ as possible, while the 33% bonus instead of 5 PWR makes it fairer, easier to calculate, and ramps up better when you have Attack Boost/Vehemence/Doublehand.
  • Black Magicks
    • Fire/Blizzard/Thunder – Increased PWR from 15 to 18
      After re-assessing their PWR and Cure’s recent bump, these abilities could use a bit extra damage especially for instant-cast builds.
    • Death:
      • Reverted this ability (and formula) to its vanilla version, dealing maxHP damage if successful causing KO infliction through HP loss instead of attempting to just inflict KO status
      • Note: this ability still respects KO immunity and will “zero out” if so
      • Due to this reversion, Death can now fully heal living undead units
      • Additionally, added a 25% maxHP revive only when targeting undead units as a unique means to revive them before their counter reaches zero (no other ability can revive undead)
      • Increased MP cost from 24 to 34
      • Added text to the Help menu stating this ability can revive undead
        Based on feedback, cursed gear’s biggest drawback was that utilizing undead minions meant you only had the 50% (now 60%) means of waiting for the 2-tick countdown for them to come back to life. Now, players have an option to bring them back on demand, while still needing to do some specific team-building to cater to their weaknesses. As always – a legend, thank you @Tzepish.
  • Mystic Arts
    • Induration (stone) – Increased Tick from 3 to 4
      Tick increased slightly since stone infliction yields a technical KO.
  • Steal
    • Increased the Vert of all Steal Equipment abilities and Steal HP from 1 to 2
      Since Steal requires you to be point-blank, the verticality of these abilities are being increased so there’s a bit more flexibility to land the art of thievery.
  • Summon
    • Golem – Increased Tick from 4 to 5
      Tick increased to reduce the potential spamming of this ability.
  • Iaido
    • All Iaido abilities now have a hardcoded 33% break chance instead of being based on the Katana’s WP
      This nerf to Iaido is create a bit more room for breakage as it is now shifted into a ⅓ chance vs. ¼.
  • Bardsong and Dance
    • Decreased the PWR of all abilities, except the HP/MP ones, by 10 to offset the 20% increase in Performing Arts. This changes the following:
      • Rousing Melody – from 50 to 40
      • Battle Chant/Magickal Refrain – from 60 to 50
      • Nameless Song – from 70 to 60
      • Finale – from 34 to 24
      • Slow Dance – from 50 to 40
      • Polka/Heathen Frolic – from 70 to 60
      • Forbidden Dance – from 70 to 60
      • Last Waltz – from 34 to 24
        The adjustment in PWR is to reinforce needing Performing Arts on non-Bard/Dancer though some abilities are still fairly performant even with the PWR reduction.
    • Nameless Song – Increased Tick from 5 to 6
      This increase in cast time is so that this ability fires slower, and reinforces Rousing Melody’s place in terms of the premier Haste bardsong.

Reaction/Support/Movement Abilities

  • Monkey Grip – Added a warning to Monkey Grip’s help menu that it does not work with Reequip (this may be addressed in a future incremental and requires further discovery of the optimize equipment code)
  • Counter Throw – This reaction now triggers from HP Loss instead of physical attack sources
    This reaction now activates on all HP damage taken so you can get a bit more value out of slotting it. Keep in mind that while Throw Dagger is random, it does scale with Brawler/Attack Boost/Vehemence.
  • Doublehand – Increased the Forced Two-Handed bonus from 40 to 43%
    This small buff is to aid the rounding behind the math when using this ability so its value feels more true than the previous version.
  • Performing Arts – Increased the chance this ability improves with Bardsong/Dance abilities from 10 to 20%
    This change ultimately keeps the ability hit chance the same as they were in v4.4B except the base PWR of Bardsong/Dance has been lowered to compensate and further enforce this ability or Bard/Dancer to have the best effectiveness.
  • Nature’s Wrath – This reaction now additionally also triggers on any physical or magic ability that is Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Water, or Earth where it previously only either triggered on physical attacks or Geomancy. This is flagged for the following abilities:
      • Dragon – Breath attacks except Holy Breath
      • Nether Mantra – All except Corporeal Void
      • Limit – Cherry Blossom
      • Huntcraft – Earthsplitter
      • Magicks – Thunder Anima, Water Anima, Wind Anima
      • Black Magicks – Fire – Firaja, Blizzard – Blizzaja, Thunder – Thundaja
      • Summon – Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva, Titan, Salamander, Leviathan
      • Ja-Magicks – Aeroja, Waterja, Quake
        This buff to Nature’s Wrath is to further expand this reaction as a viable choice with it now being able to trigger off of non-Holy/Dark elemental damage from either damage type. Note that Nature’s Wrath triggers as AoE Geomancy still using the offender’s tile.

Equipment – Weapons

  • Axes
    • Slasher – Increased WP from 18 to 19
      Since this Axe has a random Rend ability while others are specific, the extra point of power is to entice using this while not having full control over what it breaks.
  • Fell Swords
    • Apocalypse – Increased WP from 18 to 20
      Though this weapon is purposefully lower WP than the other Fell Swords, this bump in WP is to help aid initial mitigated damage even if Celestial Void does cast and also gives a bit more damage on Darkness abilities that scale with WP.
  • Katanas
    • Changed calculations from [PA * WP * (Br / 100)] to [PA * WP * ((Br + 2) / 100)]
      With the buff to swords, Katanas are a bit behind in “effective WP” potential so this pulls them ahead after a +20 Bravery investment. Thank you to @Dr. Jay for highlighting the initial damage discrepancy.
  • Ninja Blades
    • Orochi – Added Inflicts: Poison (50%)
      Since Orochi doesn’t offer any specific value outside of Absorb HP, this ninja blade now has a chance to apply damage-over-time to targets hit while healing from each successive strike and this now sets it a part from Blood Sword and Muramasa.

Equipment – Gear

  • “Cursed” equipment – Removed Reraise immunity and Help menu text from all equipment as Undead and Reraise status are already immune to each other by default 
    This change is made to clarify this interaction which was already there in the original game. The only way you can perma-dead a unit is if you have Angel Ring + Cursed gear equipped.
  • Cherche:
    • Removed +1 PA/MA and Equip: Float, Regen
    • This item now restores 20% maxMP per end of turn
    • Added +1 Speed
      Honing in on the “refreshing” aspect of this item’s flavor text, this now has a unique utility that stacks with Manafont or can allow casters to not lean typically on Manafont and change their mobility options entirely.
  • Thief’s Gloves – Additionally increases the Steal Equipment chance by 12%
    Originally, this was removed when the Safeguard and +1 Speed additions were added. However, after assessing the calculations of Steal and the need for high Speed in order to really move the hit%, this item will have some added Steal chance added back in to reinforce its theme and to further help remove pesky gear. This accessory also enables lesser Speed jobs to potentially slot Steal as a secondary as well.

Quality of Life

  • Status Effects
    • Faith/Atheist – These statuses when ability-sourced now persist through KO
      Instead of KO removing these “inflicted” statuses on death, these statuses will now persist and will continue to wind down on their duration while dead similarly to how Protect/Shell operates now.
    • Undead – Increased revival chance from 50 to 60%
      This 10% bump is to make the automatic revival a bit more in your favor when the 0-counter hits and a bit less concern about attempting to build with “cursed” setups.
    • Oil – This status effect is now removed if the target was KO’d
      Previous oiled-up targets could stay Oiled if the damage was greater than their remaining HP on death. This change addresses that so that this debuff is no longer persistent through death which previously allowed for consecutive bonus elemental damage if the unit was revived later.
  • Practice Mode (Araguay Woods)
    • Delita Team (West)
      • Replaced Archer with Samurai (F)
        • Equip: Ice Bow, Close Helmet, Lordly Robe, Elven Cloak
        • Abilities: Iaido, Items, Dragonheart, Equip Bows, Dexterity
    • Mustadio Team (West)
      • Mustadio – Replaced Arcane Strength with Swiftness
    • Cloud Team (East)
      • Cloud
        • Replaced Iaido skillset with Aim
        • Cloud now prioritizes using Limit abilities
      • Archer
        • Replaced Ward with First Strike
        • Replaced Death Strike with Concentration
      • Squire
        • Replaced Nagnarok with Toadsong
        • Replaced CT Boost with Reflexes
    • Valmafra Team (East)
      • Thief – Replaced Blind Knife with Cinquedea
    • Meliadoul Team (East)
      • Archer – Replaced HP Boost with Death Strike
      • Ninja
        • Replaced Move +2 with Dexterity
        • Replaced Cherche with Invisibility Cloak
      • Bard – Replaced Arcane Strength with HP Boost
    • Special Encounter Team
      • Marach – Replaced Defense Boost with Attack Boost
  • Single Player/Campaign
    • Adjusted item prices and all following items are only available at Chapter 2’s start (except Steadfast Ring which is already available at the start of Chapter 3):
      • Cursed Helm – 200 to 20,000
      • Cursed Armor – 800 to 30,000
      • Cursed Robe – 300 to 20,000
      • Cursed Garb – 500 to 20,000
      • Cursed Shield – 400 to 30,000
      • Escort Guard – 150 to 30,000
      • Steadfast Ring – 10,000 to 50,000
        Prices were exponentially increased to reduce players from being able to buy these at the start of the game and to make these grind worthy. This change is to only address feedback about these items’ accessibility if venturing forth in the story with the PvP Patch.

Competitive Standard v5.0

  • Characters
    • Valmafra
      • Increased base PA from 13 to 14
      • Increased base MA from 15 to 17
      • Increased Move from 3 to 4 (as Witch of the Coven)
      • Changes affect Rendezvous/SLOT 2
        Based on feedback, Valmafra’s base PA/MA is being buffed a bit to help not only her offensive capabilities but to also better transition her onto either physical or magic-based jobs. She plays a lot more hybrid-like and is much more of a force to be reckoned with. Thank you all for the feedback regarding her state in earlier updates and I am hoping to see more Valmafra playability!
  • Limited and Semi-Limited Gear Restriction Update
    • NEW Semi-Limited – Gae Bolg
    • NEW No Longer Limited – Cursed Helm
    • Note: all limited/semi-limited updates affect Rendezvous/SLOT 2
    • Consumables
      • Shuriken, Flameburst Bomb, Snowmelt Bomb, and Spark Bomb – Decreased from 10 to 5 (also affects Rendezvous/SLOT 2)
        Cursed Helm being at 3x is treated similarly to Onion Helm and allows for a bit more accessibility for Undead-themed teams while still retaining helms limitation in jobs.

