Save Data v4.0 Official Update

Spanning almost 5 months, the Tactics League’s fourth version of the PvP Patch, which changes and updates the game for the competitive Melee and Rendezvous environment, has finally reached its official launch today and is the last major update for the 2024 year. Version 4 was by far the biggest patchwork put into our mod and it opens up many new avenues of play, creativity, and challenges for the competitive scene. Let’s review the last of the changes coming with this update.

If you are curious about ALL of the changes that have gone into version 4, make sure to read up on the as this contains all changes from the original War of the Lions to the updates with the PvP Patch.

To download the all-in-one package that includes the PPF file and save data, please visit Downloads. To learn more about how to apply the PPF patch, visit Tutorials.

Table of Contents

PvP Patch v4.0 Official Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • “KO” status will now properly display in the preview when using Phoenix Down to revive a target
  • Defending perma-status has been resolved on Mime (the sprite was previously in perma-defending state via Bulwark, though they were not currently affected by Defending status)


  • Dragonkin/Reis
    • Added Clothing as available equipment
      The Dragonkin job has limited equipment due to the volume of stats Reis has while on her original job. However, this is being expanded a bit instead of just having only Minerva Bustier as an armor option.
  • Netherseer/Marach
    • Removed Staves from equipment
    • Added Rods, Knives, and Ninja Blades as available equipment
    • Added Death Strike innately
  • Skyseer/Rapha
    • Removed Books from equipment
    • Added Katanas, Rods, and Knives as available equipment
    • Increased Skyseer PAM from 100 to 130% (+3 PA)
    • Added +1 Move and Jump
    • Added Death Strike innately
      These changes to Marach and Rapha is to entice them to use their primary job more than to just job change them. Because there is flexibility in their skillsets, the idea is to delve more into their Assassin archetype and provide more options for build variety while using their main job. Note that Rapha’s PA increase is solely based on Skyseer and the bonus does not transition to other jobs.
  • Mime
    • Decreased HPM from 140 to 125% (approx. -43 HP)
    • Mimes can no longer mimic/cast MP-costing abilities for free and are subject to MP costs (will flag “❌MP” if insufficient)
    • Mimicked Throw or Items (if undead) now respects the target’s Sticky Fingers (removed Mime bypass check)
      The first HP reduction towards Mime’s bulk was small scale but also did not reach the goal at reducing their total bulkiness, so an additional reduction was made to ensure they are a bit easier to kill while still retaining some bulk necessary for robes.

      The removal of some of these vanilla functions is to balance some of Mime’s “free actions” and have them be more in-line like the other generic jobs instead of getting freebies just because it is a Mime.
  • Onion Knight
    • Increased Move from 4 to 5
      Looking in regard to the mobility of Mime and as a special job, Onion Knights will have increased Move to give them the ability to get into a fight quickly if melee, or faster engagement time if ranged.


  • Holy Magicks (Alma)
    • Aegis – Increased Tick from 2 to 3
      This slowdown on Aegis is to reduce the spamming potential of this ability to provide a bit more window of countering its charging. With Swiftness, it can still be cast quickly around 1-2 turns, but cast times in the current CT flow can cause Aegis to cast a little slower than it did before.
  • Dragon (Reis)
    • Holy Breath:
      • Reverted calculation from [MA * 14] to [(MA + 14) / 2 * MA]
      • Changed from Linear AoE (line) to 1-tile “t-shaped” AoE
      • This ability can hit 1 – 5 times randomly within the AoE (and is still magic evadable)
      • Changes are ultimately similar to Omnislash’s behavior except the number of hits is entirely random and function closer to the vanilla version of Holy Breath
        When the Breaths were changed to function the same way, Holy Breath ultimately lost its uniqueness as a skill. These changes brings back some of the randomness of how it originally operated but within a tighter AoE and 1 cast could only hit 1 time upwards to 5 hits.
  • Spellblade (Beowulf)
    • Zombie – Increased PWR from 100 to 130
    • Berserk – Increased PWR from 120 to 130
    • Confuse – Increased PWR from 130 to 155
    • Disable – Decreased PWR from 185 to 145
    • Break – Decreased PWR from 120 to 110
    • After re-assessing Spellblade, some abilities received a bump in PWR to be over the 50% hit chance without Faith status and Disable and Break received reductions to fall in-line better with the strengths of these statuses.
  • Magicks (Valmafra)
    • Added 3 new faithless abilities previously exclusive to monsters: Thunder Anima, Water Anima, and Wind Anima.
    • Important notes about Anima abilities:
      • Each ability is 14 PWR and calculates using [MA * 14]
      • 4 Range, single-target
      • No MP cost, unevadable, can trigger Magick Counter, direct line of sight, and can be cast while silenced
    • Thunder Anima – Lightning magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Blind
    • Water Anima – Water magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Doom
    • Wind Anima – Wind magic damage with a 19% chance to Inflict: Confuse
    • Removed Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga
    • Added Death (Black Magicks), Empowerment, and Invigoration (Mystic Arts)
    • Rearranged instant-casting abilities to the top of the Magicks skillset
      Why were the anima abilities added? Based on feedback one of Valmafra’s biggest drawbacks is that her entire skillset is faith-based, and all have charge time excluding Gravity. Diving more into the Elementalist side of things, these new Anima abilities were added to give Val more flexibility with building her as you can purely build for MA now and disregard faith entirely if you choose to OR continue to build more into faith for devastating AoE potential.

