PvP Job Series: Summoner

Today, we focus on how the Summoner job as the main role compares in competitive PvP.


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.


Rating: 3 out of 5.

Based on the above performance rating, Summoners are a decent option in the PvP environment. Let’s take a look closer by first analyzing its abilities.

For more information on this job, visit the job link: Summoner.


Summoner’s Summon skillset focuses on evoking the power of espers to deal damage or provide beneficial effects to the party. Just like the other mages we mentioned in previous PvP Job Series articles, Summoner’s magicks rely on both the caster and the target’s Faith to be the most effective. One interesting tidbit is that summons do not hurt friendlies and you can target your allies to “attach” a summon for later turns. While we won’t go over each of their abilities, we will highlight a few notable ones that make up their arsenal:

Shiva/Ramuh/Ifrit (action) – These ice, lightning, and fire-elemental magic damage summons are best known for their short cast time and also scales up with gear, like Black Robe.

Golem (action) – This defensive summon creates a “damage shield” around all allies that is based on the caster’s maximum HP. This shield absorbs damage from basic attacks, Jump, Throw, and Aim up until the damage exceeds the shield value. This is a very good ability in the Starter format.

Zodiark (action) – Though this summon has high MP cost and slow casting, it is very hard-hitting and attaching it to an ally early can lead to devastating blows to your opponent.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 70% | MP: 125% | SP: 90% | PA: 50% | MA: 125%
C-EV: 5 | Move: 3 | Jump: 3

Can equip: Rod, Staves, Hats, Clothing, Robes

Compared to Time Mage and Black Mage, Summoner has less Speed and Magick Attack with less HP bulk. However, they do have access to both rods and staves so you have a wider variety of weapons to choose from. Sadly, Summoners as the main job isn’t the best in most cases as Time and Black Mage both can utilize Summon more effectively with higher MA. Make sure to use Time Mage’s Swiftness ability to cut down the cast time in half, rounded up.


Summoner has a variety of magicks in its skillset that can be handy at the right moment. With that being said, Summon seems to be best as a secondary ability on the other mage jobs when looking at min-maxing damage or support. Summoners sadly fall short of being a competitive job option in most PvP formats.

PvP Job Series: Thief

Continuing onward, we look at the viability of the Thief job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 2 out of 5.


Rating: 2 out of 5.


Rating: 2 out of 5.

Based on the above ratings, Thief is not looking to be a good fit for most PvP compositions as a primary job. Most of their shortcomings will be due to their stats and limited gear variety. Let’s expand more on that below.

For more information on Thief, visit the job link: Thief.


Thief’s Steal enables them to take chance at removing the selected gear from the target, which can cause disruptions against the opponent. To get the best results out of Steal, you are going to want to invest in Speed as their success rates scale further up with it. You must be within 1 range for most abilities and you should always aim to Steal from behind. We will take a further look at the abilities that will see the most PvP use:

Steal Heart (action) – Has a chance to charm the opposing gender or monster. This is very disruptive and one of their better abilities. You don’t gain control of them (acts like a guest), but the charmed unit will perform actions that further disrupt/damage your opponent until they take damage.

Steal Weapon (action) – Removing an opponent’s weapon most cases reduces their combat effectiveness, espcially jobs like Dark Knight or the “sword” jobs that require a sword at minimum to be equipped. Since stealing a weapon adds it to the inventory it also makes it an option to be thrown in PvP.

Steal Accessory (action) – Removing an opponent’s accessory can in most cases, lower their evasiveness, make them susceptible to status, or lower their stats depending on what they have. Always check in advance to see if it is worth stealing.

Move/Jump +2 (action) – These abilities are quintessential with traversing any map, especially Move +2, which is needed to get up close to the enemy to use Steal.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 90% | MP: 50% | Speed: 110% | PA: 100% | MA: 60%
C-EV: 25 | Move: 4 | Jump: 4

Can equip: Knives, Hats, Clothing

Thief’s best stats are their Speed, Evasion, Move, and Jump, each important to utilizing their skillset. They are a good candidate for the “Equip” support abilities since they have limited gear options. Gender will play a role to use Steal Heart effectively based on the metagame. Ninja’s Throw, Dragoon’s Jump, or Monk’s Martial Arts are all good secondary abilities since Throw and Jump synergize with Thief’s Speed and Martial Arts can utilize their PA.


Thief is in a rough spot for PvP use. Knight’s Arts of War tends to do a better job at removing gear which is primarily what thieving is all about with the exception of Steal Accessory. Ninjas tend to be a better Thief while utilizing Steal in most cases. Overall, you can see why Thief as a primary job isn’t the best for PvP.

PvP Job Series: Monk

As we continue the Tactics PvP Job Series, we will have a look at the viability and the performance of the Monk job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 4 out of 5.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Judging the statcard, Monks are an excellent primary job pick for any team. Let’s focus more on why that is the case below starting with their skillset.

For more information on this job, visit the job link: Monk.