Generics Premade v5.0

4 new premade builds join the roster in this official update to make the Generics Premade/SLOT 1 format a generics-only format! Additionally, some previously “lower” level gear that was equipped primarily as filler has been swapped out with gear that is also accessible in Standard and Rendezvous to improve item consistency and availability across all Tactics League formats. Stats have been adjusted ultimately to avoid adding “power” to builds and the goal is mostly for aesthetics and consistency.

  • Characters
    • DMG-Aquafina (NEW by @Mistral)
      • Role – Damage
      • Female Knight
      • Equipment:
        • Caladbolg, Kaiser Shield, Genji Helm, Luminous Robe, Sortilege
      • Abilities:
        • Arts of War – Bulwark, War Cry, Rend Speed
        • Ja-Magicks – Waterja
        • Reaction – Replenish
        • Support – Monkey Grip
        • Movement – Dexterity
    • DMG-Red Mage (NEW by @Rumer)
      • Role – Damage
      • Male Black Mage
      • Equipment:
        • Runeblade, Red Hood, Black Robe, Protect Ring
      • Abilities:
        • Black Magicks – Fira, Blizzara, Thundara
        • White Magicks – Cura, Raise
        • Reaction – Mana Shield
        • Support – Equip Swords
        • Movement – Move +2
    • TNK-Echo (NEW)
      • Role – Tank
      • Male Mime
      • Equipment:
        • Hydrascale Bag, Celebrant’s Miter, Black Garb, Sortilege
      • Abilities: N/A
    • SPT-Agent (NEW)
      • Role – Support
      • Male Orator
      • Equipment:
        • 2x Tiny Bee, Acacia Hat, Ringmail, Elven Cloak
      • Abilities:
        • Speechcraft – Entice, Praise, Intimidate, Preach, Enlighten, Hush, Insult, Mimic Darlavon
        • Time Magicks – Haste, Slow, Immobilize
        • Reaction – Vanish
        • Support – Dual Wield
        • Movement – Move +2
    • TNK-Souleater (NEW, replaces TNK-Guardian)
      • Role – Tank
      • Female Dark Knight
      • Equipment:
        • Arondight, Grand Helm, Peytral, Nu Khai Armband
      • Abilities:
        • Darkness – Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike, Abyssal Blade, Unholy Sacrifice Black Magicks – Poison, Death
        • Reaction – CT Boost
        • Support – Arcane Strength
        • Movement – Dexterity
    • DMG-Shadow
      • Replaced Kodachi with Iga Blade
      • Replaced Reflexes with Vanish
      • Replaced Move +2 with Dexterity.
    • DMG-Sorcerer
      • Increased base HP by 31
      • Increased base MA from 21 to 22
    • DMG-Warden
      • Replaced Papyrus Codex (book) with Icebrand (sword) since this weapon is normally disallowed via job (geomancer)
      • Replaced Wizard’s Robe with Black Robe to retain Boosts: Ice
    • DMG-Hunter
      • Added Break Aim to Aim skillset
      • Removed Throw Dagger from Fundaments skillset
      • Replaced Headgear with Green Beret
    • DMG-Berserker
      • Replaced Francisca with Slasher
      • Replaced Headgear with Green Beret
    • DMG-Parivir
      • Replaced Diamond Helm with Genji Helm
    • DMG-Armiger
      • Added Aim skillset as a secondary which includes Take Aim and Break Aim
      • Replaced Iron Sword with Diamond Sword
      • Replaced Headgear with Headband
      • Replaced Leather Armor with Ringmail
    • DMG-Zen
      • Removed Mythril Shield
      • Replaced Equip Shields with Doublehand (doublehanding Whale Whisker)
      • Increased base MA from 13 to 15
    • DMG-Lancer
      • Added Steal Weapon and Steal Accessory to Steal skillset since this character is the only one with access to Steal
      • Removed Borrowed Time from Steal skillset
      • Increased base HP by 30
      • Decreased PA from 16 to 14
      • Decreased SP from 15 to 14
      • Replaced Obelisk with Gae Bolg
    • TNK-Sentinel
      • Replaced Platinum Helm with Vanguard Helm
    • TNK-Guardian
      • Replaced Brass Coronet with Grand Helm since this gear is normally disallowed via job (knight)
      • Replaced Platinum Armor with Peytral
    • SPT-Apothecary
      • Replaced Geomancy with Throw skillset, which only includes Bombs
      • Replaced Arcane Strength with Safeguard
      • Replaced Leather Cloak with Elven Cloak
    • SPT-Stalwart
      • Replaced Mythril Gun with Muse’s Harp
      • Replaced Equip Guns with Brawler
      • Decreased PA from 34 to 25
    • SPT-Distractor
      • Increased MA from 1 to 14
    • Inventory
      • Added 3x Fuma Shuriken for DMG-Shadow to use with Throw
      • Decreased Flameburst Bomb, Snowmelt Bomb, and Spark Bomb from 10 to 3 each
      • Decreased Ethereal Tonic from 10 to 3
      • Decreased all other Chemist “tonics” from 10 to 5

Competitive Maps Update

With the PvP Patch v4.0 Beta launch, the existing map pool has also received some updates to spruce up and adjust maps based on community feedback. Let’s look at which maps are joining and which are being retired in their stead.

Sal Ghidos (replaces Dorvauldar Marsh)

Sal Ghidos is a new medium-sized map that will replace Dorvauldar Marsh entirely. The issue with Dorvauldar is that the host side can have a mobility disadvantage if they are not using movement options, such as Fly or Levitate. Though it is an incentive to use these abilities, a player shouldn’t be pigeonholed to needing these abilities to be able to engage with their opponent. Sal Ghidos features a shortened distance but with many housing or rooftops to utilize and is a great map for archery and other ranged abilities.

Mullonde Cathedral Sanctuary (replaces Monastery Vaults – Level 2)

Mullonde Cathedral Sanctuary is a new small-sized map joining the rotation and replacing Monastery Vaults – Level 2 (the map with the bookcases). Though the host and guest spawns appear close, the coffin in the middle actually prohibits forward movement, so players will need to work around the sides to engage. The spawn heights between both players are also the same, so there aren’t any tactical advantages unlike Monastery Vaults. This map feels and plays great as a small map and is likely to be the best “small”map to play competitively on in the future.

Limberry Castle Inner Court (replaces Goug Lowtown)

Limberry is another medium-sized map that will be replacing Goug Lowtown. Though Goug is fundamentally playable, it does have some odd advantages for the guest player being able to get an early, vertical position on the guest. The map also didn’t feel the best to play on as echoed by several community members, so the change is to replace it with a map that promotes engagement, shorter distances but still reasonable set up time, and even some space to work off of for builds that enjoy higher sight-lines.

These maps are officially entering the map rotation on March 12th during the PvP Patch v4.0 Beta! Join the Tactics League Discord and check these new areas and all of the changes coming with this update!

Save Data v4.0 Beta Update

PvP Patch version 4.0 Beta is the next big iteration for Tactics League multiplayer. This patch addresses several community feedback, suggestions, and additions and is solely built on the success of v3.0. This patch has been designed, tested, and iterated over the past 6 months (starting mid-October 2023) to change certain aspects of PvP and further allow diversity and creative expression in a competitive environment.

Though my modding skills have slightly improved, I want to first thank @Tzepish for guiding me and being a big part of this new update, especially with the new or changed complex mods. He is a pillar of this community and the PvP Patch and I want to personally thank him for getting us to this point.

I also want to give a huge shout-out to Discord members, @Jokerfisch, @WngMan, @Oaks, @therumer, @sandcatankh, and @dr.jay. for their suggestions and feedback throughout v3.0c. Several changes or additions you will see are from their direct perspectives and molded into the update as well.

To download the all-in-one package that includes the PPF file and save data, please visit Downloads. To learn more about how to apply the PPF patch, visit Tutorials.

Table of Contents

PvP Patch v4.0 Beta Changelog

This changelog is the patch notes from all work done in the 4th version of the Tactics League’s PvP Patch for both PvP and Rendezvous modes. These notes are large in scope, so please make sure to read them thoroughly!

Quality of Life

  • You can now rename unique characters at the Warrior’s Guild!
  • Damaging Iaido abilities and Unholy Sacrifice now properly preview their damage
    Note: The damage shown in the preview is based on what the caster would receive based on their mitigation.
  • Removed low Bravery and high Faith desertion warnings
    This change is to remove any pesky messaging about either warning in addition to the prior QoL change that Br/Fa changes are no longer permanent. 
  • Soundtrack
    • Replaced the random encounter music Antipyretic with Remnants
  • Weather/Day System
    • Removed the weather and nighttime penalties affecting Bows/Crossbows
  • Maps (Melee Mode)
    • Midlight’s Deep maps (starting with The Creavase) now have brightness! This only affects the Midlight’s Deep maps in Melee currently and does not affect those found in Campaign
      You can finally see where you are going in Midlight’s Deep – multiplayer maps!
  • Update the in-battle graphics palette for weapons that have either had an updated item palette or were newly added but their battle graphic did not match
    Note: some items, such as Cinquedea, do not have a close/exact palette representation available to them
  • Story Encounters (Single Player/Campaign)
    • Chapter 1
      • Orbonne Monastery (1st battle)
        • Set the equipment of all enemies to Random, removing their accessibility of now endgame gear and the game-deciding the best equipment based on level
          Though the purpose of the PvP Patch is multiplayer, those who wish to check out the experiences in a solo setting no longer have to worry about going up against early-game foes with endgame gear.
  • Practice Mode (Araguay Woods)
    • Renamed the world map text to “Practice Mode”
    • All encounters on this map are now only against humans
    • The Bravery/Faith of all generic enemy encounters is 60/60
    • The level of all random encounters matches <Party Level> instead of <Party Level – Random>
    • All enemy builds are tailored to some popular and niche builds from past PvP experiences to make each encounter a worthy battle
    • Removed all War Trophies to avoid additional inventory changes; out of pre-caution, still reload your save after a battle
    • All 8 enemy parties have a unique character assigned to match the Standard ruleset; You can encounter the following Unique characters randomly based on the direction in which you enter Araguay Woods:
      • Rapha (W) – Chemist, Archer, Thief, Geomancer
      • Delita (W) – Dragoon, Onion Knight, Chemist, Archer
      • Agrias (W) – Time Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Summoner
      • Mustadio (W) – Dark Knight, Samurai, White Mage, Mime
      • Construct 8 (E) – Bard, Dancer, Dragoon, Monk
      • Cloud (E) – Geomancer, Squire, Archer, Black Mage
      • Valmafra (E) – Orator, Dark Knight, Mystic, Thief
      • Meliadoul (E) – Archer, Geomancer, Ninja, Bard
      • Special Random Encounter (from any direction) – Alma, Marach, Reis, Beowulf, Luso
        This change is to provide a play area to test your roster offline against a fairly difficult challenge built with the Standard format in mind.