      The Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga removal is because these abilities are ultimately redundant in scope especially with the changes to Boost/Halve gear.
  • Aim
    • Take Aim:
      • This ability now increases the bonus damage dealt by 33% instead of 5 PWR. This is initially slightly less damage (approx. 1-2% less), but now scales higher with damage modifiers
      • Doublehand now works with Take Aim
        The addition of Doublehand now means that Take Aim is as close to vanilla’s Aim+ as possible, while the 33% bonus instead of 5 PWR makes it fairer, easier to calculate, and ramps up better when you have Attack Boost/Vehemence/Doublehand.
  • Black Magicks
    • Fire/Blizzard/Thunder – Increased PWR from 15 to 18
      After re-assessing their PWR and Cure’s recent bump, these abilities could use a bit extra damage especially for instant-cast builds.
    • Death:
      • Reverted this ability (and formula) to its vanilla version, dealing maxHP damage if successful causing KO infliction through HP loss instead of attempting to just inflict KO status
      • Note: this ability still respects KO immunity and will “zero out” if so
      • Due to this reversion, Death can now fully heal living undead units
      • Additionally, added a 25% maxHP revive only when targeting undead units as a unique means to revive them before their counter reaches zero (no other ability can revive undead)
      • Increased MP cost from 24 to 34
      • Added text to the Help menu stating this ability can revive undead
        Based on feedback, cursed gear’s biggest drawback was that utilizing undead minions meant you only had the 50% (now 60%) means of waiting for the 2-tick countdown for them to come back to life. Now, players have an option to bring them back on demand, while still needing to do some specific team-building to cater to their weaknesses. As always – a legend, thank you @Tzepish.
  • Mystic Arts
    • Induration (stone) – Increased Tick from 3 to 4
      Tick increased slightly since stone infliction yields a technical KO.
  • Steal
    • Increased the Vert of all Steal Equipment abilities and Steal HP from 1 to 2
      Since Steal requires you to be point-blank, the verticality of these abilities are being increased so there’s a bit more flexibility to land the art of thievery.
  • Summon
    • Golem – Increased Tick from 4 to 5
      Tick increased to reduce the potential spamming of this ability.
  • Iaido
    • All Iaido abilities now have a hardcoded 33% break chance instead of being based on the Katana’s WP
      This nerf to Iaido is create a bit more room for breakage as it is now shifted into a ⅓ chance vs. ¼.
  • Bardsong and Dance
    • Decreased the PWR of all abilities, except the HP/MP ones, by 10 to offset the 20% increase in Performing Arts. This changes the following:
      • Rousing Melody – from 50 to 40
      • Battle Chant/Magickal Refrain – from 60 to 50
      • Nameless Song – from 70 to 60
      • Finale – from 34 to 24
      • Slow Dance – from 50 to 40
      • Polka/Heathen Frolic – from 70 to 60
      • Forbidden Dance – from 70 to 60
      • Last Waltz – from 34 to 24
        The adjustment in PWR is to reinforce needing Performing Arts on non-Bard/Dancer though some abilities are still fairly performant even with the PWR reduction.
    • Nameless Song – Increased Tick from 5 to 6
      This increase in cast time is so that this ability fires slower, and reinforces Rousing Melody’s place in terms of the premier Haste bardsong.

