2025 Winter Cup #1 Competition – Results

On February 23, 2025, the 2025 Winter Cup #1 Competition was completed and Guitarmanager was crowned Champion of the event after a difficult battle for 1st place against Rumer.

To watch (or rewatch) the tournament in its entirety with chapters to jump to specific matches:

Guitarmanager and YoshnJa had a post-event interview reviewing Guitar’s perspective on Sunday’s recent event. The interview can be found here:

The 2025 Winter Cup #1 Champion, Guitarmanager

Starting his competition run in the Semifinals, Guitarmanager first faced Dr. Jay after Dr. Jay defeated im_the_king21 in Round 1. Guitarmanager and Dr. Jay fought off-site in Lobby A, ending with Guitar’s victory 2-0 in their best-of-3 series. Once Rumer claimed victory against DoggoK in the Semifinals after advancing against Acook10 in Round 1, the Grand Finals was set for a Guitarmanager vs. Rumer face-off.

Game 1 was played on Limberry Castle Inner Court. Guitarmanager had the high ground since he was the lower seed from Rumer and was the “guest,” which played a pivotal role in positioning and engagement issues later for Rumer. Though Rumer had plenty of offensive power, his two melee units, both an Onion Knight and Monk, had difficulties getting into range as well as Guitarmanager upkeeping Golem, lessening the overall impact Rumer could deal with his powerful basic attacks. Game 1 ended with a Guitar victory, 5 to 0 units alive.

As part of a new rule for map picks, Rumer decided to play Game 2 on Golgollada Gallows. Swapping in his undead Delita build he shook the audience with his turn 1 blitz-style engagement of Hallowed Bolt not only once, but twice in a row, thanks to using Critical: Quick coupled with his Thief triggering it with an X-Potion. With Deltia netting a triple kill, Guitar instantly was put on the defensive and recovered, which he thankfully managed to carefully do and ended up claiming victory after a harrowing spin of events that led to the finale of the 10 Action game. With it, Guitarmanager has netted his first Tactics League 1st place accomplishment and both Guitarmanager and Rumer will be invited to an exclusive Version 5 Exhibition match as well as getting the PvP Patch v5 Beta days before it goes public.

Thank you to im_the_king21, Acook10, DoggoK, Dr. Jay, Rumer, and Guitarmanager for being a part of the year’s first cup, and thank you to the audience on both Discord and Twitch!

Results and Registered Team Rosters

With the first event of the 2025 year completed and the many excitements we watched live in the Featured station, I am hopeful that the remaining year will be even more impactful and fierce as we go into the final series of updates with PvP Patch v5 Beta.

While the event is over, the match data and team rosters are now publicly available to view on both Google Sheets and PDF format which can be found below:
2025 Winter Cup #1 Competition Data – Google Sheets