        Can you survive the special random encounter vs. 5 uniques?!

  • Status Effects
    • Significantly updated the Help menus for all negative status effects to provide context on how to remove them 
    • Protect & Shell:
      • Protect & Shell status now persists through KO instead of being removed on death
        Their duration still actively counts down while dead, but a revived unit can return with its mitigation intact. Note that you cannot remove these buffs from a KO’ed unit.
      • Increased the Tick of Protect & Shell from 15 to 22 and all equipment-sourced Protect/Shell are set to <Initial> instead of <Equip>
        Why the change to the functionality of Equip: Protect, Shell? As gear-sourced Protect/Shell is usually the go-to compared to using Kiyomori/Barrier since they persist through death and could not fall off since it is permanent, this is to change the standard of Protect/Shell; You’ll get more duration out of Protect/Shell when ability-sourced because <Initial> ticks wear off faster since it occurs at the start of the game versus being cast. But you can still benefit from gear-sourced Protect/Shell; not having to cast it early, but now with a chance of it being removed from stuff like Harmony, War Cry, Heaven’s Wrath, Maim, or Giant Axe’s attacks where it previously could not. And now with Protect/Shell persisting through death, it’ll strictly be dependent on when it was applied either ability-sourced or initially but with less fear of resurrecting without it.

        Note that ability-sourced Protect/Shell will not apply on KO’ed units.

        This will result in the status uptime lasting roughly 34 Actions, up from 20, when ability-sourced on the first Act, and lasting roughly 24 Actions, up from 15, when gear-sourced (aka the start of the game).
    • Veil (formerly Invulnerable):
      • The name was changed to better fit the status name traditionally used in other Final Fantasy games and to correlate the same naming convention with Tzepish’s “WotL Tweak” mod. The functionality of Veil status remains unchanged
      • Added the status pop-up text for Veil; you will now see when the status effect is no longer affecting a unit from Steadfast Ring!
        Man, what time it took to fix this 😅
    • Invisible:
      • Now doubles your evasion rates while active (similar to Defending and does stack with each other)
      • NPCs are less likely to attack an invisible unit (targeting de-prioritized)
        With AI now being able to target invisible units, Invisibility adds some additional evasion bonuses to help dodge evadable attacks and make your units less likely to be focused; but this is situational as a whole and an invisible unit can still be targeted if there aren’t any other good, valid targets in their LoS/ability ranges/damaged units.
    • Atheist – Reduced tick from 20 to 16
      Since Atheism is difficult to remove, the duration has been reduced so that it is still impactful and viable on builds that benefit from it, but also less uptime for those negatively impacted.
    • Charm – Reduced tick from 18 to 12
      This reduction in Charm’s status uptime is due to the high impact it can have in a game. This status debuff will last in the same timespan as Stop, lasting roughly 2 of the charmed unit’s turns.
    • Sleep – Reduced tick from 20 to 16
      Uptime duration is reduced to allow faster removal of this infliction, though you will still want to cleanse or inflict damage in most cases.
  • AI Behavior
    • The AI can now target Invisible-status units
      This change provides a fix for community feedback regarding using Invisibility to de-aggro the enemy and force them to move towards a corner for later advantageous play. Note that there are later RDV mission adjustments to compensate as that was also provided feedback to help deter the need for this former strategy.
    • Removed the decision-making to only Bestow: Protect/Shell when an ally/self is HP Critical
      The removal of this vanilla function should allow the AI to consider applying these crucial buffs when needed instead of when you or a friend are about to die lol.
    • Random encounter units can now have Fury/Magick Boost/Adrenaline Rush/Vanish assigned
    • Units in random battles now have better equipment selection
      The AI can generate better equipment options based on their job so they feel more practical and challenging.

Known Issues

  • Monkey Grip does not currently function when using Reequip in battle
  • Mimes will retain their gear post-battle even if it is “illegal.” Please make sure to reload your save data after an offline game to ensure competitive integrity


In this update, two new characters join the roster! Valmafra and Alma. Both will be replacing Balthier and Ovelia respectively. 

  • Valmafra – Witch of the Coven (NEW Unique Character, replaces Balthier)
    • Available in both Rendezvous and Standard formats
    • Base 270 HP, 139 MP, 13 PA, 15 MA, 12 SP, 10% C-EV, 3 Move, 3 Jump
    • Can Equip: Swords, Knives, Rods, Staves, Hats, and Robes
    • 65 Bravery, 70 Faith
    • Swiftness innately
    • Magicks (skillset): Holy, Graviga, Unholy Darkness, Arise, Curaga, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Aeroja, Waterja, Quake, and Divine Ultima
    • Divine Ultima (Valmafra’s unique ability): 
      • Non-Elemental
      • Faith-based, unlike Ramza/Luso’s Ultima
      • 99 MP, 50 PWR, 8 tick
      • 2 Range Self-AoE (Iaido-like), 3 Vert
      • Non-reflectable, Non-evadable
      • Enemy and Ally affected
        This new caster inspired by the concept of both Red Mage and Elementalist is loaded with powerful elemental magicks in her arsenal and is considered a faith-based damage dealer. Balthier is being retired for the time being as he is overall in an odd spot with the previous metagame. 
  • Alma – Cleric (NEW Unique Character, replaces Ovelia)
    • Available in both Rendezvous and Standard formats
    • Base 235 HP, 146 MP, 11 PA, 16 MA, 12 SP, 18% C-EV, 4 Move, 3 Jump
    • Can Equip: Staves, Hats, Clothing, Robes
    • 39 Bravery, 87 Faith
    • Arcane Defense, Defense Boost, Immune: Charm innately
    • Holy Magicks (skillset): Aegis, Dispelna, Barrier, Arise, Curaja, Holy, Chant
      By popular request (ahem Mistral ahem), Alma will take Ovelia’s place in the roster for this update. With her, some similarities but also some differences; Alma is faster but less bulky, has Charm immunity instead of Stone, has the same innate damage mitigation, and has stronger Faith, but less Bravery to contend with. Let Alma perform her clerical duties and serve as a strong support on just about any team!
  • Ramza
    • Now properly utilizes his Chapter 2/3 sprite and portrait in the formation screen and in-battle
      Yes, that means no more smexy butt armor to look at 🙁 
  • Delita
    • Replaced his Chapter 1 formation sprite and portrait with his correct “Knight” variation that was already used in battle
      This was because the portrait and sprite were incorrectly matched, so I went and fixed it entirely so you have a proper and handsome-looking Delita in all his glory.


In this Jobs update, you will come across many small multiplier increases (usually +5%). These buffs are to take the QoL base stats improvements and then combine them with PA or MA increases to improve generic female physical or male magical job builds to further tighten the total stats spread between genders. The result is that from a generic view, the difference between male and female job’s total PA/MA spread is no more than 1 point.

For abbreviation references: HPM = HP multiplier, MPM = MP multiplier, PAM = PA multiplier, MAM = MA multiplier, SPM = Speed Multiplier

  • Divine Knight/Meliadoul
    • Increased job HPM from 125 to 135% (from base 363 to 393 HP)
      This 10% increase is to incentivize keeping Meliadoul on her main job with her skillset now being usable with any weapon. 
  • Netherseer/Marach
    • Re-added Robes as available equipment
      This was originally removed in PvP Patch v2 to mitigate potential MA-stacking. However, after re-assessing the PWR of his abilities and requiring Atheist/low Faith targets to become most effective, the robes change is being reverted to ultimately raise his damage potential on his main job. 
  • Chemist
    • Now increases the healing of Potion and Ether-type items by 50 (this includes Auto-Potion) innately 
    • Increased HPM from 80 to 110% (approx. +82 HP)
    • Increased PAM from 75 to 80% (male +1 PA)
    • The PA change resulted in generic Chemist as male 10/10 and female 9/11
      This new Potion/Ether “passive” is a way to pull power away from slotting Items as a secondary and giving Chemists the limelight as expertise of medicinal use.

      This large increase in HP is to help Chemists stand out more as a medium-speed tier job and to consider them more as an option for Items instead of falling back as a secondary on other jobs. Chemists are naturally bulky with good starting SP to boot but do not boast PA/MA.

  • Knight
    • Increased Move from 3 to 4
      Movement increased to help Knights engage faster since their weapons and main abilities are all close-ranged.
  • Monk
    • Increased PAM from 129 to 135% (female +1 PA)
    • The PA change resulted in generic Monk as male 17/10 and female 16/11
  • White Mage
    • Increased MAM from 110 to 115% (male +1 MA)
    • The MA change resulted in generic White Mage as male 11/14 and female 10/15
  • Summoner
    • Increased MPM from 125 to 170% (approx. +60 MP)
    • Increased PAM from 50 to 55% (male +1 PA)
    • Increased MAM from 125 to 130% (male +1 MA)
    • These changes resulted in generic Summoner as male 7/16 and female 6/17
      This significant buff to max MP gives Summoners an edge compared to other caster jobs in how they can easily build towards high max MP and use this to their advantage especially factoring cheaper casts thanks to innate Halve MP to offset the Mana Shield + Manafont combo.
  • Orator
    • Increased PAM from 75 to 85% (male +1 PA)
    • Increased MAM from 95 to 100% (male +1 MA)
    • These changes result in generic Orator as male 11/12 and female 10/13
  • Dragoon
    • Increased PAM from 130 to 135% (female +1 PA)
    • The PA change resulted in generic Dragoon as male 17/10 and female 16/11
  • Ninja
    • Increased PAM from 122 to 125% (female +1 PA)
    • The PA change resulted in generic Ninja as male 16/9 and female 15/10
  • Bard
    • Decreased MAM from 145 to 135% (-2 MA)
    • The MA change resulted in generic Bard with 12/16
  • Dancer
    • Increased HPM from 100 to 115% (+40 HP)
    • Decreased PAM from 140 to 130% (-1 PA)
    • The PA change resulted in generic Dancer with 15/13
      These reductions in their MA/PA multipliers are to offset the base male/female unit PA/MA increase to better job change as a whole. This change does affect uniques PA/MA when in these jobs as well but only marginally.