Reaction/Support/Movement Abilities

  • Monkey Grip – Added a warning to Monkey Grip’s help menu that it does not work with Reequip (this may be addressed in a future incremental and requires further discovery of the optimize equipment code)
  • Counter Throw – This reaction now triggers from HP Loss instead of physical attack sources
    This reaction now activates on all HP damage taken so you can get a bit more value out of slotting it. Keep in mind that while Throw Dagger is random, it does scale with Brawler/Attack Boost/Vehemence.
  • Doublehand – Increased the Forced Two-Handed bonus from 40 to 43%
    This small buff is to aid the rounding behind the math when using this ability so its value feels more true than the previous version.
  • Performing Arts – Increased the chance this ability improves with Bardsong/Dance abilities from 10 to 20%
    This change ultimately keeps the ability hit chance the same as they were in v4.4B except the base PWR of Bardsong/Dance has been lowered to compensate and further enforce this ability or Bard/Dancer to have the best effectiveness.
  • Nature’s Wrath – This reaction now additionally also triggers on any physical or magic ability that is Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Water, or Earth where it previously only either triggered on physical attacks or Geomancy. This is flagged for the following abilities:
      • Dragon – Breath attacks except Holy Breath
      • Nether Mantra – All except Corporeal Void
      • Limit – Cherry Blossom
      • Huntcraft – Earthsplitter
      • Magicks – Thunder Anima, Water Anima, Wind Anima
      • Black Magicks – Fire – Firaja, Blizzard – Blizzaja, Thunder – Thundaja
      • Summon – Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva, Titan, Salamander, Leviathan
      • Ja-Magicks – Aeroja, Waterja, Quake
        This buff to Nature’s Wrath is to further expand this reaction as a viable choice with it now being able to trigger off of non-Holy/Dark elemental damage from either damage type. Note that Nature’s Wrath triggers as AoE Geomancy still using the offender’s tile.

Equipment – Weapons

  • Axes
    • Slasher – Increased WP from 18 to 19
      Since this Axe has a random Rend ability while others are specific, the extra point of power is to entice using this while not having full control over what it breaks.
  • Fell Swords
    • Apocalypse – Increased WP from 18 to 20
      Though this weapon is purposefully lower WP than the other Fell Swords, this bump in WP is to help aid initial mitigated damage even if Celestial Void does cast and also gives a bit more damage on Darkness abilities that scale with WP.
  • Katanas
    • Changed calculations from [PA * WP * (Br / 100)] to [PA * WP * ((Br + 2) / 100)]
      With the buff to swords, Katanas are a bit behind in “effective WP” potential so this pulls them ahead after a +20 Bravery investment. Thank you to @Dr. Jay for highlighting the initial damage discrepancy.
  • Ninja Blades
    • Orochi – Added Inflicts: Poison (50%)
      Since Orochi doesn’t offer any specific value outside of Absorb HP, this ninja blade now has a chance to apply damage-over-time to targets hit while healing from each successive strike and this now sets it a part from Blood Sword and Muramasa.

Equipment – Gear

  • “Cursed” equipment – Removed Reraise immunity and Help menu text from all equipment as Undead and Reraise status are already immune to each other by default 
    This change is made to clarify this interaction which was already there in the original game. The only way you can perma-dead a unit is if you have Angel Ring + Cursed gear equipped.
  • Cherche:
    • Removed +1 PA/MA and Equip: Float, Regen
    • This item now restores 20% maxMP per end of turn
    • Added +1 Speed
      Honing in on the “refreshing” aspect of this item’s flavor text, this now has a unique utility that stacks with Manafont or can allow casters to not lean typically on Manafont and change their mobility options entirely.
  • Thief’s Gloves – Additionally increases the Steal Equipment chance by 12%
    Originally, this was removed when the Safeguard and +1 Speed additions were added. However, after assessing the calculations of Steal and the need for high Speed in order to really move the hit%, this item will have some added Steal chance added back in to reinforce its theme and to further help remove pesky gear. This accessory also enables lesser Speed jobs to potentially slot Steal as a secondary as well.

