Archives 2022

PvP Job Series: Time Mage

As we continue the Tactics PvP Job Series, we will have a look at the viability and the performance of the Time Mage job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Based on the above ratings, Time Mage seems like a decent job role especially if looking for something in the mage department. Let’s focus more on the reasoning below.

For more information on this job, visit the job link: Time Mage.


Time Mage’s Time Magicks ability tree primarily focuses on slowing down or speeding people up with a few damaging magicks in their arsenal. Like any other mage in Tactics, their magicks require time to cast, so it is always important to utilize Turn Order to get the best spells off. The status effect ones are also best served when the caster and target have fairly high Faith, increasing the odds of it landing. Let’s take a look at Time Mage’s notable magicks below:

Haste (action) – This ability applies a status effect that increase allies’ CT gauge by 50% causing them to get more turns often. Very vital in order to dominate the field quickly.

Slow (action) – This ability removes the Haste status (if any) and halves the target’s Speed stat, effectively reducing how often a character gets a turn.

Quick (action) – Has a chance to give the target an immediate turn once casted. This can be utilized with Turn Order to do “combos” or deal enough damage in a way to gain a KO against your opponent.

Mana Shield (reaction) – This Bravery-percent chance ability converts HP damage to MP instead and works as long as you have at least 1 MP if it procs. Very powerful, especially in the Starter format.

Swiftness (support) – This passive reduces the “Spell Speed” of all action abilities except for Aim, Sing, Dance, and Jump by half, rounded up. Very handy when Speed is king and you are trying to use magicks.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 75% | MP: 120% | SP: 100% | PA: 50% | MA: 130% | C-EV: 5 |
Move: 3 | Jump: 3

Can equip: Staves, Hats, Clothing, Robes

Next up, let’s focus on Time Mage’s stats. When compared to Black Mage’s 100% SP and 150% MA, you will see that Time Mage is a statistically weaker version of Black Mage. Because of this, Time Magicks seems best as a secondary than using it as a primary, unless the game rules/format has job restrictions. One thing to mention is that Time Mage does have access to staves versus Black Mages with rods, so some gear choices may differ depending on the playstyle. Also, if you need Haste in a speedy format, Samurai’s Iaido has access to that in an instant ability which is likely better in the long run.


Time Mage is a decent job, but it is overshadowed by Black Mage as a main job. Their abilities are control-focused, but they are likely best used as a secondary. Mana Shield and Swiftness are strong and versatile abilities that will likely find their way in most builds.

Starter 2.0 Update and Save Data v2.2

Today, we are launching an update to the official save data that brings a host of changes to generics premade, monsters premade, and competitive starter.

To download the version 2.2 save data go here:

Starter 2.0

  • Set each character’s Level and Exp to 99. Each generic character is treated as if they leveled from 1 to 99 as a Squire. Each unique is treated as their special job from Lv. 1 to 99. Please do not Level Down/Up the characters for integrity purposes.
  • All generic characters have their Bravery and Faith set to 60. Please do not modify these values.
  • All unique characters have their starting Bravery and Faith value. Please do not modify these values.
  • Removed all Arithmeticks action abilities from each character. You can still use Arithmetician’s passive abilities and can still use the Arithmetician job but they will not have usable action abilities.
  • Removed Move/Jump +3 from all characters due to map changes.
  • Added Ovelia to replace Orlandeau. She has innate Arcane Defense, Defense Boost, and stone immunity.
  • Removed permanent re-raise gear: Onion Armor, Grand Armor, Brave Suit, Chantage, and Angel Ring.
  • All equipment (weapons, armor, and accessories) have had a global reduction to a maximum of 3.
  • All end-game and specific gear have been either limited to 1, or semi-limited to 2.
  • All consumables have had a global reduction to a maximum of 10.
  • Elixir has been set to a maximum of 1.
  • Phoenix Down has been set to a maximum of 5.

For integrity purposes, there is a Trello board link with a list of all the “naked” stats of each character in the roster as well as the limited, semi-limited, and consumable and gear limits found here:

Monsters Premade 1.1

  • Increased MA from 19 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage on Featherbomb, which was lacking compared to other ranged abilities but is still less than others to reinforce its melee usage. It will now deal 48 damage un-mitigated.
[Hardthorn/Elder Treant]
  • Increased MA from 15 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage on Leaf Rain. Hardthorn is a [tank] and its damage is AoE, but it is also underperforming especially when coupled with Leaf Rain having 0 vert. It will now deal 72 damage un-mitigated.
  • Increased MA from 14 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage from its Beastmaster ability, Breathe Fire. This ability was underperforming and there was not much reason to try to unlock to use in the first place, even against a fire-weak monster. It will now deal 96 damage un-mitigated.
  • Increased MA from 19 to 24.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage on Flame Attack. It will now deal 72 damage un-mitigated.
[Soulcage/Skeletal Fiend]
  • Increased MA from 21 to 25.
  • Comment: This increase was to buff the damage of its Anima abilities as they were underperforming compared to other ranged attacks. It will now deal 50 damage un-mitigated.