      Dancer’s HP increased to give better sustain to a job that is meant to be front/mid-lined and to entice the job as a pick over slotting Dance as a secondary.
  • Sage
    • Increased SPM from 90 to 95% (+1 SP)
      This SP increase is to put their starting SP at 10 instead of 9, resulting in less +SP stacking needed to get them to a reasonable value, while still demanding the need for it.
  • Mime
    • Removed the hardcoding that prohibits equipment; Mimes can now equip a limited gear selection!
    • Can equip: Bags, Clothing, Robes, Hats, Hair Adornments, Cloaks, Shoes, Perfumes, Lip Rouge
    • Copy Weapon – Mimes now “slot” the Right and Left-Hand from the last non-Mime ally action (this includes attacks, using a generic/unique ability, using an Item, etc.). A couple of important notes:
      • Reequip is excluded (because it is sourced as a Support ability)
      • Copy Weapon excludes the Shield if slotted
      • You cannot get consecutive attacks even if you Copy Weapon dual-wielded weapons (because Dual Wield is not innate)
      • Copy Weapon excludes the weapon(s) from the previous ally’s Charging status since this isn’t a “fulfilled” action 
      • Copy Weapon does not activate off of a previously used unique ability
      • If a Mime fails to mimic it will still have the last acted Ally’s copied weapons slotted and not the one that triggered the failed mimicry
      • This includes weapons that Mimes currently cannot equip in the party menu
      • Since this isn’t technically equipping them, <Equip> bonuses do not apply
      • Statuses or Casts on hit (based on their original chance) can still activate
      • This “bug” is a feature and can be used to make some creative plays 😉
      • In non-Multiplayer, the copied weapon(s) are retained after a battle, including weapons Mimes cannot normally equip. Please be mindful of this and make sure not to save illegal equipment (as per tournament regulation) and continue to reload your save data afterward (like for Practice Mode)
    • Decreased HPM from 180 to 150% and removed Ribbon-like innate immunities since they have access to gear
      These huge QoL changes to Mime ultimately allow them to adapt to your team better. I expect to see much more Mime play in the future and look forward to creative shenanigans!
  • Dark Knight
    • Replaced innate Immune: Faith with Lifefont
    • Increased PAM from 130 to 135% (female +1 PA)
    • The PA change resulted in generic Dark Knight as male 17/10 and female 16/11
      The innate change is a part of past efforts to improve a job’s innate ability while not being too situational.
  • Onion Knight
    • Increased MAM from 120 to 125% (female +1 MA) 
    • The MA change resulted in generic Onion Knight as male 17/15 and female 15/17

Action Abilities

There are various improvements to many skills and some balancing tweaks as well. One impactful change to note is that all 8 Range abilities have been reduced to 6 Range to encourage engagement. All non-White Magicks revival sources have also had their PWR (or chance) slightly reduced to create a window for them to fail, though they are still consistent enough to warrant use as a part of addressing “chain resurrection.”

  • Ability Bug Fixes
    • Unarmed attacks were erroneously using [PA * SP * (Br/100)] instead of [PA * PA * (Br/100)]
      This was an oversight that has been corrected and now Unarmed attacks properly scale their damage correctly.
  • Sky Mantra abilities and Frenzy (Fundaments):
    • These abilities now display the targeted status for removal during damage preview and will now pop-up statuses inflicted (affecting Celestial Void). The status pop-up excludes Charging and Performing but will still function correctly
    • Removed residual Faith-based checks in their formula, fixing all abilities to now properly function regardless of the target’s Faith value
      This rids of any final Faith checks regardless of their Faith, including Celestial Void now having a chance to properly damage Construct 8 (but will require Confuse to be successfully rolled).
  • Unyielding Strike (Meliadoul, formerly Unyielding Blade)
    • Crush abilities now require any weapon instead of only sword-types
    • Crush abilities still retain their original properties
    • Crush abilities still use their ability range of 3 and are not weapon range
    • Updated the skillset name to reflect that it is no longer necessarily tied to a “bladed” weapon
      This change to Meliadoul is to give her improved build diversity with no longer requiring a sword to use her abilities and utilizing the different weapon types she can equip as Divine Knight.
  • Mettle (Ramza)
    • Encourage – Decreased PWR from 200 to 70
      The original 200 value was to guarantee this ability to land. As part of this update’s goal to speed up game resolution, this ability will now be set to base 70% + PA, still yielding high success rates, but now with a window for failure. Note that this ability’s %hit increases with Brawler/Attack Boost/Vehemence.
    • Maim – Increased PWR from 6 to 9
      PWR increased since this ability is single target compared to other Geomancy-derived abilities.
  • Chant (Delita-Holy Sword, Alma-Holy Magicks) – Increased Range from 1 to 3
    Range increased to make healing with this ability more doable without having to sacrifice too much range to do so. 
  • Holy Magicks (Alma)
    • Aegis – Increased MP cost from 30 to 40
      With this ability sourcing many buffs at once and typically near instant or within 3 turns, Aegis will be a bit more expensive to cast.
  • Aimed Shot (Mustadio)
    • Disassemble – Increased PWR from 60 to 80
      This ability’s chance decreases against magic mitigation, so the base PWR is being increased to offset that plus increased reliability.
  • Nether Mantra (Marach) – Abilities will now hit 2-5 times instead of 1-5 times
    This change is to give Marach some lead way in the randomness of his attacks and to slightly improve both the consistency of initial damage potential and status chance when utilizing his skillset.
  • Sky Mantra (Rapha)
    • Divinity – Now Removes Performing/Charging instead of Faith/Charging
      This gives Rapha a reliable check against enemy Bards/Dancers while leaning Faith removal now more on Harmony and is an instant-cast, damaging version of Break Aim.
  • Dragon (Reis)
    • Increased Fire Breath, Ice Breath, Thunder Breath, and Holy Breath’s PWR from 12 to 14
    • Added missing Vert text to all breath attacks
  • Limit (Cloud)
    • Braver – Increased PWR from 8 to 10
    • Meteorain – Decreased PWR from 15 to 14
    • Cherry Blossom – Decreased PWR from 18 to 16
      The PWR reduction in Meteorain and Cherry Blossom is to slightly reign in on damage potential since these abilities are cast from range + in large AoE.
  • Tasks (Construct 8)
    • Salvo – Switched the effect animation from Bomblet to Self-Destruct to provide a hit reaction in AoE damage, displaying all damage values to those affected (and no Construct 8 will not blow itself up by doing so lol)
    • Dispose – Decreased Range from 8 to 6
      The court of public opinion finds an issue with the range of Dispose since it ignores LoS, so as part of nerfing the overall range of ranged abilities, this will also be reduced.
  • Huntcraft (Luso)
    • Mighty Guard – Switched the effect animation from Wall to Protect to speed up the animation time (the ability’s functionality remains unchanged)
      From 16s to now 7s on 5 units – enjoy Wngman 😛!
    • Discord – No longer hits/affects Luso on cast
      This buff is so that Luso doesn’t strip himself of Protect/Shell/etc. while doing so for others.
  • Fundaments
    • Frenzy – Additionally removes Reraise if the target is currently affected
      This adds a new counter against reraise especially if they are stacking KO/Doom/Atheist immunities.
    • Taunt – Increased PWR from 30 to 36 to offset the loss of chance when the target is affected by Shell/Arcane Defense
  • Items
    • X-Potion – Decreased the HP restored from 300 to 250
    • Hi-Potion – Decreased the HP restored from 250 to 200
      The reduction in the value of these healing items is to help curb some of the potency in Items and further incentivize using a Chemist to ultimately return these items to their prior strength. Items as a secondary ability will still retain their core strengths even with this slight nerf.
    • Phoenix Down – This item now always revives with 20% of the target’s Max HP instead of a random value from 1 to 20
      This change buffs the functionality of Phoenix Down while retaining its primary expectation – revive while retaining HP critical status. This change also plays a role in limiting Phoenix Down to 3 in Standard to reduce the overall power of Items.
  • White Magicks
    • Cure – Increased PWR from 15 to 20
    • Cura – Increased PWR from 25 to 30
    • Curaga – Increased PWR from 35 to 40
    • Curaja – Increased AoE from 1 to 2, remains 40 PWR, but now only affects allies
      These buffs to the curative spells are to improve White Magicks as a whole especially since other stuff like X-Potion and even Life’s Anthem are situationally stronger with fewer requirements. White Magicks is shaped more to be the definitive healing skillset, as it should be, especially with maximum healing potential. Expect to see some potent active healing!
    • Reraise – Decreased Tick from 6 to 4 and PWR from 140 to 100 (avg 70% w/ Faith or 42% without)
      This change is to make Reraise overall faster to cast, but a bit less reliable to land this potent buff.
  • Aim
    • Take Aim
      • This ability now functions similarly to the vanilla version of Aim, using the weapon’s actual [formula] instead of [PA * (WP + 5)] and adding a bonus 5 PWR to the calculated damage 
      • A few notes about this change: 
        • This ability is still classified as an <Ability> and not a <Attack> where the original Aim was considered a weapon attack. Golem will still not block Take Aim
        • Weapons with Hit=100% calcs can no longer deal damage due to this change 
        • Doublehand does not affect Take Aim, though it does with the original Aim+X abilities. This may be addressed in a later update
        • Swiftness still reduces the CT of this ability 
        • To avoid targeting complications, you can no longer move once more once you start charging
        • The weapon’s element, status infliction, and Cast (if applicable) are also now applied (only the element was considered in the original Take Aim)
        • This ability is still considered physical damage even if using MA-scaled weapons
        • This ability can still critically strike
          This change sets Take Aim similarly to Aim +3’s functionality from the original game, allowing for it to properly scale with MA-based weapons instead of being tied to weapon formulas and taking full effect of your weapon’s properties. A huge shout-out to @Tzepish for getting this working!
  • Arts of War
    • Bulwark
      • Decreased AoE from 2 to 1 (now cross-shape)
      • Increased Vert from 2 to 3
      • Additionally Bestows: Protect, Shell as well as Defending
        Bulwark grants a new way to provide Protect and Shell albeit in a smaller radius compared to Kiyomori and Barrier, but with Defending status until your next turn as well.
    • Mow Down – Increased PWR from 16 to 19
      This PWR buff is to help give Knights a strong single-target damage option when playing up close at the cost of higher recoil.
    • War Cry
      • This ability is now single target
      • Increased Range from 1 to 2
        With Initial: Protect, Shell being the move forward to better balance these crucial statuses, War Cry will also need a bit of dialing back from its v3.0c version.
    • Rend Power and Rend Magick – Increased PWR from 60 to 80 to increase reliability and since its chance reduces based on the target’s evasiveness
      This notable buff should make these abilities more enticing to use to lower a threat’s damage potential. Don’t sleep on this change, especially with Dual Wield/ranged weapons!
  • Martial Arts
    • Shockwave – Decreased Range from 8 to 6
    • Revive – Decreased PWR from 70 to 60 (avg. 75% w/o Brawler, or 85% w/ Brawler, 90%+ w/ Brawler + Attack Boost/Vehemence)
      This PWR reduction creates a failure window for Revive to miss, creating instances where chain resurrection when solely relying on it can break. Units with Brawler + Attack Boost/Vehemence will still have a near 100% hit rate.
  • Steal – All Steal Equipment abilities are no longer evadable
    This change is to buff the chance of stealing since it requires up close risk and limited verticality. Your target’s evasion will no longer reduce the odds of landing so you should typically have a better time trying to snatch that problematic gear off your foe while still being weary of melee-based reactions.
  • Summon
    • Moogle – Added text to the Help menu that states that this ability will damage Undead allies in the AoE (regardless if a status was cleansed or not)
    • Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan – Decreased Tick from 3 to 2
      Ticks reduced to match their equivalent Lv. 2 Black Magicks and to give Summoners a near-immediate cast albeit with less PWR
    • Faerie – Decreased PWR from 120 to 100 (avg 70% w/ Faith or 42% without)
      This PWR reduction is to place Faerie 3rd against Raise and Arise in terms of PWR, as Faerie has AoE potential whereas Raise/Arise does not, but both have better chances to revive a single target.
  • Throw – All abilities are no longer evadable
    This buff to Throw is to allow these abilities to be more plausible for use, knowing that you can now safely strike without evasion being factored and allowing Ninjas to deal reliable chip damage, but is still subject to Golem, Shirahadori, and Sticky Fingers.
  • Iaido
    • Kiku-ichimonji – Decreased Range from 8 to 6
    • Muramasa – Now has a 19% chance to inflict: Confuse instead of Doom
      This change is to provide more counter-play against Construct 8 and reduce the amount of Doom accessibility since there are several options vs. Confuse.
  • Bardsong & Dance
    • Bardsong – All abilities can no longer be cast or continue to be performed while silenced
      Note: you will remain in the current bardsong/performing status if silenced after you have started performing but the active bardsong will not be cast until silence is remedied.
    • Life’s Anthem – Decreased PWR from 90 to 70
      This PWR nerf is to better inline the healing production from this ability, especially if the CT favors multiple casts before the caster’s next turn.
    • Nameless Song and Forbidden Dance – Increased PWR from 50 to 70 (80% chance with Performing Arts)
      Since these abilities double dip in RNG, their PWR has been increased to help these abilities yield better results when staying committed to them. And yes, Nameless Song is fixed 😉
    • Forbidden Dance:
      • Removed Inflicts: Sleep and added Inflicts: Blind
      • Increased Tick from 4 to 5 due to the higher success rate and potentially longer debilitating inflictions due to the Blind change
        Since Sleep blocks Dance, this change allows Forbidden Dance to continue to debilitate while guaranteeing evadable hits against those affected by Blind.
    • Nameless Song – Reverted the Protect OR Shell buffs
      Protect OR Shell (as they are separate) was added back to Nameless Song because of the Initial: Protect, Shell changes making these rolls useful now in re-upping durations. This also puts more variance in the random selection of buffs, reducing the uptick of powerful buffs, such as Reraise and Haste from happening with its increased PWR. Still, I am 100% willing to revisit Nameless’s performance post-patch.
  • Ja-Magicks
    • Aeroja (NEW)
      • Wind element
      • 3 Range, 3 AoE, 3 Vert
      • 99 MP, 35 PWR, 4 Tick
      • Non-reflectable, Non-evadable
      • Enemy affected only
      • 19% chance to Remove: Haste, Float per target
    • Waterja (NEW)
      • Water element
      • 4 Range, 2 AoE, 3 Vert
      • 99 MP, 40 PWR, 4 Tick
      • Non-reflectable, Non-evadable
      • Enemy affected only
      • 19% chance of Inflict: Silence per target
    • Quake (NEW)
      • Earth element
      • 4 Range, 2 AoE, 5 Vert
      • 99 MP, 38 PWR, 5 Tick
      • Non-reflectable, Non-evadable
      • Enemy and Ally affected
      • 19% chance of Inflict: Immobilize per target
      • These new Ja-spells add some elemental coverage to Ja-Magicks and introduce additional options for Water, Wind, and Earth faith-based spells. To note, Quake is intended to damage both allies and enemies in the AoE unlike other Ja-Magicks affecting only enemies.
  • Darkness
    • Unholy Sacrifice:
      • This ability no longer triggers Counter-Reactions since it is considered magic damage
      • This ability now triggers Magick Counter instead
      • This ability’s calculations now use [(MA * MA) + (0.29 * maxHP)] instead of [(PA * MA) + (0.33 * maxHP)]
        Note: the 0.29 or 29% is more accurate than the 0.33 or 33% that was previously mentioned in the calcs and was not changed but rather updated. The difference in calculating it versus the in-game tooltip is no more than 2 points of damage

