Prerequisites: None (starter job)
Can Equip: Swords, Knives, Axes, Flails, Hats, Clothing
Stats: HP: 100% | MP: 75% | SP: 100% | PA: 90% | MA: 80%
C-EV: 5 | Move: 4 | Jump: 3
Ability: Fundaments
✨PvP Patch Changes:
PA: 100% | MA: 100% | Move: 5
Can Equip: Knives, Swords, Axes, Rods, Staves, Flails, Crossbows, Books, Poles, Shields, Hats, Clothing
Innate: Reequip

Action (Fundaments)
Rush and Stone’s damage is randomized between 1 and up to PWR.
Ability | PWR | MP | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
Focus | N/A | N/A | Now | Self | Increase Physical Attack by 1. | N/A |
Rush | 4 | N/A | Now | 1 Range x 1 Vert, 1 | Deals physical damage, 50% chance to cause knockback. | PA * (1..PWR) |
Stone | 2 | N/A | Now | 4 Range, 1 | Throws a stone at a target dealing physical damage, 50% chance to cause knockback. | PA * (1..PWR) |
Salve | N/A | N/A | Now | 1 Range x 2, 1 | Removes blind, poison, silence statuses. | Hit = 100% |
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Focus now grants +1 to Physical and Magick Attack and Speed.
Rush was replaced with a similar ability in Throw Dagger, notably being able to be used at 6 range and having 100% knockback (or pushback) capabilities as long as the terrain or opposing verticality allows for it. Stone also includes a 100% knockback feature.
Frenzy and Taunt are new abilities that allow Squires to disrupt beneficial statuses or even Chicken a unit for a turn!
Ability | PWR | MP | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
Focus | N/A | N/A | Now | Self | Increase Physical Attack, Magick Attack, and Speed by 1. | N/A |
Throw Dagger | 10 | N/A | Now | 6 Range x 1 Vert, 1 | Deals physical damage, 100% knockback when able. | PA * (1..PWR) |
Stone | 1 | N/A | Now | 4 Range, 1 | Deals minor physical damage, 100% knockback when able. | PA * 1 |
Salve | N/A | N/A | Now | 2 Range x 2, 1 | Removes: Immobilize, Disable, Stop, Blind, Poison, Silence. | Hit = 100% |
Frenzy | 255 | N/A | Now | 1 Range x 1 Vert, 1 | Removes: Reraise, Haste from the target and deals damage equal to 40% of their max. HP. | MA + PWR |
Taunt | 36 | 30 | Now | 1 Range x 1 Vert, 1 | Reduces the target's Bravery by 52 (auto-chickens generic units). | MA + PWR |
Counter Tackle (Trigger: Physical attack within 1 range) – Counterattack with Rush.
✨PvP Patch Change (Counter Throw) (formerly Counter Tackle – Trigger: HP Loss) – Counterattack with Throw Dagger.
Equip Axes – Equip axes regardless of job.
Beastmaster – Ally monsters within 1 tile gain their hidden abilities (requires ally monsters in party).
Defend – Adds the Defend command. Using Defend will double the character’s evasion chance until the next turn and is considered an Action.
JP Boost – Receive bonus JP from an action. [earnedJP * 3/2
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Equip Two-Handed (formerly Equip Axes) – Equip Axes, Knight’s Swords, and Fell Swords, regardless of job.
NEW Death Strike – Increases your critical strike chance from 10% to 50% with normal attacks and applicable abilities (note that critical damage is a static 50% instead of random regardless of this ability or not).
JP Boost was removed due to maxed level characters and unlocked abilities.
Move +1 – Increase Move by 1.
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Move +1 was removed due to being inferior to Move +2. Move +1 and Jump +1 were consolidated into select abilities.