Quality of Life

  • Status Effects
    • Faith/Atheist – These statuses when ability-sourced now persist through KO
      Instead of KO removing these “inflicted” statuses on death, these statuses will now persist and will continue to wind down on their duration while dead similarly to how Protect/Shell operates now.
    • Undead – Increased revival chance from 50 to 60%
      This 10% bump is to make the automatic revival a bit more in your favor when the 0-counter hits and a bit less concern about attempting to build with “cursed” setups.
    • Oil – This status effect is now removed if the target was KO’d
      Previous oiled-up targets could stay Oiled if the damage was greater than their remaining HP on death. This change addresses that so that this debuff is no longer persistent through death which previously allowed for consecutive bonus elemental damage if the unit was revived later.
  • Practice Mode (Araguay Woods)
    • Delita Team (West)
      • Replaced Archer with Samurai (F)
        • Equip: Ice Bow, Close Helmet, Lordly Robe, Elven Cloak
        • Abilities: Iaido, Items, Dragonheart, Equip Bows, Dexterity
    • Mustadio Team (West)
      • Mustadio – Replaced Arcane Strength with Swiftness
    • Cloud Team (East)
      • Cloud
        • Replaced Iaido skillset with Aim
        • Cloud now prioritizes using Limit abilities
      • Archer
        • Replaced Ward with First Strike
        • Replaced Death Strike with Concentration
      • Squire
        • Replaced Nagnarok with Toadsong
        • Replaced CT Boost with Reflexes
    • Valmafra Team (East)
      • Thief – Replaced Blind Knife with Cinquedea
    • Meliadoul Team (East)
      • Archer – Replaced HP Boost with Death Strike
      • Ninja
        • Replaced Move +2 with Dexterity
        • Replaced Cherche with Invisibility Cloak
      • Bard – Replaced Arcane Strength with HP Boost
    • Special Encounter Team
      • Marach – Replaced Defense Boost with Attack Boost
  • Single Player/Campaign
    • Adjusted item prices and all following items are only available at Chapter 2’s start (except Steadfast Ring which is already available at the start of Chapter 3):
      • Cursed Helm – 200 to 20,000
      • Cursed Armor – 800 to 30,000
      • Cursed Robe – 300 to 20,000
      • Cursed Garb – 500 to 20,000
      • Cursed Shield – 400 to 30,000
      • Escort Guard – 150 to 30,000
      • Steadfast Ring – 10,000 to 50,000
        Prices were exponentially increased to reduce players from being able to buy these at the start of the game and to make these grind worthy. This change is to only address feedback about these items’ accessibility if venturing forth in the story with the PvP Patch.

Competitive Standard v5.0

  • Characters
    • Valmafra
      • Increased base PA from 13 to 14
      • Increased base MA from 15 to 17
      • Increased Move from 3 to 4 (as Witch of the Coven)
      • Changes affect Rendezvous/SLOT 2
        Based on feedback, Valmafra’s base PA/MA is being buffed a bit to help not only her offensive capabilities but to also better transition her onto either physical or magic-based jobs. She plays a lot more hybrid-like and is much more of a force to be reckoned with. Thank you all for the feedback regarding her state in earlier updates and I am hoping to see more Valmafra playability!
  • Limited and Semi-Limited Gear Restriction Update
    • NEW Semi-Limited – Gae Bolg
    • NEW No Longer Limited – Cursed Helm
    • Note: all limited/semi-limited updates affect Rendezvous/SLOT 2
    • Consumables
      • Shuriken, Flameburst Bomb, Snowmelt Bomb, and Spark Bomb – Decreased from 10 to 5 (also affects Rendezvous/SLOT 2)
        Cursed Helm being at 3x is treated similarly to Onion Helm and allows for a bit more accessibility for Undead-themed teams while still retaining helms limitation in jobs.

Generics Premade v5.0

4 new premade builds join the roster in this official update to make the Generics Premade/SLOT 1 format a generics-only format! Additionally, some previously “lower” level gear that was equipped primarily as filler has been swapped out with gear that is also accessible in Standard and Rendezvous to improve item consistency and availability across all Tactics League formats. Stats have been adjusted ultimately to avoid adding “power” to builds and the goal is mostly for aesthetics and consistency.