        This calculation change is to incentivize using female Dark Knights as PA is no longer used in the formula and this gives them a solid option even with their lower base MA especially since male Dark Knight already has Abyssal Blade for PA-based damage. Note that even with this change, male DK’s using Unholy still perform well, but females will outperform them from a damage potential standpoint.

Reaction/Support/Movement Abilities

  • CT Boost (NEW Reaction, formerly Gil Snapper) – Adds +5 CT after taking HP damage
    I’ll be keeping a close eye on abuse since this potentially affects total actions per game, however, with testing, there are moments where this shines especially on slower SP units. 
  • Critical: Flee (NEW Reaction, formerly Critical: Recover MP) – Adds +25 CT and +2 Move after entering HP critical. 
    Note: the Move bonus persists even if you are no longer critical
    This new HP critical reaction can enable interesting plays but requires you to be within the 20% maxHP threshold. The Move bonus does stack if you get multiple procs within a single game.
  • Monkey Grip (NEW Support) – Equip Forced Two-Handed weapons with one hand
    This ability allows for diversity when using Fell or Knight’s Swords, Axes, or Bows, as now you can slot a shield in the off-hand enabling greater mitigation/evasiveness/utility.
  • Nimble (NEW Movement) – Adds Slow, Stop, and Immobilize immunities
    A new way to prevent those pesky anti-mobility effects without sacrificing gear options but with no increased move/jump.
  • Dexterity (NEW Movement, formerly Accrue EXP) – Your C-EV now affects all sides instead of only the front. Additionally adds +1 Move and Jump
    This new movement ability uniquely interacts with your C-EV and allows your C-EV to function similarly to a cloak.
  • Shirahadori (RETURNING/REWORKED Reaction) – This reaction now reduces the hit rate of all unevadable damaging physical abilities to a flat 60% chance and is no longer affected by Bravery. Shirahadori no longer affects normal attacks from its original version. This affects the following abilities:
    • Holy Sword (all)
    • Unyielding Strike (all)
    • Aimed Shot – Overload
    • Huntcraft – Spin Punch
    • Arts of War – Mow Down
    • Aim – Sonic Boom
    • Martial Arts – Shockwave
    • Steal – Steal HP
    • Jump
    • Throw
    • Dance – Mincing Minuet
    • Darkness (all, except Unholy Sacrifice)
      Note: Construct 8’s Dispose and Pulverize are not flagged for triggering Shirahadori as they are not classified as physical damage (they are considered neutral-type damage)
      This reworked ability was something first imagined in an earlier patch but has been revisited and implemented correctly as an option vs. normally physical unevadable attacks.
  • Replenish (REWORKED Reaction, formerly Absorb MP) – Restores HP and MP based on quadruple the MP cost of the triggering ability
    Note: Replenish uses the modified MP cost of abilities cast with Halve MP, not the original value
    This reaction serves as a way to get back HP and MP based on the affected MP cost, akin to Chakra. For example, triggering off of Barrier (64 MP) restores 256 HP and MP to you.
  • Additional Abilities Flagged to Trigger Counter-Reactions – The following physical abilities can now trigger counter-reactions (Shirahadori, Bravery Boost, Dragonheart, Counter, Counter Throw, Vanish):
    • Spin Punch (Luso), Overload (Mustadio), Mow Down, Take Aim (is exempt from Shirahadori), Sonic Boom, Shockwave, Mincing Minuet
  • Magick Counter:
    • Additionally, damaging or negative status-inflicting magical Unique abilities can trigger this reaction. Some abilities from generic skillsets are also now flagged to trigger Magick Counter. This affects the following from each skillset:
      • Mettle/Ramza –  Maim and Ultima only
      • Spellblade/Beowulf – All except Vengeance
      • Nether Mantra/Marach (all)
      • Sky Mantra/Rapha (all)
      • Dragon/Reis – Breath attacks only
      • Limit/Cloud – All except Climhazzard and Blade Beam
      • Huntcraft/Luso – Earthsplitter and Ultima only
      • Magicks/Valmafra – All except Arise and Curaga 
      • Fundaments – Frenzy
      • Arts of War – Saint Cross
      • Aim – Charge Weapon
      • Darkness – Unholy Sacrifice
        Note: Abilities that use weapon range, like Charge Weapon, will still be countered even if your weapon would be normally out of range.
    • Significantly updated the Help menu to display all affected abilities from each skillset and provide additional context to its functionality
      This impactful change is to open more counter-play options against magic-based uniques, just as Shirahadori has done on the physical side and to greatly improve the viability of this reaction. 
  • Bonecrusher:
    • This reaction no longer triggers from Critical status and will now trigger from counter-reactions instead
    • This reaction is Bravery% chance once more instead of guaranteed
    • The damage dealt is now ½ of your maxHP (rounded down) instead of your entire maxHP and continues to ignore damage mitigation and is unevadable
    • Notes:
      • Ability casts from weapons will not trigger during this counterattack since this is considered a “special attack”
      • If Dual Wield, you will get two counterattacks
        This notable change to Bonecrusher is to give life to its functionality and to present it closer to how it functions in the Tactics Advance series albeit rather differently. This reaction can no longer also trigger from any damage source that would put you into critical, and it must be from regular attacks or abilities that can normally trigger counter-reactions. Consider this a suped-up version of Counter with some differences.
  • Lifefont/Manafont:
    • Both abilities can now stack if one was already innately set
    • These abilities now calculate at 17% of your maxHP/maxMP up from 1/6th of your maxHP/maxMP (you’ll gain a lovely extra point restored)
      This means you can use Black Mage + Lifefont now or Dark Knight + Manafont and get the benefits of both!
  • Auto-Potion – Only checks for Potion (not Hi/X-Potion) and will not trigger if there are 0 Potions remaining
    This is the approach with “nerfing” Auto-Potion. Instead of nerfing the healing which is also a boon in RDV, the plan is to limit what Auto-Potion can proc off of thus allowing for reduced Potions in inventory to reduce stacking multiple Auto-Potion bearers.
  • Sticky Fingers:
    • Now additionally reduces the hit rate of HP-healing Items (Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Elixir, or Phoenix Down) only if you are Undead, still based on your Bravery
      Note: If you are not Undead, the hit rate of restorative items is 100% against you and Sticky Fingers is still viable to reduce Throw
    • Sonic Boom (which uses the Throw formula) is no longer affected by Sticky Fingers
    • Fixed the lie in text that caught items in multiplayer aren’t added to your inventory; you can with confidence catch an Elixir and then have 2 in stock!
      Sticky Fingers can now be used as a defensive measure against offensively-used Items to reduce the likelihood of situations such as Elixir/Phoenix Down vs. Undead. 
  • Soulbind – Now deals 60% of the damage dealt (rounded down) back to the attacker instead of 50%
    A slight buff to help this ability reinforce its “thorn” based damage use.
  • Bravery Boost/Faith Boost:
    • These reactions no longer check Bravery and are 100% to trigger still based on their original triggering conditions (physical attack for Bravery Boost and being affected by an MP-costing ability for Faith Boost)
    • Increased the +Bravery/+Faith respectively from 9 to 20
      These reactions got significant buffs because they were needed based on where their niche fits. You’ll get more value with fewer procs and can rely on these abilities to work enabling some potentially nifty build ideas.
  • Vehemence – Reverted the damage dealt from 40% to 50%, and kept the 40% more damage/healing taken; setting this ability to cause your attacks and applicable abilities to do 50% more damage/healing, and you taking 40% more damage
    This reversion and buff is to entice it more as a pick as you will now take a bit less damage than you would previously while giving this ability more power for increased mortality risk whereas it wasn’t worth the risk before vs. Attack Boost/Arcane Strength’s 7% difference.
  • Brawler – Increased the Unarmed attack damage multiplier from 50% to 70%
    Since unarmed attacks scale with Bravery, can’t receive bonuses from weapons (of course), and factoring physical mitigation, they tend to hit weaker than most attacks, including bags. The proposal is to use Brawler to further the damage potential with unarmed while reinforcing it as a build choice for Monks or as a likely required Support slot for other unarmed builds.
  • Cup of Life – Changed the effect animation from Potion to Cure so that it can now display the overhealed amount on affected allies instead of just the original target for the overhead
  • Attack Boost/Defense Boost/Arcane Strength/Arcane Defense/Brawler/Vehemence – Added additional text to their Help menus to provide more context on what these abilities modify 
  • Persuasive – Fixed the issue where Charm infliction was not possible if the weapon attack damage was greater than the target’s maxHP
    The outcome of the attack will now decide this and not just “well your maxHP couldn’t take this hit.” Tzepish’s skill with ASM is unmatched <3
  • Ignore Weather/Ignore Terrain/Treasure Hunter – Removed these abilities from their skillsets/menus since they currently have no reasonable use in the patch
    Maybe in the future these can be revisited/repurposed for something greater 🙂

