Ashley Riot
77 Bravery / 62 Faith
Stats: HP: 100% | MP: 115% | SP: 100% | PA: 100% | MA: 100%
C:EV: 12% | Move: 4 | Jump: 4
Job: Riskbreaker | Innate: Reequip
Job can equip: Knives, Swords, Knight’s Swords, Fell Swords, Axes, Flails, Crossbows, Staves, Polearms, Shields, Hats, Clothing, Robes
Ability: Break Arts

Abilities (Break Arts)

Ashley is a Tactics League patch-exclusive character. He can be acquired in the campaign and is part of the Tactics League multiplayer roster.

Each weapon the Riskbreaker job can equip has an associated Break Art with it. Break Arts are powerful “finisher” type of abilities that can deal burst damage, putting Ashley at further “risk” afterward by dealing recoil damage (similar to how Dark Knight’s Abyssal Blade or Unholy Sacrifice works).

The Break Arts skillset includes: Focus, Salve, Stone, Throw Dagger, and Chant by default.

AbilityPWRRecoil/Risk (% max.HP)SpeedRange, Radius (Hori/Vert)EffectFormula
Shadoweave (Knives)440Instant2 Range, 1x2Deals dark physical damage with a 100% chance to Inflict: Stop.PA * (WP + PWR)
Vile Scar (Swords)340Instant3 Range, 2x2Deals weapon-element physical damage with a 25% chance to Inflict: Poison or Slow each per target.PA * (WP + PWR)
Advent Sign (Knight's Swords)360Instant3 Range, 2x1Deals holy physical damage.PA * (WP + PWR)
Sunder (Fell Swords)460Instant2 Range, 1Deals weapon-element physical damage and 100% Casts: Crush Armor.PA * (WP + PWR)
Accursed Umbra (Axes)140Instant3 Range, 1x2Deals mitigation ignored physical damage and 100% Inflicts: Curse.PA * (WP + PWR)
Gravis Aether (Staves)1840Instant3 Range, 2x2Deals earth magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: KO per target.(PA + PWR) / 2 * MA
Ignis Wheel (Flails)1840InstantSelf, 3x3Deals fire magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Oil per target.MA * PWR
Scythe Wind (Polearms)260Instant3 Range (Cone), 3x2Deals wind physical damage in a cone with a 19% chance to Inflict: Immobilize per target.PA * (WP + PWR)
Sanctus Flare (Crossbows)1840InstantWeapon RangeDeals water, holy magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Blind, Silence.(PA + PWR) / 2 * MA
Retribution (Unarmed)1840Instant3 Range, 1x1Deals dark physical damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Doom.(PA + PWR) / 2 * PA