4v4 All-Stars

Roster consists of only unique characters in your party of four.

Generics Rules

1. A match is considered a best of 3 games regarding tournament play.

2. The match organizer or BOT determines which player is the host while the other player is the guest.

3. The match organizer or BOT determines the maps for the match.

4. Level cycling or de-leveling/re-leveling is not allowed on any character. Players breaking this rule will be disqualified from tournament play.

5. Each player must have 4 unique characters in their party of four. Generic characters or monsters are not allowed in this format. The following are allowed unique characters: Ramza, Alma, Delita, Mustadio, Agrias, Rapha, Marach, Meliadoul, Beowulf, Reis (human form), Cloud, Aerith, Construct 8, Luso, Valmafra, Ashley, Balthier, Elidibus, Orlandeau, Orran, Zalbaag, Boco (yellow chocobo), Isilud, Elmdore, Celia, Lettie, Byblos, and Argath (Deathknight)

6. The roster should not have stat modifications outside of normal means. You can adjust stats caused by gear, job, and abilities, but the Bravery and Faith of generic characters must remain 60/60, and the uniques must have their listed Bravery and Faith values.  To view the templates and for the use of integrity, visit the Trello link: https://trello.com/b/rQC6ATHQ/tactics-league-competitive-all-stars-v10

7. There are limited and semi-limited restrictions on select gear. There are also limitations on consumables and throw consumables. This format uses Standard’s gear restriction list.

8. When using Tactics League save data, The PvP Patch must be patched into your ISO backup. Players found not utilizing the patch will be disqualified from tournament play. 
PvP Patch version: 5.0 Beta
ISO (USA ver.) MD5: 8aca36080f16db1b19593739f197f4f2