Equipment – Weapons

In this update, there are many new weapons as well as some changes to existing weapons to spruce up the existing catalog and create new experiences and builds. Let your theorycrafting go wild!

Additionally, one specific change to KO immune gear is that it now also had Doom immunity added to it, except Angel Ring, as these statuses work hand and hand together.

  • All previous <Equip> Protect and Shell-status weapons are now considered <Initial>, resulting in Protect/Shell statuses being potentially removed by various abilities, and these status effects now have a duration before their mitigation bonuses are removed. This affects the following gear:
    • Weapons – Pantherskin Bag, Muse’s Harp, Save the Queen, Crystal Shield
  • Books
    • Veil of Wiyu – Additionally Boosts: Earth, Water
  • Fell Swords
    • Decreased WP standardization from 24 to 22
      This change is to reduce power creep caused by the job PAM increases which specifically affects unique characters.
    • Apocalypse (NEW):
      • 18 WP and 20 Block
      • Dark-Element
      • Casts: Celestial Void (50%, Sky Mantra – 25% chance per each status to inflict random statuses and inflict 50% targetMaxHP if at least 1 status rolled)
        Apocalypse purposefully has lower WP than the WPS of other Fell Swords since it can potentially shave 60-70% of a target’s HP if Celestial Void casts + regular attack damage.
  • Guns
    • Tiny Bee (NEW):
      • 13 WP and 5 Block
      • 4 Range
      • Non-Magick Gun that can uniquely be dual-wield
      • Adds +1 PA
      • This new dual-wieldable gun adds some ability utility similar to what the Hunter’s Mark crossbows have achieved. 
  • Katanas
    • Zanmato (NEW):
      • 25 WP and 10 Block
      • Non-elemental
      • Adds +2 MA
      • Casts: Intimidate (-20 Br, 50%, MA, Speechcraft)
      • This unique Katana (which isn’t paired with an Iaido skill) brings a new way to lower target Bravery while dealing damage to your foes.
    • Ashura:
      • Added Doom immunity since it already has KO immunity
      • Replaced the +1 MA with +1 Speed
        The change in this item is to entice it as a viable Katana but it is now also limited in Standard/Rendezvous.
    • Muramasa:
      • Now Absorbs HP on weapon attacks
      • Replaced Immune: Doom with Immune: Confuse while equipped
        As part of sprucing up the current weapon variety, this katana now functions like Blood Sword.
  • Knight’s Swords
    • Decreased WP standardization from 22 to 20
      This change is to reduce power creep caused by the job PAM increases to better serve male/female units. 
    • Caladbolg (NEW):
      • 20 WP and 20 Block
      • Water-element
      • Adds +1 PA/MA
      • 50% chance to cast Leviathan (Summon)
      • FFX’s Tidus’s celestial (or ultimate) weapon inspires this new Knight’s Sword.
    • Excalibur – Increased +Speed from 1 to 2
      With Knight’s Swords WP being lowered and the amount of Holy-elemental attacks this weapon can both absorb and boost, this weapon has received a substantial buff in just providing more Speed to work with for Knights in general.
    • Defender – Added Immune: Stop, Slow, Sleep
      This weapon could use some additional bonuses with it being a forced two-handed weapon and now has crucial crowd control immunities.
  • Knives
    • All Knives can now be doublehanded to expand build diversity
      Due to some Knives having increased WP this update, Doublehand does grant the most damage potential vs. Attack Boost/Vehmence if you desire to focus on maximizing the knife damage dealt.
    • Thief’s Knife (NEW, formerly Orichalcum Dirk):
      • Increased WP from 13 to 16
      • Removed Slow infliction
      • Dual Wieldable
      • Casts: Mug (50% on hit), which randomly casts a Steal Equipment ability (note that Safeguard still prevents theft)
      • Mug is guaranteed to steal as long as it procs (bypasses hit%)
      • Updated the item’s palette
      • This reworked Knife provides a new avenue to deal damage and potentially rob your enemy at the same time!
    • Mage Masher:
      • Increased WP from 13 to 16
      • Now Absorbs MP on weapon attacks
      • This Knife could use some love, so it is being changed to further be a tool against MP-reliant targets while still afflicting Silence status on hit. Note that this change does mean that this weapon no longer deals HP damage, but that is intended by this weapon’s utility. WP increased to increase the MP absorption value.
    • Air Knife – Increased WP from 13 to 16
      This knife has no status infliction and with it being Wind element, it could have the highest damage potential among other Knives.
  • Ninja Blades
    • Kunai (RETURNING):
      • 14 WP, 5 Block
      • 3 Range
      • Weapon Attacks are flagged as <Direct> instead of <Striking> and attacks use line of sight
      • This multi-purpose “tool” gives Ninjas new ways to play especially utilizing ranged melee attacks when Kunai is in the main hand. 
  • Polearms
    • Gungnir:
      • Now Casts: Thunder Breath (MA x 14, Reis’s Dragon ability) instead of Thundaga
      • Updated the item’s palette
  • Poles
    • Changed damaging weapon calculations from [MA * WP] to [greater of PA or MA * WP]; this weapon type now uses either your PA or MA, whichever value is greater
      This formula change gives Poles a unique way to be utilized, now scaling with whatever attack stat is best and enabling it to be used in a variety of different build types.
    • Zephyr Pole (NEW, formerly Cypress Pole):
      • Removed Halves: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth
      • Wind-element
      • 16 WP
      • Adds +2 PA/MA
      • Forced Two-Handed 
      • Updated the item’s palette
      • This reworked pole opens up not only damage potential with pole attacks but also benefits your damaging stats to utilize for your primary and secondary skillsets.
    • Eight-Fluted Pole – Removes: Doom now properly functions and additionally Removes: Atheist, guaranteed
      This item is the most reliable way to cleanse Atheist status off of a unit as well as a fix for the Doom removal that was erroneously mentioned in v3.0c.
    • Musk Pole – Increased WP from 14 to 16
    • Whale Whisker – Increased WP from 16 to 19
  • Rods
    • Crown Scepter (RETURNING and REWORKED):
      • Removed +4 MA 
      • 8 WP, 4 Block
      • Equip: Atheist
      • Effect: Reverses Faith-based magicks calculations to use [(100 - Faith)/100 * (100 - targetFaith)/100] instead of [Faith/100 * Faith/100]; this effectively changes all magicks to calculate similarly to how Marach’s Nether Mantra functions
        This reworked item opens up new possibilities with leading an Atheist-based team while still giving options to utilize magicks you normally could not due to effective 0 faith.
  • Shields
    • Aegis Shield – Increased +MA from 1 to 2
      This buff sets Aegis Shield as a choice option for not only evading magicks but also buffing your own magickal power.
    • Kaiser Shield – Additionally Boosts: Earth, Water
      This shield now strengthens all elements except Holy and Dark.
  • Staves
    • Nirvana (RETURNING and REWORKED):
      • 10 WP, 20 Block
      • No longer Holy element
      • Now Bestows: Protect, Shell 100% on hit (no damage)
      • Immune: Atheist, Doom
        This returning weapon now serves as a defensive option to apply or re-up the duration of Protect and Shell as well as a boon against atheism and doom.
    • Healing Staff:
      • This weapon and its formula (Formula 7) are no longer checked by mitigation (Protect/Defense Boost) or damage modifier sources (Attack Boost/Vehemence/Doublehand) as well as statuses; attacks will always deal true healing
      • Corrected the text that states the weapon attacks are evadable; they are not checked by the target’s evasion sources
      • Increased WP from 10 to 14
        One issue with Healing Staff before is that its potency was reduced when the target has Protect/Defense Boost or both. This resolves this issue but also removes the bonuses from Attack Boost/Vehemence from further buffing the healing potential if the target is sleeping/toad/chicken or if the bearer is berserk.
  • Swords
    • Increased WP standardization from 16 to 18
      This buff to one-handed swords is to help lower the gap between them in Fell/Knight’s Swords while still retaining the benefits of shields and dual wield.
    • Flametongue (NEW):
      • 18 WP, 10 Block
      • Fire-element
      • 50% chance to Cast: Fire Breath (MA x 14, Reis’s Dragon ability, evadable)
    • Coral Sword (RETURNING and REWORKED):
      • 18 WP, 10 Block
      • Water-element instead of Lightning
      • 50% chance to Cast: Quicksand (water-elemental Geomancy)
      • This item’s element and Cast were updated since “Coral” sounds more water-based than lightning/Thundaga and to also introduce another Water-elemental weapon.
    • Icebrand (RETURNING and REWORKED):
      • 18 WP, 10 Block
      • Ice-element
      • 50% chance to Cast: Ice Breath (MA x 14, Reis’s Dragon ability, evadable)
        Not only added back by request, but also the PvP Patch changes have greatly improved the viability of Cast-based weapons, and some additional elemental access wouldn’t hurt for creativity. 
    • Nagnarok:
      • Added Negative Immunities (Ribbon): KO, Undead, Stone, Traitor, Blind, Confuse, Silence, Vampire, Berserk, Toad, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Immobilize, Disable, Doom  
      • Added Positive Immunities: Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste, Invisible
      • Updated the item’s palette
        This new “cursed” weapon grants Ribbon-style immunities while also prohibiting positive statuses as well. This item is limited in Standard/RDV.
    • Runeblade – Now uses MA * WP calculations instead of PA * WP
      This new formula may make way in the future with new weapons and allow for better attacking with MA-focused jobs.
    • Diamond Sword – Increased +PA from 1 to 2
    • Vitanova – Updated the item’s palette