Monk’s Martial Arts pack quite a wallop with its mixture of support and damage abilities. While Monks can only be barehanded, they do have innate Brawler (50% more damage from physical attacks while barehanded and some bonuses on other abilities), so it frees up their support slot for anything you may need on them, such as Attack Boost for more damage. While we won’t focus on every ability they have, we will highlight the ones that are quite popular in PvP:

Aurablast (action) – Deals ranged physical damage. This is likely to be your spammable while not within a 1 tile range of your target. I will mention Pummel here strictly because its high-end damage varies off of randomness whereas Aurablast is more consistent.

Shockwave (action) – A 8-ranged line physical attack that gives Monks further ranged coverage. This ability is also a spammable when there are multiple targets in the targeted line.

Chakra (action) – Restores HP and MP to nearby units. Chakra scales up with Physical Attack which you would be typically stacking into, so this ability is a nice instant area burst heal. I will also note that this is one of the few ways to heal undead units.

First Strike (reaction) – Bravery% chance to cancel an incoming attack, Throw, Arts of War, or Aim based on your weapon’s range and counter-attack instead. This reaction does deserve a mention especially when equipped with ranged weapons as this enables the possibility of countering from afar, but this will vary on the skillsets your opponent is using.

Brawler (support, innate to Monk) – This ability not only increases your physical attacks while barehanded by 50% (excludes Jump and Throw), it also increases the effectiveness of your Martial Arts abilities and most Steal abilities, though it is not as significant for most chance-based abilities.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 135% | MP: 80% | Speed: 110% | PA: 129% | MA: 80% | C-EV: 20 | Move: 3 | Jump: 4

Can equip: Clothing

Monks have naturally good bulk because of their HP. This, coupled with their PA makes them great offensive characters while being fairly tanky, especially with males getting a PA bonus. Their barehanded basic attacks scale up with PA and Bravery. Monks do have some drawbacks in not being able to equip weapons and headgear. They can equip clothing, but you may be more reliant on their accessories for damage or status coverage. Martial Arts is very flexible and is a great choice as a secondary for physically-focused builds.


Overall, Monks are a solid choice as a main job in PvP. They have a great skillset with ranged utility, strong melee damage, and some support abilities as well. Their stats enable them to be great frontline offenders while sustaining damage. They do have some limitations with their job restriction on gear options, but they contend well even with that in mind.

PvP Job Series: Time Mage

As we continue the Tactics PvP Job Series, we will have a look at the viability and the performance of the Time Mage job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Based on the above ratings, Time Mage seems like a decent job role especially if looking for something in the mage department. Let’s focus more on the reasoning below.

For more information on this job, visit the job link: Time Mage.


Time Mage’s Time Magicks ability tree primarily focuses on slowing down or speeding people up with a few damaging magicks in their arsenal. Like any other mage in Tactics, their magicks require time to cast, so it is always important to utilize Turn Order to get the best spells off. The status effect ones are also best served when the caster and target have fairly high Faith, increasing the odds of it landing. Let’s take a look at Time Mage’s notable magicks below:

Haste (action) – This ability applies a status effect that increase allies’ CT gauge by 50% causing them to get more turns often. Very vital in order to dominate the field quickly.

Slow (action) – This ability removes the Haste status (if any) and halves the target’s Speed stat, effectively reducing how often a character gets a turn.

Quick (action) – Has a chance to give the target an immediate turn once casted. This can be utilized with Turn Order to do “combos” or deal enough damage in a way to gain a KO against your opponent.

Mana Shield (reaction) – This Bravery-percent chance ability converts HP damage to MP instead and works as long as you have at least 1 MP if it procs. Very powerful, especially in the Starter format.

Swiftness (support) – This passive reduces the “Spell Speed” of all action abilities except for Aim, Sing, Dance, and Jump by half, rounded up. Very handy when Speed is king and you are trying to use magicks.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 75% | MP: 120% | SP: 100% | PA: 50% | MA: 130% | C-EV: 5 |
Move: 3 | Jump: 3

Can equip: Staves, Hats, Clothing, Robes

Next up, let’s focus on Time Mage’s stats. When compared to Black Mage’s 100% SP and 150% MA, you will see that Time Mage is a statistically weaker version of Black Mage. Because of this, Time Magicks seems best as a secondary than using it as a primary, unless the game rules/format has job restrictions. One thing to mention is that Time Mage does have access to staves versus Black Mages with rods, so some gear choices may differ depending on the playstyle. Also, if you need Haste in a speedy format, Samurai’s Iaido has access to that in an instant ability which is likely better in the long run.


Time Mage is a decent job, but it is overshadowed by Black Mage as a main job. Their abilities are control-focused, but they are likely best used as a secondary. Mana Shield and Swiftness are strong and versatile abilities that will likely find their way in most builds.

Starter 2.0 Update and Save Data v2.2

Today, we are launching an update to the official save data that brings a host of changes to generics premade, monsters premade, and competitive starter.

