Competitive Maps Update (v5 Beta)

It’s almost time for the PvP Patch v5 Beta. That said, there is some news to share regarding map pool changes coming to Standard and map-specific ones for the new 4v4 All-Stars format debuting on Tuesday, March 18th. This information is coming out ahead of time so there’s one less headache or news to follow with the plethora of changes coming in version 5. Let’s first talk about small map changes coming to Standard.

Standard: Oratory is out – Roof is in

The small map, Lionel Castle Oratory is being removed entirely from the map pool for this iteration and is being replaced by Riovannes Castle Roof as a new small map. Roof’s spawning is still close-quartered being separated by a 5-tile difference for both Host and Guest, however, Roof improves on aspects such as neutral spawning and height, as well as being fairly symmetrical, so neither player has an advantage initially.

Riovannes Castle Roof will be updated into Tavernmaster and a part of the ruleset changes on day 1 of the Version 5 Beta.

Riovannes Castle Roof

All-Stars Format Maps

With All-Stars being 4v4, the current v4 map pool was analyzed to determine what maps wouldn’t feel good to play on with a smaller team size. This led to adding two small maps specifically for All-Stars and not a part of Standard: Monastery Vaults – Level 1, as it is small enough for fast engagement time, but there are several quirks about the map, especially its underpasses and Limberry Castle Undercroft, with its neutral spawning, tight-quartered arena making for frantic battles likely on turn 1.

With All-Stars being 4v4, deployment positioning is more vital than ever before.

The All-Stars map pool will only feature these maps in its rotation:

  • Small
    • Orbonne Monastery, Mullonde Cathedral Sanctuary, Riovannes Castle Roof, Limberry Castle Undercroft, and Monastery Vaults – Level 1
  • Medium
    • Zeirchele Falls, Mullonde Cathedral Nave, The Yuguewood, Araguay Woods, Golgollada Gallows, and Mandalia Plain

Monastery Vaults – Level 1 Spawning

Limberry Castle Undercroft – Spawning

New small maps to play, a bit more neutral balancing for small maps in Standard, and tailored maps for All-Stars are all a part of making the version 5 experience a fun and successful one for the future ahead.

New Game Format: All-Stars

During the Version 5 Exhibition, Guitarmanager and Rumer showcased a brand new supported format joining Tactics League during the v5 beta launch: All-Stars, a new competitive 4v4 experience.

All-Stars is a rendition and an upgrade of an older format from back in Tactics League’s earlier days – Uniques Premade – where the roster was fully comprised of unique characters with no generics, but was limited to “play how it comes.” This is coming back but it will also combine the battle-tested and open format of Standard, allowing players to fully customize a battle party of heroes and villains across the Zodiac Brave Story. This will sunset the Generics Premade format and All-Stars will take its place.

Let’s briefly go over the all-star cast joining this uniques only format.

A Powerful Cast at Your Disposal

The All-Stars format will house 28 unique characters from the campaign and Tactics League exclusives. If you have played version 4 Standard, you will be familiar with the first three rows of units, of course with new additions: Aerith, Ashley, Elidibus, and a returning fan-favorite, Balthier, joining the Standard roster in v5. Now let’s take a look at who is joining the cast specifically for All-Stars and a brief description of what they can do each:

