The Version 5 Exhibition match will take place LIVE on Twitch and the Tactics League’s staging channel on Sunday, March 16th at 7 PM EDT. Guitarmanager and Rumer, the 1st and 2nd place winners of the 2025 Winter Cup #1 event that was held on February 23rd will get their hands on this massive update a few days ahead of the public beta and showcase some of the new changes in a best-of-3 series match!
It won’t be long before everyone can get their hands on PvP Patch v5 Beta! The beta will go public and downloadable on March 18th shortly after the changelog is posted in the Tactics League Discord. Website updates will follow behind it. If you are eager to participate in campaign or multiplayer, join the server early and get accustomed to the current v4.4 patch, making transitioning into version 5 a bit easier.
Join the Tactics League Discord today and become a future beta tester of this year’s series of updates!
On February 23, 2025, the 2025 Winter Cup #1 Competition was completed and Guitarmanager was crowned Champion of the event after a difficult battle for 1st place against Rumer.
To watch (or rewatch) the tournament in its entirety with chapters to jump to specific matches:
Guitarmanager and YoshnJa had a post-event interview reviewing Guitar’s perspective on Sunday’s recent event. The interview can be found here:
The 2025 Winter Cup #1 Champion, Guitarmanager
Starting his competition run in the Semifinals, Guitarmanager first faced Dr. Jay after Dr. Jay defeated im_the_king21 in Round 1. Guitarmanager and Dr. Jay fought off-site in Lobby A, ending with Guitar’s victory 2-0 in their best-of-3 series. Once Rumer claimed victory against DoggoK in the Semifinals after advancing against Acook10 in Round 1, the Grand Finals was set for a Guitarmanager vs. Rumer face-off.
Game 1 was played on Limberry Castle Inner Court. Guitarmanager had the high ground since he was the lower seed from Rumer and was the “guest,” which played a pivotal role in positioning and engagement issues later for Rumer. Though Rumer had plenty of offensive power, his two melee units, both an Onion Knight and Monk, had difficulties getting into range as well as Guitarmanager upkeeping Golem, lessening the overall impact Rumer could deal with his powerful basic attacks. Game 1 ended with a Guitar victory, 5 to 0 units alive.
As part of a new rule for map picks, Rumer decided to play Game 2 on Golgollada Gallows. Swapping in his undead Delita build he shook the audience with his turn 1 blitz-style engagement of Hallowed Bolt not only once, but twice in a row, thanks to using Critical: Quick coupled with his Thief triggering it with an X-Potion. With Deltia netting a triple kill, Guitar instantly was put on the defensive and recovered, which he thankfully managed to carefully do and ended up claiming victory after a harrowing spin of events that led to the finale of the 10 Action game. With it, Guitarmanager has netted his first Tactics League 1st place accomplishment and both Guitarmanager and Rumer will be invited to an exclusive Version 5 Exhibition match as well as getting the PvP Patch v5 Beta days before it goes public.
Thank you to im_the_king21, Acook10, DoggoK, Dr. Jay, Rumer, and Guitarmanager for being a part of the year’s first cup, and thank you to the audience on both Discord and Twitch!
Results and Registered Team Rosters
With the first event of the 2025 year completed and the many excitements we watched live in the Featured station, I am hopeful that the remaining year will be even more impactful and fierce as we go into the final series of updates with PvP Patch v5 Beta.
While the event is over, the match data and team rosters are now publicly available to view on both Google Sheets and PDF format which can be found below: 2025 Winter Cup #1 Competition Data – Google Sheets
Today is the official start of our second competitive season. With it, comes a new feature to make Game 2 dynamic in a best-of-3 series, Sanctioned Events program, and tiered Competitor Points awarding. Let’s break down each addition below.
Game 1 Loser Map Select
The match structure and regulation rulebook have been updated to allow the loser of Game 1 in a best-of-3 series to declare any legal map in the Tactics League map pool for Game 2, either medium or small-sized, as long as it is a map that does not already exist in the map selection for that match. The 3rd game’s map would then become the opposite map size chosen to still have 2 medium and 1 small map in the match. This is a break away from the traditional Medium > Small > Medium map structure that was presently used in Season 1’s competitions and allows for Game 2 to be dynamically played shaking things up from our previous static rotation.
Sanctioned Events Program
As detailed more in its separate article, the Sanctioned Events program is a means of supporting grassroots events as Tactics League-supported, giving the tournament organizer access to a plethora of resources to ensure the event’s success. Competitions that are approved for sanctioning are eligible for Competitor Points awarding allowing for a hopeful increase in annual competitions, hosted directly by Tactics League and the community as well!
Tiered Competitor Points Awarding
Alongside the Sanctioned Events program, also includes an update to Competitor Points (CP) scaling and there are different point awards based on the bracket size of sanctioned events, allowing for more flexibility:
Tournament-Style (large pool) For Double Elimination & Round Robin Allocations for 7+ Competitors
1st = 2000 pts.