Generics Premade 2.0

  • Reduced his maximum MP from 264 to 154 .
  • Comment: This change was to reduce his ability to constantly cast Spellblade abilities; this should give more thoughtful play in using his kit and more counters to him by using abilities that drain MP.

PvP Job Series: Black Mage

As we continue the Tactics PvP Job Series, we will have a look at the viability and the performance of the Black Mage job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Based on the performance rating, Black Mage is definitely going to be a pick in most teams, especially for formats like Starter, so let’s deep dive into more of that below.

For more information on this job, visit the job link: Black Mage.


Black Mage’s Black Magicks kit is focused on damaging magicks with a few dangerous status effects in Toad and Death. Like its restorative counter-part, White Mage, the effectiveness of their magicks are based on the casters and target’s Faith; the more they have, the greater the damage. While we won’t be going over each spell in their arsenal, we will highlight the ones you will likely come across in PvP:

Fire/Blizzard/Thunder and their -ara/-aga variants (actions) – These elemental damaging magicks are good for ranged damage though they do require higher charge time depending on the version used. Depending on the format, some enemies may be weak to certain element-types while either absorbing, halving, or negating others so it is mindful to check the target’s gear beforehand.

Magic Counter (reaction) – Though this requires some prediction picks regarding your opponent, Magic Counter is handy at being a possible check against certain incoming spells, causing the same magic casted at you to be returned back to them (normal conditions still apply, such as having enough MP and doesn’t work while silenced). This reaction can also proc off of magic guns, but does not work against Iaido or Arithmeticks.

Arcane Strength (support) – This passive increases all of your damaging attacks that are considered magical by 33%. This includes things like Iaido and Geomancy. This passive also slightly increases the chance of status effects from magicks such as Toad.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 75% | MP: 120% | Speed: 100% | PA: 60% | MA: 150% | C-EV: 5 | Move: 3 | Jump: 3

Can equip: Rods, Hats, Clothing, Robes

So why does Black Mage have an overall rating of 4? First, let’s take a look at their primary stats listed above. What gives them such a high rating is their 150% MA. This makes them a very suitable role as a magic damage dealer and having a high base MA makes things like Iaido more potent which they are exceptionally well at with its mixture of damage and support skills. Also, having a 120% MP pool is nothing to scoff at either for sustaining magick casts.


Black Mage is a very versatile magic user with solid options for damage in their own kit and flexibility with other job abilities that center around Magick Attack. Similar to their White Mage counterpart, they are fairly squishy even in clothes, so they best serve from the back-row attacking from ranged.

PvP Job Series: White Mage

As we continue the Tactics PvP Job Series, we will have a look at the viability and the performance of the White Mage job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.


Rating: 3 out of 5.

Based on the above ratings, White Mage is a good option for PvP. But why is that? Let’s look more into the job’s abilities and stats below.

For more information on this job visit the job link: White Mage


White Mage’s ability tree, White Magicks, focuses on using curative spells to restore lost HP, remove status effects, improve damage mitigation, and they have a strong damaging ability in Holy. Keep in mind like any other magick, their effectiveness is based on the casters and target’s Faith; the more, the better. We won’t focus on each ability, but we will highlight the ones that will likely be used in PvP a lot:

Cure/Cura/Curaga (action) – The main HP restorative heal White Mages use to keep their allies alive. The higher the Cure, the stronger the heal, but also the longer it takes to charge the magick.

Esuna (action) – Status effects are fairly prominient in PvP, and Esuna does a great job with cleansing most effects that can cripple your units from acting effectively.

Holy (action) – Holy is a damaging spell that is single-target and very strong at what it does. Be careful though as their are gear or accessories that can absorb Holy-elemental damage, causing them to heal from it instead.