  • Orlandeau (Sword Saint)
    • Orlandeau received some base stat adjustments to bring him more in line for both the campaign and All-Stars.
    • Innate: Swordplay usable with Katanas, Ninja Blades, Swords, Knight’s Swords, and Fell Swords
    • Swordplay skillset now only includes:
      • [Holy Sword] Judgment Blade, Cleansing Strike, Hallowed Bolt
      • [Unyielding Strike] Crush Helm, Crush Accessory
      • [Fell Sword/Darkness] Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike
  • Orran (Astrologer)
    • Innate: Arcane Defense
    • Replaced the Astrology skillset (which only housed Celestial Stasis) with the original Arithmeticks skillset. Arithmeticks can now be Silenced or Reflected unlike in the original game.
      • CT and Height only targeting parameters
      • [White Magicks] Cure
      • [Black Magicks] Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Scathe
      • [Time Magicks] Gravity, Reflect
      • [Mystic Arts] Umbra
  • Zalbaag (Ark Knight)
    • Innate: Lifefont and Manafont
    • Blade of Ruin is now all instant cast, still requires a sword-type weapon, abilities cost 40 MP each, and is faithless. Because of changes in v5 for damaging Arts of War’s Rend Stat abilities, Blade of Ruin will also deal damage on stat reduction success.
  • Boco (Chocobo)
    • Innate: Counter, Swim
    • As a chocobo, players can mount Boco to position faster or take advantage of rider immunities!
  • Isilud (Nightblade)
    • Innate: Concentration
    • Renamed his skillset to Dark Arts (from Arts of War), which combines various abilities from Arts of War and Darkness. While Nightblade, also adds the Jump command as a tertiary skillset:
      • [Arts of War] Bulwark, Rend MP, Rend Speed, Rend Power, Rend Magick
      • [Darkness] Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike, Abyssal Blade
  • Elmdore (Ark Knight)
    • Innate: Safeguard,  Immune: KO, Undead, Stone, Vampire, Reraise, Invisible, Berserk, Chicken, Toad, Doom
    • Sword Spirit skillset functions entirely like Samurai’s Iaido. While Ark Knight, also adds the Vampire command as a tertiary skillset (which only has Vampire ability, 25% chance to Inflict: Vampire)
  • Celia (Assassin)
    • Innate: Death Strike, Dual Wield, Immune: KO, Stone, Chicken, Toad
    • Equip: Knives and Ninja Blades (to showcase the difference in gear with Lettie)
    • Subdual Arts was reworked to make room for other abilities and is now:
      • Conceal (NEW, 100% self-invisible), Death, Curse, Ultima, Entice
  • Lettie (Assassin)
    • Innate: Death Strike, Dual Wield, Immune: KO, Stone, Chicken, Toad
    • Equip: Knives and Katanas (to showcase the difference in gear with Celia)
    • Subdual Arts was reworked to make room for other abilities and is now:
      • Conceal (NEW, 100% self-invisible), Suffocate, Dark Whisper, Ultma, Entice
      • Note: Suffocate now uses [% = SP + 40] and not 100% like the original version
  • Byblos (Byblos)
    • Innate: Soulbind, Dexterity, Arcane Defense, Defense Boost, Immune: Vampire, Curse, Doom
    • Removed Fire Weakness and can now enter water tiles
    • The Byblos’s skillset is now: Chant, Manaburn, Vengeance, Maim
  • Argath (Deathknight variant)
    • Innate: Equip: Undead, Monkey Grip
    • Fell Sword includes: Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike, Throw Dagger, Salve, Frenzy, and Taunt
    • Note: To avoid complications with the campaign, this sprite is using the “Squire” version of Argath, and though Fundaments skillset shows up in the menus, in battle he has Fell Sword instead.

4v4 Competitive Battles

Besides using unique-only characters in All-Stars, this format also is specific to a 4v4 experience, intending to have faster-paced games, with thrills and chaos to be had. All gear, jobs, and abilities are unlocked and follow the basics and limitations of the Standard format so jumping from one format to another should be fairly easy.

All-Stars is a fully supported competitive mode and will become a part of the competition rotation for sanctioned events in the future!

All-Stars format will be available on March 18th during the Version 5 Public Beta and will require a save data update, included with the v5 patch file.

Competitive Season 2

Today is the official start of our second competitive season. With it, comes a new feature to make Game 2 dynamic in a best-of-3 series, Sanctioned Events program, and tiered Competitor Points awarding. Let’s break down each addition below.

Game 1 Loser Map Select

The match structure and regulation rulebook have been updated to allow the loser of Game 1 in a best-of-3 series to declare any legal map in the Tactics League map pool for Game 2, either medium or small-sized, as long as it is a map that does not already exist in the map selection for that match. The 3rd game’s map would then become the opposite map size chosen to still have 2 medium and 1 small map in the match. This is a break away from the traditional Medium > Small > Medium map structure that was presently used in Season 1’s competitions and allows for Game 2 to be dynamically played shaking things up from our previous static rotation.

