Prerequisites: Mystic Lv. 3
Can equip: Knives, Guns, Hats, Clothing, Robes
Stats: HP: 80% | MP: 70% | SP: 100% | PA: 75% | MA: 75%
C-EV: 5 | Move: 3 | Jump: 3
Innate: Beast Tongue
Ability: Speechcraft
✨PvP Patch Changes:
SP: 110% | PA: 85% | MA: 100
Innate: Persuasive, Beast Tongue
Action (Speechcraft)
Speechcraft abilities will not work on monsters unless you have the Beast Tongue support ability or are using the Orator job.
For every 4 points of Bravery or Faith increased or decreased, the character’s Bravery or Faith is permanently increased or decreased by 1 (this is reset however in multiplayer modes).
Ability | PWR | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
Entice | 20 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts traitor status on the target, causing them to join your party roster after battle. This ability is heavily influenced by compatibility of the caster and the target's Zodiac Signs. | MA + PWR |
Stall | 30 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Sets the target's current CT to 0. | MA + PWR |
Praise | 50 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Increases the target's Bravery by 4. | MA + PWR |
Intimidate | 90 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Decreases the target's Bravery by 20. | MA + PWR |
Preach | 50 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Increases the target's Faith by 4. | MA + PWR |
Enlighten | 90 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Decreases the target's Faith by 20. | MA + PWR |
Condemn | 30 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts doom status on the target. | MA + PWR |
Beg | 90 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Steals Gil from the target. | MA + PWR |
Insult | 40 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts berserk status on the target. | MA + PWR |
Mimic Darlavon | 40 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 2 | Inflicts sleep status on the targets. | MA + PWR |
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Entice now Inflicts: Charm (genderless) instead of Traitor since Traitor is a much harder and invasive status to remove. Charm status is also shortened in duration and is much easier to remove (requires HP damage of 0 or more).
Praise and Preach abilities now grant +10 Bravery/Faith respectively. Note that increasing Bravery or Faith is not permanent in Tactics League multiplayer formats.
Mimic Darlavon is now single-target.
Hush is a new ability that Inflicts: Silence and replaces the Beg ability.
Ability | PWR | Speed | Range, Radius (Hori/Vert) | Effect | Formula |
Entice | 30 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts: Charm status (regardless of gender). | MA + PWR |
Stall | 30 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Sets the target's current CT to 0. | MA + PWR |
Praise | 70 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Increases the target's Bravery by 10. | MA + PWR |
Intimidate | 90 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Decreases the target's Bravery by 20. | MA + PWR |
Preach | 70 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Increases the target's Faith by 10. | MA + PWR |
Enlighten | 90 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Decreases the target's Faith by 20. | MA + PWR |
Condemn | 50 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts: Doom status. | MA + PWR |
Hush | 60 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts: Silence status. | MA + PWR |
Insult | 50 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts: Berserk status. | MA + PWR |
Mimic Darlavon | 50 | Now | 3 Range x 3 Vert, 1 | Inflicts: Sleep status. | MA + PWR |
Earplug (Trigger: Speechcraft) – Reduces the hit rate of all incoming Speechcraft using [
100 - yourBravery
✨PvP Patch Change (Earplug) – This ability now fully nullifies incoming Speechcraft regardless of your Bravery.
Equip Guns – Equip guns regardless of job.
Tame – Automatically cast Entice against an HP critical monster after dealing damage with a normal attack.
Beast Tongue – Use Speechcraft on monsters regardless of job.
✨PvP Patch Changes:
NEW Persuasive (formerly Tame) – 100% Inflicts: Charm status on a HP critical monster or hume after dealing damage with a normal attack. This is innately set on the Orator job.
Note: this does not cast Entice and rather inflicts the status directly, so you will need Charm immunity to block this infliction and not just Earplug.