Arcane Defense (support) – This passive abilitiy reduces incoming magic-type damage by 33% really handy against Iaido and other forms of damaging magicks.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 80% | MP: 120% | Speed: 110% | PA: 90% | MA: 110% | C-EV: 10 | Move: 3 | Jump: 3

Can equip: Staves, Shields, Hats, Clothing, Robes

Their stats aren’t anything particularly special, but the most noticeable thing is their Speed and PA. Because of them having 90% PA, White Mages can wield weapons like Zeus Mace and utilize things like Martial Arts or Arts of War (both of which rely on PA). Be cautious doing this, as this will have an effect on the upper-end of your healing with your White Magicks (which focus on MA), and attacking with Zeus Mace uses MA not PA for damage calculations. Overall this is probably not the best idea as they would be squishy in melee range since they can only equip clothing and robes by default. They will probably still function best in the back row, supporting their team.


White Mages are adept at what they do; providing healing and cleanses, and physical and magical mitigation (via Protect and Shell). They serve as a generally good main job when put into the support role and are best suited for back-row play.

Official Game Settings Update

The Tactics League official game settings and map pool is getting some changes today that we are going to go over. As a reminder, these settings are for use with our official save data it isn’t necessary when playing a few casual games with a friend.

Game Settings Changes

We have added a 40 Action Limit to all premade and starter formats. This was done in preparation for future tournaments; to reduce stalling and make each turn more impactful in the course of the game. The new game settings are as followed:

Map Selection – Manual

Time Limit – 15 minutes

Action Limit – 40

Special Controls – Off

Trap Placement – None

Arithmeticks – Allow (this setting needs to be allowed for premades that use it)

Map Pool Changes

We have also changed our map pool selection. We have removed maps classified as large-size as they tend to cause games to take much longer and can also be used to promote stalling. We have also added 2 new maps and re-classified Gariland as a medium-sized map, making its return instead of being removed. Here are the changes:

Removed large maps:
Araguay Woods, Balias Swale, Monastery Vaults – Level 3, Zeklaus Desert

Added maps:
Mandalia Plain (small), Dorvauldar Marsh (med), Gariland (med)

We hope that these changes provide positive changes to PvP Tactics. We are always looking at feedback, so make sure to post in our Discord if you have any.

For the new map pool and game settings, visit game settings.

PvP Job Series: Knight

As we continue the Tactics PvP Job Series, we will have a look at the viability of the Knight job as the main role in PvP for competitive use.

PvP Performance Statcard


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Based on the above performance, Knights are a solid job role, making them one of the better choices for PvP. Let us focus more on that below.

For more information on this job visit the link: Knight.


A Knight’s biggest focus is their Arts of War ability tree, which focuses on rending or breaking various equipment or lowering the stats of their target. To make the most use of Arts of War you will need to be behind the target and have a notable amount of Physical Attack (PA) as their abilities use that in part in calculating the success rate of their kit. In addition to that, the better their weapon’s Power, the better the odds of successfully breaking the targeted gear. We won’t focus on each action ability as they function similarly to each other but we will highlight the more commonly used ones:

Rend Weapon (action) – This is the bread and butter ability to break an opponent’s weapon. Most jobs rely on their weapon to deal greater damage and some, especially the uniques like Cloud or Beowulf, lose a lot of their functionality to their skillsets when their weapons are broken. As always, your best results is striking from their rear.

Rend Shield/Rend Helm/Rend Armor (action) – Breaking a target’s shield will reduce their evasiveness, making it easier to get attacks and other abilities to hit. Breaking a target’s helm or armor is ideal if the have gear that is nullifying status effects or are providing them buffs like Protect, Shell, or Haste.

Parry (reaction) – This reaction ability is very good when coupled with weapons that have high parry rate such as Defender or one of the cloths as this unlocks their ability to act as a form of evasion from the front or sides. This ability is always on and does not require a trigger for it to proc.

Equip Swords (support) – Notably, this ability allows for other jobs to use swords (no Knight’s Swords or Fell Swords). This tends to find its way on builds that want to access the variety of different swords and it was worth mentioning because of that.


Stats as a primary job: HP: 120% | MP: 80% | Speed: 100% | PA: 120% | MA: 80% | C-EV: 10 | Move: 4 | Jump: 3

Can equip: Swords, Knight’s Swords, Shields, Helm, Armor, Robes

Besides being able to break weapons and lower the stats of others, Knights also have a good mixture of stats and with a C-EV of 10 coupled with a shield, they can also become agile against incoming damage. Their base Move of 4 helps with quickly getting into position for rending. Notably, their PA is a good starting ground for raising their physical power more to become more successful with their Arts of War.


Knights are a solid option for primary jobs looking to make tankier setups and wanting to add some control elements through their action abilities. Their abilities’ range is also based on their weapon so you can even use Arts of War from afar and you can also get another chance to break by dual-wielding.