Reis Duelar, Dragonkin-form
31 Bravery / 32 Faith
Human Stats: HP: 140% | MP: 115% | SP: 120% | PA: 120% | MA: 110% | C- EV: 7% | Move: 3 | Jump: 3
Human Job: Dragonkin | Innate: Beastmaster, Tame, Dual Wield (job only)
Job can equip: Bags, Hair Adornments, Minerva Bustier, Accessories (limited to Rings, Armlets, Perfumes, Lip Rouge)
Human Ability: Dragon
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Job can equip: Bags, Hair Adornments, Clothing, Rings, Perfumes, Armlets, Lip Rouge (full clothing access added)
Human Innate: Dual Wield (removed Beastmaster and Tame)

– Reis initially starts as a dragon-type monster and can later be transformed into her human form (only if you complete the Nelveska Temple quest). Reis’s Dragonkin and Dragon-forms stats are regenerated once you switch her to Dragonkin.
– Dragonkin-form has some of the highest HP, MP, Physical Attack, and Magic Attack growth among all jobs, but is limited in gear choices.
– Reis’s support-based action abilities only work on dragon and hydra-type monsters.
Abilities (Dragon, Dragonkin-Form)
“Dragon” abilities only work on dragon and hydra-type monsters.
Each randomized hit of Holy Breath has a 50% chance to hit the center of the targeted area.
Ability | PWR | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
Ice Breath | 12 | Now | 2 Range, 1x* | Deals ice magic damage. | MA * PWR |
Fire Breath | 12 | Now | 2 Range, 1x* | Deals fire magic damage. | MA * PWR |
Lightning Breath | 12 | Now | 2 Range, 1x* | Deals lightning magic damage. | MA * PWR |
Holy Breath | 20 | Now | 4 Range, 3x3 | Deals holy magic damage randomly up to 10 times in an area. | 0.5 * MA * (MA + PWR) |
Dragon's Charm | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 1x* | Targeted dragon or hydra-type monster will join as a guest and can be recruited into the party after the battle. Has 100% hit rate. | Hit = 100% if target is dragon or hydra-type |
Dragon's Gift | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 1x* | Reis sacrifices [ReisMaxHP / 5] HP to restore [ReisMaxHP * 2/5] HP to a dragon or hydra-type monster and removes Blind, Confuse, Silence, Oil, Berserk, Toad, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Immobilize, and Disable statuses from them. | Hit = 100% if target is dragon or hydra-type |
Dragon's Might | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 1x* | Boosts the targeted dragon or hydra-type monster's Bravery by 5 and increases their Physical and Magical Attack by 2 until the end of the battle. | Hit = 100% if target is dragon or hydra-type |
Dragon's Speed | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 1x* | Targeted dragon or hydra-type monster's CT gauge is set to 100. | Hit = 100% if target is dragon or hydra-type |
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Dragon abilities can now apply to anyone instead of only dragon-type monsters. Some abilities have been adjusted for balance reasons due to this change.
Fire, Ice, and Lightning Breath all deal their damage to the entire line instead of one target within it.
Holy Breath’s AoE has been reduced to tighten the randomness of its damage area and the number of total hits from 10 to 5.
Ability | PWR | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula | |
Ice Breath | 14 | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 2x2 Line | Deals ice magic damage in a line. | MA * PWR |
Fire Breath | 14 | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 2x2 Line | Deals fire magic damage in a line. | MA * PWR |
Lightning Breath | 14 | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 2x2 Line | Deals lightning magic damage in a line. | MA * PWR |
Holy Breath | 14 | N/A | Now | 4 Range, 2x2 | Deals holy magic damage 1 - 5 times in an area randomly. | 0.5 * MA * (MA + PWR) |
Dragon's Charm | 30 | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 1x2 | Inflicts: Charm (genderless). | % = MA + PWR |
Dragon's Gift | 255 | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 1x2 | Restores 30% maxHP and Removes: Blind, Confuse, Silence, Oil, Berserk, Toad, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Immobilize, Disable, and Charm ONLY if the target were afflicted with at least 1 of those negative statuses. | HealHP% = 30, % = PA + PWR |
Dragon's Might | N/A | N/A | Now | 2 Range, 1x2 | Increases the target's PA, MA, SP by 1 and increases the target's Bravery by 5. | Hit = 100% |
Dragon's Speed | N/A | 30 | Now | 2 Range, 1x2 | 50% chance to increase the target's CT by 50. | Hit = 50% |