Sanctioned Events Program

As detailed more in its separate article, the Sanctioned Events program is a means of supporting grassroots events as Tactics League-supported, giving the tournament organizer access to a plethora of resources to ensure the event’s success. Competitions that are approved for sanctioning are eligible for Competitor Points awarding allowing for a hopeful increase in annual competitions, hosted directly by Tactics League and the community as well!

Tiered Competitor Points Awarding

Alongside the Sanctioned Events program, also includes an update to Competitor Points (CP) scaling and there are different point awards based on the bracket size of sanctioned events, allowing for more flexibility:

  • Tournament-Style (large pool)
    For Double Elimination & Round Robin Allocations for 7+ Competitors
    • 1st = 2000 pts.
    • 2nd = 1600 pts.
    • 3rd = 1400 pts.
    • 4th = 1200 pts.
    • 5th – 8th = 800 pts.
    • 9th and lower = 600 pts.
  • Tournament-Style (small pool)
    For Double Elimination & Round Robin Allocations for 4-6 Competitors
    • 1st = 1400 pts.
    • 2nd = 1200 pts.
    • 3rd = 1000 pts.
    • 4th = 800 pts.
    • 5th = 600 pts.
    • 6th = 400 pts.
  • Cup-Style (large pool)
    For Single Elimination Allocations for 7+ Competitors
    • 1st = 800 pts.
    • 2nd = 600 pts.
    • 3rd – 4th = 500 pts.
    • 5th – 8th = 300 pts.
    • 9th and lower = 200 pts.
  • Cup-Style (small pool)
    For Single Elimination Allocations for 4-6 Competitors
    • 1st = 500 pts.
    • 2nd = 400 pts.
    • 3rd = 300 pts.
    • 4th = 200 pts.
    • 5th and 6th = 100 pts.

With all of these changes starting today, we are excited to take Tactics League and competitive play to new heights!

PvP Patch v4.4 Update

A new competitive season, Academy, Sanctioned Events, and a new game update to coincide with today’s Season 2 launch, and this update focuses on some improvements and fixes after feedback and requests from players.

To download this update, head over to Downloads.

Bug Fixes

  • Protect/Defense Boost – Set the damage reduction percentage from 34 to 33% resulting in less physical damage loss once these mitigation values are applied as intended
    When doing calculator math side-by-side some damage values appear lower than in-game but usually it’s a marginal 1-3 point difference due to rounding. However, for most physical attacks/abilities this resulted in abnormal damage loss (like 20-40+) causing select physical damage to deal even less damage than intended (such as Holy Sword, Darkness, and weapon attacks).Shell/Arcane Defense was unaffected. Thank you for bringing this to my attention @WngMan.

Text Updates

  • Removed the “%” from calcs on Steal Equipment abilities as it is purely SP + PWR chance and not a percentage of your SP
  • Updated Bad Breath’s chance from 19 to 25% per each status rolled
  • Updated Crushing Blow’s Stop infliction chance from 19 to 25% (erroneously reported before but uses the Holy Sword 100% into 25% separate status infliction)
  • Updated Purification’s Help removal that it includes Oil (this was missing from a past changelog)
  • Updated Nether Mantra’s calcs
  • Updated Take Aim’s Help and calls


  • Cleric/Alma
    • Added Rods as available equipment
      Along with the White Mage change, as a “White Mage” style job, Alma too now has access to Rods on her main job.
  • White Mage
    • Added Rods as available equipment
      At request, White Mages have access to Rods which notably means they can build towards Faith away from Luminous Robe and can reliably cast at Atheist via Crown Scepter.
  • Monk
    • Increased Move from 3 to 4
    • Decreased Shockwave’s Range from 6 to 5 to compensate for the trade-off
      It was hard to justify increasing Monk’s Move when they have access to a 6-range ability. So after testing a means to give them more mobility, the goal was to take 1 Range for 1 Move which ultimately makes playing Melee-Monk more playable and still allows for ranging with Shockwave albeit having to be a tad closer than before.