Equipment – Gear

  • All previous <Equip> Protect and/or Shell-status gear are now considered <Initial>, resulting in Protect/Shell statuses being potentially removed by various abilities, and these status effects now have a duration before their mitigation bonuses are removed. This affects the following gear:
    • Gear – Cursed Armor, Onion Armor, Lordly Robes, White Robe, Black Cowl, Red Hood 
    • Accessories – Tynar Rouge, Protect Ring, Magick Ring, Sortilege
  • All Cursed gear has their enemy level set to Lv. 50, resulting in NPCs no longer being able to equip themselves in early single-player
    Though the PvP Patch isn’t catered towards the single-player experience, since some items were repurposed, especially early-game ones, their enemy level has been increased to avoid situations where you would encounter these “endgame” pieces of gear in the early game.
  • Heavy Armor – HP Standardization – Increased the minimum +HP of all Body-type Heavy Armor gear from 150 to 160. This does not affect Heavy Helms. This affects the following equipment:
    • Carabineer Mail
    • Genji Armor
      This is to slightly widen the gap between the maximum +HP cap of Clothing versus Heavy Armor.
  • Robes – HP Standardization – Increased the required +HP of all Robes from 75 to 85. This affects the following equipment:
    • Lordly Robe
    • Luminous Robe
    • Silken Robe
    • Sage’s Robe
    • Wizard’s Robe
    • White Robe
    • Black Robe
    • Chameleon Robe
    • Sage’s Robe
  • Chaos Helm (NEW helm) – +150 HP, Boosts: Holy, Dark
  • Cursed Garb (NEW clothing) – +100 HP, +2 PA, and +1 SP – Equip: Undead, Poison, Immune: Regen, Reraise, Haste
    A new, enticing option for those who wish to dabble in more undead shenanigans.  
  • Peytral (NEW heavy armor) – +160 HP and Initial: Protect, Shell
  • Ever Coat (NEW clothing) – +120 HP and Boosts: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Water elements
  • Ringmail (RETURNING clothing) – +120 HP and Initial: Protect, Shell
    Between Ringmail, Peytral, and Lordly Robe, all armor weights now have access to Initial: Protect & Shell if desired.
  • Samite Coat (NEW robe) – +120 HP, +40 MP, and +1 MA
    This new robe is a way to bulk up caster jobs HP directly while sacrificing the slot for other more magic-oriented gear. It is by design the same HP metrics as clothing.
  • Silken Robe – Additionally extends the duration of Haste from 10 to 16 ticks while equipped
    As a way to entice this item as a considerable pick, this robe now extends the duration of Haste while being equipped from roughly 2 unit turns to 5 turns while still retaining low stat density.
  • Hair Adornments
    • Barette – Added Doom immunity since it has KO immunity
    • Cachusha – Added Oil immunity since Barette gained an immunity
  • Crystal Helm – Additionally Halves: Earth, Water 
  • Rubber Suit – Additionally Negates: Water
  • Black Robe – Additionally Boosts: Earth, Water 
  • White Robe – Additionally Halves: Earth, Water
  • These elemental affinity updates are to increase accessibility in both offensive and defensive needs instead of limiting them.
  • Chameleon Robe – Added Doom immunity since it has KO immunity
  • Gold Hairpin – Added Oil immunity 
  • Red Hood – Replaced +1 Move with +1 SP, removed the +1 MA, and increased the +HP from 60 to 80 (now +80 HP, +44 MP, +1 SP, Initial: Shell)
    Its cousin, Black Cowl, formerly beat this item out due to the amount of utility it provides so this has been changed to make Red Hood more competitively even.
  • Sage’s Robe – Increased +MP from 100 to 130 due to its limited quantity
  • Minerva Bustier – Increased +HP from 90 to 110 due to its limited quantity


  • Chantage (REWORKED perfume) – Sets weapon attack’s cast and status effect chance from 50 to 100%
    This new limited perfume can open up a ton of build varieties by being able to guarantee your procs/status effects on hit.
  • Bravely Armlet (NEW armlet) – Increases your Bravery by 10 at the end of your Active Turn
    Note: Poison/Regen take priority on the text pop-up, but the Bravery regeneration is still occurring if you are affected by either status
    This new unique item is a way to increase your Bravery throughout the battle slowly.
  • Elven Cloak (RETURNING cloak) – Now adds +12% Physical/Magical A-EV and +1 Speed
    A new +Speed option while gaining additional evasion from all sides.
  • Thief’s Gloves:
    • Now enables Steal Equipment abilities to bypass Safeguard instead of increasing Steal Equipment success rates
    • Now adds +1 SP instead of 15 Physical A-EV
      Though this is a reduction in chance in the previous iteration, now with Steal Equipment no longer being evadable (which in turn adds some of the loss % increase back into the abilities directly) this change now allows for the exclusivity to get around Safeguard when using Steal abilities and potentially hinder builds that rely on it to keep their gear safe, opening up a new way to counter-play.
  • Sortilege – Extends the duration of Protect & Shell from 22 to 36 ticks while equipped
    Note: This also extends ability-sourced Protect & Shell. The duration of Protect/Shell when sourced via Sortilege can last almost 40 Acts.
    This change gives Sortilege a unique use and more incentive to consider it for team-building!
  • Battle Cloak (formerly Mage’s Cloak) – Adds +1 PA and MA instead of only +1 MA and retains its 28% Physical/Magical A-EV
    Changed and renamed to give better aid towards build diversity.
  • Cursed Ring – Removed Immune: Protect, Shell and added Immune: Invisible
    This change allows units equipped with Cursed Ring to be affected by ability-sourced Protect, Shell while giving a trade-off of no longer being affected by ability-sourced Invisible. 
  • Magepower Gloves – Increased A-EV from 15 to 25%
  • Guardian Bracelet – Added Doom immunity since it has KO immunity
  • Jade Armlet – Added Silence immunity to match Guardian Bracelet’s number of immunities
  • Germinas Boots – Added 8% Physical and Magic Accessory Evasion in addition to its +1 Move/Jump

Standard v5.0 Beta (formerly Starter)

  • Format naming convention change! This change is to better align with the principles used in other competitive games that this format is the main entry point into our Esports-driven scene. This is just a name change though; the format is still tried and true to previous Starter iterations.
  • Generic Characters (Applies to both Standard and Rendezvous Formats):
    • Increased the base HP value of Male Squires from 277 to 285 (+8 HP)
    • Increased the base MP value of Female Squires from 81 to 90 (+9 MP)
      This increase is to offset the HP/MP differentials between male and female units and to give males a slight boost in their brawn whereas Females have a slight boost in their acuity especially when transitioning to other jobs.
    • The base PA/MA values of Squires have been adjusted to:
      • Male – 13/12 from 13/11
      • Female – 12/13 from 11/13
      • The +/- spread between an individual stat is no greater than 2 points
      • Note: the PA/MA and HP/MP changes strictly only affect generics and not unique characters
        This adjustment is to better transition both male and female Squires to different jobs, resulting in better stat alignments. It is still optimal to spec a male for physical jobs or a female for magic jobs, but the difference is much closer than before and you can perform well with a Male Black Mage or Female Monk!
  • Beowulf
    • Decreased PA from 18 to 17
    • Increased Bravery from 45 to 50
      PA reduced to slightly lower physical damage potential on other jobs while now giving Beowulf a 50/50 shot on his reaction rolls.
  • Rapha
    • Increased base HP from 258 to 298
    • Increased Bravery from 31 to 51
      These buffs to Rapha are to help her overall survivability and enable her to be better at relying on her Reactions. With all of these patch and base character changes, don’t overlook her!
  • Gear Restrictions List Update
    • NEW Limited – Apocalypse, Caladbolg, Zanmato, Cursed Garb, Nagnarok, Chantage, Bravely Armlet, Ashura
    • NEW Semi-Limited – Silken Robe, Diamond Sword, Crown Scepter
    • NEW No longer limited: Scorpion Tail, Zeus Mace
    • NEW Vaulted (removed entirely from inventory): Rubber Boots
    • With Item Attribute space being at capacity, an item needed to be vaulted from the inventory for the time being to make room elsewhere. 
    • Consumables:
      • Potion – Reduced from 20 to 10 (Rendezvous/SLOT 2 unaffected)
        With Auto-Potion now only working if Potions are available, this nerf is to reduce stacking multiple bearers with the skill. You can safely run 2 Auto-Potion users per team with a third pushing the availability limits in the late game.
      • Phoenix Down – Reduced from 5 to 3 (Rendezvous/SLOT 2 unaffected)
        With Items playing an integral role in late-game attrition, this reduction is to reduce the power of the skillset especially when leaning on fast revival plays, and to hopefully lower the number of Ties via units alive.
      • Ethereal Tonic – Reduced from 5 to 3 (Rendezvous/SLOT 2 unaffected)
        With evasiveness likely to play a bigger role in this update, the accessibility of being able to bypass it via Invisible status is also being toned back a margin.
      • Yagyu Darkrood and Fuma Shuriken – Reduced from 10 to 5 each
        With Throw being unevadable, these throw weapons have been scaled back in quantity to avoid situations where players could stack a high amount of Throw on their team to reduce spamming.
  • New items will appear at the top of the inventory instead of being sorted automatically