2nd = 1600 pts.
3rd = 1400 pts.
4th = 1200 pts.
5th – 8th = 800 pts.
9th and lower = 600 pts.
Tournament-Style (small pool) For Double Elimination & Round Robin Allocations for 4-6 Competitors
1st = 1400 pts.
2nd = 1200 pts.
3rd = 1000 pts.
4th = 800 pts.
5th = 600 pts.
6th = 400 pts.
Cup-Style (large pool) For Single Elimination Allocations for 7+ Competitors
1st = 800 pts.
2nd = 600 pts.
3rd – 4th = 500 pts.
5th – 8th = 300 pts.
9th and lower = 200 pts.
Cup-Style (small pool) For Single Elimination Allocations for 4-6 Competitors
1st = 500 pts.
2nd = 400 pts.
3rd = 300 pts.
4th = 200 pts.
5th and 6th = 100 pts.
With all of these changes starting today, we are excited to take Tactics League and competitive play to new heights!
With the start of Competitive Season 2 on October 15, 2024, Tactics League is opening up a new way to drive community-inspired gatherings and events so we can empower the competitive scene further with community Discord members.
The Sanctioned Events program is a means to fully back community-made events by providing the tools and support needed for growth, participation, and success as well as more ways to award Competitor Points throughout the current season and future. To do so, Members propose their idea as a Roll Call, filling in all the details first and publicizing it so that everyone is aware of what goals they want to achieve with their event. Once the Roll Call gains momentum and more and more people become interested, the organizer can reach out to the Tactics League administration to request to be sanctioned and receive further support, including Competitor Points awarded post-event.
But what does sanctioning offer in terms of incentivizing your grassroots-based event? Tactics League will offer support and resources with the following:
Basic banner/logo creation for your event (if needed)
Tailored Competitions Registration form for your event to provide sign-ups
Access to the Roster Registration form (if you are enabling Roster Lock)
Access to the Post Game Report (PGR) needed to report match data for official records (this can be additionally provided to multiple assigned Officials as needed)
Official Announcement updates via Discord, added to Discord Events for notifications, and the Tactics League website’s Events page
Official/Staff Discord role so you have partial moderator powers as well as Staging channel operability (this is granted on the day of or the day before the event)
Priority support from Tactics League administration during your event’s runtime (as much as possible)
The end goal for the Sanctioned Events program is to give the tools for more competitive events annually and sow the seeds to further Tactics League PvP into the future and beyond. If you are interested in hosting an event and potential sanctioning, please join the Tactics League Discord today.
Tactics League-sanctioned events award competitors with Competitor Points (CP) based on their finished ranking after the conclusion of the event. As of yesterday, Season 1 has officially closed and we are finalizing plans for the upcoming Competitive Season 2. Let’s take a look at all of the events we have hosted over the year:
Based on the Regulation Rulebook, certain tiebreaker rules are in place to resolve where members sit when it comes to tied rankings. This is also why some members above have the same points, but different placements:
1st – Round Finished
2nd – Total Games Played in the finished series (up to 4)
3rd – Your Opponent’s Seeding/rank
4th – Units Alive Per Game cumulatively
With Season 1 at its end, I want to thank everyone who has participated in the past events and even those who were anticipating the now canceled 2024 Fall Cup, for being a part of the competitive scene I look forward to new heights, new players, and new competitions to come with Season 2, starting on October 15, 2024!
Copied directly from the Tactics League’s Discord It is with a tough decision to announce that the upcoming Standard – 2024 Fall Cup for October 6, 2024 is now canceled. This event is canceled due to not reaching the minimum number of fully eligible competitors for it to proceed.
The reason the minimum number of 6 is there is to avoid a short event or potentially starting out in Semi-Finals; the goal is to put on a show and showcase Tactics League in a LIVE manner, though it is not an ideal look when the event falls short of players and has a short ending to its beginning.
What Comes Next?
Since the event did not meet its required expectations, we will move forward. This event was the last of Season 1 – Competitor Points and thus the future is now set for Season 2. This means that CP will be reset and all past competitors will restart at zero CP. As mentioned earlier in the beginning process of Competition 3, the next event to plan for is the Generics Premade format. As a Tactics League official format, this format needs an opportunity to be showcased in a LIVE competition and that will be the goal going forward.
Season 2 Initial Changes
I do apologize to anyone that took time off or had to plan around to participate in this event. One issue that stemmed that did become a problem was relying on “interests” to fully gauge participation levels. This is still feasible, but will not be the core decider for future events; Sign-Ups will start earlier and will close earlier to give at least 1 – 2 weeks ahead of time before the event date to give plenty of time to determine if we are good to go or not. This also gives people more time to respond in the event of a cancelation instead of it being last minute.
Thank you to all who were interested in competing or were planning to help with Sunday’s event and I apologize once more for the cancelation in the matter.