To download the version 2.2 save data go here: https://mega.nz/file/B9k1Vb5L#EM4HYhkgQrDlXoZhFhbaAZJK-CZC90l4EjOIkyPYpT4

Starter 2.0

  • Set each character’s Level and Exp to 99. Each generic character is treated as if they leveled from 1 to 99 as a Squire. Each unique is treated as their special job from Lv. 1 to 99. Please do not Level Down/Up the characters for integrity purposes.
  • All generic characters have their Bravery and Faith set to 60. Please do not modify these values.
  • All unique characters have their starting Bravery and Faith value. Please do not modify these values.
  • Removed all Arithmeticks action abilities from each character. You can still use Arithmetician’s passive abilities and can still use the Arithmetician job but they will not have usable action abilities.
  • Removed Move/Jump +3 from all characters due to map changes.
  • Added Ovelia to replace Orlandeau. She has innate Arcane Defense, Defense Boost, and stone immunity.
  • Removed permanent re-raise gear: Onion Armor, Grand Armor, Brave Suit, Chantage, and Angel Ring.
  • All equipment (weapons, armor, and accessories) have had a global reduction to a maximum of 3.
  • All end-game and specific gear have been either limited to 1, or semi-limited to 2.
  • All consumables have had a global reduction to a maximum of 10.
  • Elixir has been set to a maximum of 1.
  • Phoenix Down has been set to a maximum of 5.

For integrity purposes, there is a Trello board link with a list of all the “naked” stats of each character in the roster as well as the limited, semi-limited, and consumable and gear limits found here: https://trello.com/b/AB4q4R3R/tactics-league-competitive-starter-20-templates

Monsters Premade 1.1

  • Increased MA from 19 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage on Featherbomb, which was lacking compared to other ranged abilities but is still less than others to reinforce its melee usage. It will now deal 48 damage un-mitigated.
[Hardthorn/Elder Treant]
  • Increased MA from 15 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage on Leaf Rain. Hardthorn is a [tank] and its damage is AoE, but it is also underperforming especially when coupled with Leaf Rain having 0 vert. It will now deal 72 damage un-mitigated.
  • Increased MA from 14 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage from its Beastmaster ability, Breathe Fire. This ability was underperforming and there was not much reason to try to unlock to use in the first place, even against a fire-weak monster. It will now deal 96 damage un-mitigated.
  • Increased MA from 19 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage on Flame Attack. It will now deal 72 damage un-mitigated.
[Soulcage/Skeletal Fiend]
  • Increased MA from 21 to 25.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage of its Anima abilities as they were underperforming compared to other ranged attacks. It will now deal 50 damage un-mitigated.

Generics Premade 2.0

  • Reduced his maximum MP from 264 to 154 .
  • Comment: This change was to reduce his ability to constantly cast Spellblade abilities; this should give more thoughtful play in using his kit and more counters to him by using abilities that drain MP.

PvP Job Series: Black Mage

As we continue the Tactics PvP Job Series, we will have a look at the viability and the performance of the Black Mage job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Based on the performance rating, Black Mage is definitely going to be a pick in most teams, especially for formats like Starter, so let’s deep dive into more of that below.

For more information on this job, visit the job link: Black Mage.


Black Mage’s Black Magicks kit is focused on damaging magicks with a few dangerous status effects in Toad and Death. Like its restorative counter-part, White Mage, the effectiveness of their magicks are based on the casters and target’s Faith; the more they have, the greater the damage. While we won’t be going over each spell in their arsenal, we will highlight the ones you will likely come across in PvP:

Fire/Blizzard/Thunder and their -ara/-aga variants (actions) – These elemental damaging magicks are good for ranged damage though they do require higher charge time depending on the version used. Depending on the format, some enemies may be weak to certain element-types while either absorbing, halving, or negating others so it is mindful to check the target’s gear beforehand.

Magic Counter (reaction) – Though this requires some prediction picks regarding your opponent, Magic Counter is handy at being a possible check against certain incoming spells, causing the same magic casted at you to be returned back to them (normal conditions still apply, such as having enough MP and doesn’t work while silenced). This reaction can also proc off of magic guns, but does not work against Iaido or Arithmeticks.

Arcane Strength (support) – This passive increases all of your damaging attacks that are considered magical by 33%. This includes things like Iaido and Geomancy. This passive also slightly increases the chance of status effects from magicks such as Toad.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 75% | MP: 120% | Speed: 100% | PA: 60% | MA: 150% | C-EV: 5 | Move: 3 | Jump: 3

Can equip: Rods, Hats, Clothing, Robes

So why does Black Mage have an overall rating of 4? First, let’s take a look at their primary stats listed above. What gives them such a high rating is their 150% MA. This makes them a very suitable role as a magic damage dealer and having a high base MA makes things like Iaido more potent which they are exceptionally well at with its mixture of damage and support skills. Also, having a 120% MP pool is nothing to scoff at either for sustaining magick casts.


Black Mage is a very versatile magic user with solid options for damage in their own kit and flexibility with other job abilities that center around Magick Attack. Similar to their White Mage counterpart, they are fairly squishy even in clothes, so they best serve from the back-row attacking from ranged.