Generics Premade v5.0 Beta

Generics Premade has been reworked and will be exclusively a “generics only” format still catered as an entry-level format for Standard and limited accessibility due to the nature of premades. At a later date, a community-driven event will occur to look for new, creative builds based on the new additions of version 4 to add new premades to the roster, stay tuned!

At this time, the Generics Premade/SLOT 1 has been renamed Generics instead of G-Ramza and will be updated at a later date after the event ends.

  • Characters
    • Removed Unique characters Ramza, Delita, Beowulf, and Cloud from the roster
    • Added Tags for each character’s role to their unit name as [DMG], [TNK], [SPT]
      This is so that it is easier to determine the play style of each build and also if future changes or competitions allow for role restrictions.
  • Inventory
    • Removed the 8x Red Hood as they were erroneously added
    • Phoenix Down – Reduced from 5 to 3
  • All premade characters now have gear equipped that grants Initial: Protect/Shell by default. This affects the following and their replaced equipment:
    • DMG-Shadow – Jujitsu Gi > Ringmail
    • DMG-Sorcerer – Barette > Red Hood (for Shell), Rubber Boots > Protect Ring
    • DMG-Warden – Ice Shield > Crystal Shield
    • DMG-Zen – Hempen Robe > Lordly Robe
    • DMG-Hunter – Added Crystal Shield (due to slotted Monkey Grip)
    • DMG-Berserker – Jujitsu Gi > Ringmail
    • DMG-Parivir – Genji Glove > Sortilege
    • DMG-Lancer – Black Garb > Ringmail
    • DMG-Armiger – Mythril Shield > Crystal Shield
    • TNK-Sentinel – Magepower Glove > Sortilege
    • TNK-Specter – Leather Clothing > Lordly Robe
    • SPT-Cleric – Wizard’s Hat > Red Hood (Protect provided by White Robe)
    • SPT-Distractor – Septieme > Sortilege
    • SPT-Stalwart – Power Garb > Ringmail
    • SPT-Timewalker – Septieme > Sortilege
      This change is to reduce the need to select certain premades to cast Protect/Shell while still incentivizing them for the mid-game (since it now has a duration), improving the damage expectation, and also making aware to newcomers what gear options can provide these vital buffs for transitioning later into Standard.
  • DMG-Shadow
    • Replaced Dual Wield (support) with Concentration
    • Replaced Pummel with Cyclone in Martial Arts skillset
  • DMG-Sorcerer
    • Replaced Hempen Robe for Rubber Suit
      This change is to maintain the playstyle of Sorcerer being able to dronecast herself with Thunder magicks.
  • DMG-Warden
    • Replaced Wizard’s Hat with Gold Hairpin
  • DMG-Hunter
    • Replaced Safeguard with Monkey Grip
    • Added Crystal Shield due to Monkey Grip
    • Added Throw Dagger and Salve to Fundaments skillset
  • DMG-Parivir
    • Replaced Reflexes with Shirahadori
  • DMG-Armiger
    • Replaced Equip Shields with HP Boost
    • Replaced Platinum Sword with Iron Sword due to the item slot being repurposed (Iron Sword’s WP has been increased from 6 to 12 to compensate)
  • DMG-Lancer
    • Replaced Elven Cloak with Thief’s Gloves
    • Replaced Reflexes with Critical: Flee
    • Replaced Lifefont with Dexterity
  • TNK-Paladin
    • Replaced Wizard’s Hat with Close Helmet
    • Replaced Lordly Robe with Peytral
  • TNK-Bouncer
    • Added Cachusha to equipment
    • Replaced Rend Power with Rend MP in Arts of War
  • TNK-Specter
    • Replaced Runeblade with Ancient Sword
  • SPT-Cleric
    • Replaced Healing Staff with Nirvana
    • Replaced Cup of Life with Replenish
  • SPT-Apothecary
    • Replaced HP Boost with Arcane Strength
  • SPT-Stalwart
    • Reduced PA from 74 to 34
      Though this was a substantial buff to Chakra, this change has been reverted to keep Stalwart’s healing potential in check.

Rendezvous 3.0 Beta

With the many combat changes from PvP Patch v4.0, the general consensus is to tone down some higher damage builds, reduce some enemy mobility in most missions to give players a bit more time to set up, and for the most part, players will need to take more methodical approaches than in version 3 when aiming for 5-Star clears. Achieving 5-star completes for most missions is harder in version 4 than the previous iteration, but still doable with proper strategy, planning, and communication!

  • Chocobo Defense
    • Chocobo 1 & 2 (Guests)
      • Added Defense Boost innately since most damage is physical and to offset some incoming damage for slower teams; it is still recommended to build for higher Speed
    • Squire 3
      • Replaced Lightning Shield with Venetian Shield
      • Replaced Wizard Clothing with Ringmail
    • Chemist 1
      • Replaced Celerity with Auto-Potion
  • Chicken Race
    • Knight 2
      • Replaced Reequip with Safeguard
    • Archer 1
      • Replaced Ninja Gear with Ringmail
    • Archer 2
      • Replaced Genji Gloves with Spiked Boots
    • Black Mage
      • Replaced Mana Shield with Magick Counter
      • Replaced Black Robe with Lordly Robe
    • Rofocale (Time Mage)
      • Replaced Black Magicks skillset with Mystic Arts
  • Treasure Hunt
    • Updated the mission objectives that this can be 5-starred with 3 units
    • Thief 1
      • Replaced Lifefont with Dexterity
    • Thief 2
      • Replaced Safeguard with Dual Wield
      • Replaced Panterskin Bag with 2x Thief’s Knife
      • Replaced Ninja Gear with Ringmail
      • Replaced Hermes Shoes with Jade Armlet
    • Thief 3
      • Replaced Move +2 with Nimble
      • Replaced Thief’s Cap with Black Garb
      • Replaced Black Garb with Ringmail
      • Now equipped with Assassin’s Dagger
      • Replaced Safeguard with Throw Items
    • Monk 1
      • Replaced Move +2 with Levitate
      • Replaced Jujitsu Gi with Ringmail
    • Monk 2
      • Replaced Fundaments skillset with Arts of War
    • Squire
      • Replaced Defense Boost with Arcane Defense
      • Replaced Black Cowl with Thief’s Cap
      • Replaced Hermes Shoes with Battle Cloak
    • Archer 1
      • Replaced Time Magicks with Steal
  • Teioh
    • Updated the mission objectives that this can be 5-starred with 3 units
  • Lost Heirloom
    • Updated the mission objectives that this can be 5-starred with 3 units
    • Knight 2
      • Replaced Critical: Quick with Replenish
  • The Fete
    • Updated the mission objectives that this can be 5-starred with 3 units
  • Littering
    • Updated the mission objectives that this can be 5-starred with 3 units
    • Ninja 6
      • Replaced Gaia Gear with Ringmail
    • Ninja 7
      • Replaced Ignore Terrain with Dexterity
    • Ninja 8
      • Replaced Doublehand with Brawler
      • Removed Scorpion Tail so this unit can be Barehanded
    • Ninja 9
      • Replaced Spiked Boots with Chantage
  • Desert Minefield
    • Govis (Guest)
      • Replaced Rubber Boots with Elven Cloak
  • Shades of the Past
    • Updated the mission objectives that this can be 5-starred clear with 3 units
    • Milleuda
      • Replaced Resilient with Shirahadori
    • Knight 1
      • Replaced Move +2 with Nimble
      • Replaced Bracer with Sortilege
    • Knight 5
      • Replaced Doublehand with Persuasive
      • Replaced Move +2 with Fly
      • Replaced Ragnarok with Ancient Sword and Venetian Shield 
      • Replaced Carabineer Mail with Genji Armor
    • Knight 6
      • Replaced Vehemence with Arcane Defense
      • Replaced Move +2 with Nimble
    • Archer 1
      • Replaced Defense Boost with Dual Wield
      • Replaced Reflexes with Nature’s Wrath
      • Replaced Power Garb with Ringmail
      • Replaced Gastrophetes and Crystal Shield with 2x Hunter’s Mark
      • Replaced Steadfast Ring with Cherche
    • Archer 2
      • Replaced Ranger’s Bane with CT Boost
  • The Knight’s Templar (multi-part mission)
    • First Trial
      • Isliud
        • Replaced Move +2 with Nimble
        • Replaced Vampire Cape with Battle Cloak
      • Archer 2
        • Replaced Move +2 with Fly
      • Archer 3
        • Replaced Move +2 with Levitate
      • Archer 4
        • Replaced Death Strike with Defend
    • Forth Trial
      • Loffrey
        • Replaced Bracer with Genji Gloves
      • Knight 1 – 3
        • Replaced Move +2 with Nimble for each
      • Knight 1
        • Replaced Battle Axe with Chaos Blade
      • Knight 3
        • Replaced Slasher with Save the Queen
      • White Mage 1
        • Replaced Critical: Recover MP (no longer available) with Replenish
  • All-Star Melee
    • Reis
      • Replaced First Strike with Shirahadori
  • An Ill Wind
    • Updated the mission objectives that this can be 5-starred clear with 3 units