Prerequisites: Squire Lv. 8, Chemist Lv. 8, Summoner Lv. 5, Geomancer Lv. 5, Orator Lv. 5, Dragoon Lv. 5
Can equip: N/A
Stats: HP: 140% | MP: 50% | SP: 120% | PA: 120% | MA: 115%
C-EV: 5 | Move: 4 | Jump: 4
Innate: Beastmaster, Concentration, Brawler
Ability: N/A
✨PvP Patch Changes:
HP: 125% | MA: 120% | C-EV: 25
Can equip: Bags, Clothing, Robes, Hats, Hair Adornments, Cloaks, Shoes, Perfumes, Lip Rouge
Innate: Brawler, Fly

Mimes do not have abilities and cannot equip gear. Mimes will copy the ability or attack of the previously acted ally character as long as it is from a generic job as well as the ability or attack’s range, basing it on the Mime’s current facing and position.
Additional information:
– During a Mime’s turn, they can only perform a basic physical attack or move.
– A mimicked basic attack uses the ally’s weapon. They will only mimic the first hit and the right hand from a dual-wielded attack.
– Units can’t target a unit behind them (they will turn to face the target), so the Mimic target will always be in front of the Mime.
– They will not mimic unique characters or monster abilities.
– If a Mime mimics Throw, it cannot be caught via Sticky Fingers since the item is technically not a part of your inventory.
– Reaction abilities cannot be mimed.
– Mime won’t mimic the action of a previous Mime.
– Mimicked ability’s range is relative to the mimicked unit’s position.
– A Mime cannot mimic if inflicted with KO, stone, sleep, stop, vampire, disable, toad, chicken, confuse, or berserk. If silenced, the Mime cannot mimic abilities that cannot be used while silenced.
✨PvP Patch Changes:
Mimes can now equip limited gear allowing them to be more fine-tuned while restricting the accessibility of certain item types. They still do not have access to abilities directly.
Mimes gained a new feature, called Copy Weapon, which allows them to dynamically keep the weapons of the last mimicked ally action. This can be used to gain access to additional weapons that are normally limited in inventory. “Failing to mimic” will result in going barehanded. This feature does not trigger from unique abilities (as those abilities cannot be mimicked).
Even if you have dual-wielded weapons via Copy Weapon, you cannot attack with both because Mimes do not have the Dual Wield support ability innately.
Mimes no longer mimic MP-costing abilities for free and are subject to MP costs for balance purposes.
Removed the Sticky Finger bypass if a Mime uses Throw or healing Items versus undead and can now have the hit rate reduced as intended.