Action Abilities

  • Nether Mantra (Marach)
    • Increased the PWR of all abilities from 0 to 2
    • Abilities can no longer target Marach
      Though Marach’s abilities have a 2 – 5 hit window, with the average Faith being 60, his abilities still struggle to deal good mitigated damage in various cases. I am returning some PWR to them to help damage output.
  • Sky Mantra (Rapha)
    • Abilities can no longer target Rapha
    • Heaven’s Wrath – Decreased maxHP damage from 50 to 40%
      Since this ability strips a target of vital defensive buffs and does a hefty amount of damage, it will deal slightly less, especially for the window of opportunity it creates with follow-up damage.
  • Black Magicks
    • Death – Decreased Tick from 5 to 4
      With this ability having a base low accuracy, the Speed can be slightly faster and this also aids undead teams that may rely on it as an on-demand revive.
    • Flare – No longer evadable (but still reflectable)
      Flare is being treated in a similar fashion as Holy/Unholy Darkness where it can no longer be evaded but is equally deflectable.
  • Iaido
    • Chirijiraden – Decreased PWR from 18 to 17 (approx. 20 less damage)
      PWR decreased to bring it slightly closer to Muramasa at 15 PWR while still retaining the “most-powerful” Iaido cast.

Equipment – Weapons

  • Knight’s Swords
    • Caladbolg – This item grants +1 MA and +1 SP instead of +1 PA/MA
      The Speed addition at the cost of PA is to better serve as a new option for Knights to build into Speed and push towards elemental damage.

Competitive Season 1 – Final Results

Tactics League-sanctioned events award competitors with Competitor Points (CP) based on their finished ranking after the conclusion of the event. As of yesterday, Season 1 has officially closed and we are finalizing plans for the upcoming Competitive Season 2. Let’s take a look at all of the events we have hosted over the year:

Competitor Points – Final Ranking (Standard)

Ranking is determined by accumulative CP awarding from past events based on your event’s placement.

  • 1st – @WngMan – 1500 pts.
  • 2nd – @jokerfisch – 1100 pts.
  • 3rd – @dr.jay. – 800 pts.
  • 4th – @therumer – 600 pts.
  • 5th – @pista – 400 pts.
  • 6th – @sandcatankh – 400 pts.
  • 7th – @mikey_tacticslive – 200 pts.
  • 8th – @hewhostandsalone, @space_monkey00 – 200 pts.

Based on the Regulation Rulebook, certain tiebreaker rules are in place to resolve where members sit when it comes to tied rankings. This is also why some members above have the same points, but different placements:

  • 1st – Round Finished
  • 2nd – Total Games Played in the finished series (up to 4)
  • 3rd – Your Opponent’s Seeding/rank
  • 4th – Units Alive Per Game cumulatively

With Season 1 at its end, I want to thank everyone who has participated in the past events and even those who were anticipating the now canceled 2024 Fall Cup, for being a part of the competitive scene I look forward to new heights, new players, and new competitions to come with Season 2, starting on October 15, 2024!

Standard – 2024 Fall Cup Event Cancelation

Copied directly from the Tactics League’s Discord
It is with a tough decision to announce that the upcoming Standard – 2024 Fall Cup for October 6, 2024 is now canceled. This event is canceled due to not reaching the minimum number of fully eligible competitors for it to proceed.

The reason the minimum number of 6 is there is to avoid a short event or potentially starting out in Semi-Finals; the goal is to put on a show and showcase Tactics League in a LIVE manner, though it is not an ideal look when the event falls short of players and has a short ending to its beginning.

What Comes Next?

Since the event did not meet its required expectations, we will move forward. This event was the last of ⁠Season 1 – Competitor Points and thus the future is now set for Season 2. This means that CP will be reset and all past competitors will restart at zero CP. As mentioned earlier in the beginning process of Competition 3, the next event to plan for is the Generics Premade format. As a Tactics League official format, this format needs an opportunity to be showcased in a LIVE competition and that will be the goal going forward.

Season 2 Initial Changes

I do apologize to anyone that took time off or had to plan around to participate in this event. One issue that stemmed that did become a problem was relying on “interests” to fully gauge participation levels. This is still feasible, but will not be the core decider for future events; Sign-Ups will start earlier and will close earlier to give at least 1 – 2 weeks ahead of time before the event date to give plenty of time to determine if we are good to go or not. This also gives people more time to respond in the event of a cancelation instead of it being last minute.

Thank you to all who were interested in competing or were planning to help with Sunday’s event and I apologize once more for the cancelation in the matter.