  • Characters
    • DMG-Aquafina (NEW by @Mistral)
      • Role – Damage
      • Female Knight
      • Equipment:
        • Caladbolg, Kaiser Shield, Genji Helm, Luminous Robe, Sortilege
      • Abilities:
        • Arts of War – Bulwark, War Cry, Rend Speed
        • Ja-Magicks – Waterja
        • Reaction – Replenish
        • Support – Monkey Grip
        • Movement – Dexterity
    • DMG-Red Mage (NEW by @Rumer)
      • Role – Damage
      • Male Black Mage
      • Equipment:
        • Runeblade, Red Hood, Black Robe, Protect Ring
      • Abilities:
        • Black Magicks – Fira, Blizzara, Thundara
        • White Magicks – Cura, Raise
        • Reaction – Mana Shield
        • Support – Equip Swords
        • Movement – Move +2
    • TNK-Echo (NEW)
      • Role – Tank
      • Male Mime
      • Equipment:
        • Hydrascale Bag, Celebrant’s Miter, Black Garb, Sortilege
      • Abilities: N/A
    • SPT-Agent (NEW)
      • Role – Support
      • Male Orator
      • Equipment:
        • 2x Tiny Bee, Acacia Hat, Ringmail, Elven Cloak
      • Abilities:
        • Speechcraft – Entice, Praise, Intimidate, Preach, Enlighten, Hush, Insult, Mimic Darlavon
        • Time Magicks – Haste, Slow, Immobilize
        • Reaction – Vanish
        • Support – Dual Wield
        • Movement – Move +2
    • TNK-Souleater (NEW, replaces TNK-Guardian)
      • Role – Tank
      • Female Dark Knight
      • Equipment:
        • Arondight, Grand Helm, Peytral, Nu Khai Armband
      • Abilities:
        • Darkness – Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike, Abyssal Blade, Unholy Sacrifice Black Magicks – Poison, Death
        • Reaction – CT Boost
        • Support – Arcane Strength
        • Movement – Dexterity
    • DMG-Shadow
      • Replaced Kodachi with Iga Blade
      • Replaced Reflexes with Vanish
      • Replaced Move +2 with Dexterity.
    • DMG-Sorcerer
      • Increased base HP by 31
      • Increased base MA from 21 to 22
    • DMG-Warden
      • Replaced Papyrus Codex (book) with Icebrand (sword) since this weapon is normally disallowed via job (geomancer)
      • Replaced Wizard’s Robe with Black Robe to retain Boosts: Ice
    • DMG-Hunter
      • Added Break Aim to Aim skillset
      • Removed Throw Dagger from Fundaments skillset
      • Replaced Headgear with Green Beret
    • DMG-Berserker
      • Replaced Francisca with Slasher
      • Replaced Headgear with Green Beret
    • DMG-Parivir
      • Replaced Diamond Helm with Genji Helm
    • DMG-Armiger
      • Added Aim skillset as a secondary which includes Take Aim and Break Aim
      • Replaced Iron Sword with Diamond Sword
      • Replaced Headgear with Headband
      • Replaced Leather Armor with Ringmail
    • DMG-Zen
      • Removed Mythril Shield
      • Replaced Equip Shields with Doublehand (doublehanding Whale Whisker)
      • Increased base MA from 13 to 15
    • DMG-Lancer
      • Added Steal Weapon and Steal Accessory to Steal skillset since this character is the only one with access to Steal
      • Removed Borrowed Time from Steal skillset
      • Increased base HP by 30
      • Decreased PA from 16 to 14
      • Decreased SP from 15 to 14
      • Replaced Obelisk with Gae Bolg
    • TNK-Sentinel
      • Replaced Platinum Helm with Vanguard Helm
    • TNK-Guardian
      • Replaced Brass Coronet with Grand Helm since this gear is normally disallowed via job (knight)
      • Replaced Platinum Armor with Peytral
    • SPT-Apothecary
      • Replaced Geomancy with Throw skillset, which only includes Bombs
      • Replaced Arcane Strength with Safeguard
      • Replaced Leather Cloak with Elven Cloak
    • SPT-Stalwart
      • Replaced Mythril Gun with Muse’s Harp
      • Replaced Equip Guns with Brawler
      • Decreased PA from 34 to 25
    • SPT-Distractor
      • Increased MA from 1 to 14
    • Inventory
      • Added 3x Fuma Shuriken for DMG-Shadow to use with Throw
      • Decreased Flameburst Bomb, Snowmelt Bomb, and Spark Bomb from 10 to 3 each
      • Decreased Ethereal Tonic from 10 to 3
      • Decreased all other Chemist “tonics” from 10 to 5